
  1. U

    Stressed in the 6th week! Can the smell come back?

    So this is my first grow, however i've had some professional help. everything was going perfectly until a couple weeks ago when i noticed some powdery mildew. I would sit in my grow room, taking my time with my ipod plugged in to the speakers i have, and carefully remove affected leaves...
  2. damnyourhot

    Can i flower this yet?

    dammit all the hell i wrote this and acc closed the browser window aghh i hate myself right now ok i have two plants one small one taller taller on has broader leaves lighter color shorter one darker color longer skinny leaves i think i may have a sea of green plant seed witht he shorter...
  3. DROBB

    What up from Texas

    Hey all, newbie here, I was wondering if someone could tell me is it better to use bonemeal or bloodmeal during the veg stage, and then flowering. How much of a variance can I have in my light cycle. If im off half hour or so in either direction, are there if any adverse effects? Thanks for any...
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