girl scout cookies

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    Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express Shout out to WSE and @420 for putting together this kick ass opportunity!
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    Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express Shout out to WSE and @420 for putting together this kick ass opportunity!
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    Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express . Another huge thank you to them and to @420 for sponsoring the 420 Magazine Comparative Grow! I appreciate you letting me be a part of this. Blessings to you all!
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    Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express - You can see the fresh granules of @DYNOMYCO around the seed!
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    Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express - You can see the fresh granules of @DYNOMYCO around the seed!
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    Getting ready for moving the seeds into their first home! @DYNOMYCO mixed into the top of the soil to inoculate the new soil with life! Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express
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    Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express - 4 of 6 at the 75ish hour mark
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    Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express - 4 of 6 at the 75ish hour mark
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    Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express - 4 of 6 at the 66ish hour mark
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    Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express - 4 of 6 at the 60ish hour mark
  11. Special delivery!

    Special delivery!

    Sponsored by @Weed Seeds Express
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    Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express ready to burst! About 45 hours after a 24ish hour dunk and 20+ in the paper towel.
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    24 hr soak and into the paper towel. @Moto258 was yelling at me and forced me to get them into a paper towel. Damn peer pressure! ;)
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    My seeds are magical! They decided to float again. Ignore the air bubbles...that has nothing to do with it!
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    20 hour mark and 5 sunk with one being stubborn. I hope it's not a dud. Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express
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    Air bubbles! Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express soaking at 20 hrs.
  17. BakedARea

    420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By BakedARea

    HAPPY 420 DAY Y'ALL!!! I was not expecting nor was I ready to start this journal tonight. I'll be damned if I don't keep my word about starting it when I got the seeds. That was today! With that said, a big ole California hug and huge thanks to @420 and the staff of :420: for having this...
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    Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express
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    Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express
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    Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express
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