girl scout cookies

  1. 20210529_054349-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express, nutrients by @GeoFlora Nutrients , microbes by @DYNOMYCO , pest management by @Sierra Natural Science #1,2,3 - Veg Day 17 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 13
  2. 20210529_054412-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express, nutrients by @GeoFlora Nutrients , microbes by @DYNOMYCO , pest management by @Sierra Natural Science #1,2,3 - Veg Day 17 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 13
  3. 20210527_075816-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express, nutrients by @GeoFlora Nutrients , microbes by @DYNOMYCO , pest management by @Sierra Natural Science #1,2,3 - Veg Day 15 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 11
  4. 20210527_075918-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express, nutrients by @GeoFlora Nutrients , microbes by @DYNOMYCO , pest management by @Sierra Natural Science #1,2,3 - Veg Day 15 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 11
  5. 20210527_080004-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express, nutrients by @GeoFlora Nutrients , microbes by @DYNOMYCO , pest management by @Sierra Natural Science Expensive moisture meter (bamboo chopstick)
  6. 20210526_201154-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express Outdoors Zone 9B, California Neither of the directly sowed seeds made it.
  7. 20210526_201226-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express Outdoors Zone 9B, California O1 - 12 Days Above Soil...SIKE! It does not look a GSC baby after all.
  8. 20210526_201226-02.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express Outdoors Zone 9B, California Uhhh...I don't think this is what I thought it was going to be. :(
  9. 20210526014112__MG_3076-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express, nutrients by @GeoFlora Nutrients , microbes by @DYNOMYCO , pest management by @Sierra Natural Science #1,2,3 - Veg Day 14 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 10
  10. 20210526_005204-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express, nutrients by @GeoFlora Nutrients , microbes by @DYNOMYCO , pest management by @Sierra Natural Science #1,2,3 - Veg Day 14 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 10
  11. 20210526_013438-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express, nutrients by @GeoFlora Nutrients , microbes by @DYNOMYCO , pest management by @Sierra Natural Science #1,2,3 - Veg Day 14 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 10
  12. 20210526_013404-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express, nutrients by @GeoFlora Nutrients , microbes by @DYNOMYCO , pest management by @Sierra Natural Science #1,2,3 - Veg Day 14 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 10
  13. 20210526_013355-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express, nutrients by @GeoFlora Nutrients , microbes by @DYNOMYCO , pest management by @Sierra Natural Science #1,2,3 - Veg Day 14 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 10
  14. 20210526_005228-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express, nutrients by @GeoFlora Nutrients , microbes by @DYNOMYCO , pest management by @Sierra Natural Science #1,2,3 - Veg Day 14 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 10
  15. 20210525_064605-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1,2,3 - Veg Day 13 (May 12th) #7,8,9 - Veg Day 9 (May 16th)
  16. 20210524_065010-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1,2,3 - Veg Day 12 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 8
  17. 20210524_064952-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #1,2,3 - Veg Day 12 #7,8,9 - Veg Day 8
  18. 20210523065417__MG_3037-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #2 - Veg Day 11
  19. 20210523065230__MG_3032-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #2 - Veg Day 11
  20. 20210523065521__MG_3041-01.jpeg


    Official @420 Magazine Girl Scout Cookies Comparative Grow with genetics by @Weed Seeds Express #3 - Veg Day 11
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