girl scout cookies

  1. 20210517171233__MG_2952-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #3 - Veg Day 5
  2. 20210517170920__MG_2946-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #2 - Veg Day 5
  3. 20210517171010__MG_2948-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #2 - Veg Day 5
  4. 20210517170141__MG_2937-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #3 - Veg Day 5
  5. 20210517170554__MG_2940-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1 - Veg Day 5
  6. 20210517165400__MG_2926-02.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1,2,3 - Veg Day 5 - Post 1st Feeding with @GeoFlora Nutrients #7,8,9 - Seedling Day 5
  7. 20210517170653__MG_2943-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express
  8. 20210517171448__MG_2957-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #7,8,9 - Seedling Day 8
  9. Slammy Pajama

    420 Magazine's Official Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow By Slammy Pajama

    :cheer: AND SO IT BEGINS!! :cheer: Ol' Slammy Pajammy was quite thrilled to see a little FedEx package awaiting our arrival home today!! The fantastic folks down at @Weed Seeds Express did everything in their power to make sure these seeds made it down to me here in Australia, even through...
  10. 20210516055009__MG_2885-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1 - Veg Day 4
  11. 20210516054804__MG_2883-04.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1, 2, & 3 - Veg Day 4 #7, 8, & 9 - Seedling Day 7
  12. 20210516055626__MG_2900-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #9 - Seedling Day 7
  13. 20210516054835__MG_2884-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1 - Veg Day 4
  14. 20210516055926__MG_2908-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #9 - Seedling Day 7 - Looking a little funky. Hard to see it in the picture though.
  15. 20210516055546__MG_2899-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #8 - Seedling Day 7
  16. 20210516060025__MG_2909-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #8 - Seedling Day 7 - Looking happy as can be!
  17. 20210516055045__MG_2886-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #3 - Veg Day 4
  18. 20210516055412__MG_2896-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #7 - Seedling Day 7
  19. 20210516_073405-01.jpeg


    I found the O2 seedling from when I planted it in the ground 4/28. Looks like it may not open. I covered it up and moistened the soil again...just in case. Girl Scout Cookies by @Weed Seeds Express Comparative Grow
  20. 20210516055250__MG_2894-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #2 - Veg Day 4
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