first attempt

  1. Silkysmooth

    First Ever Grow - Lemon Haze Auto - 250W HPS

    Hello 420 firstly id like to start by saying how helpful this forum has been, i would not have been able to even think about starting a grow if it where not for all the useful information i have gathered from this forum! i have two tents one much larger but for now i want to see if i can...
  2. S

    Seraphis's Northern Lights - 2016 - My 1st Grow

    Hello all and well met! :ciao: I'm waiting on the parts for my first grow and wanted to get started on a journal to help track my progress and hopefully get some pointers along the way. I ordered some feminized auto flowering Vision Northern Lights and Vision Blueberry seeds from Herbies on...
  3. A

    Beginner's plant illness

    Hi Guys, Me and a friend, 3 month ago start a crop from seed, let me explain you the setup, We got -150 W HPS -400 W MH -300 LED -air exchanger -Fans We recently add the 300 W LED and at the same time we put our crop in flowering state, We are very carefull and we notice some leaf...
  4. J

    Preparing for gorilla grow

    Hello,I am ironing out my last problems to prepare for my first upcoming grow and i thought some experienced input would help. For my strain I'm going with Kaya Gold from nirvana. I plan on growing 10 plants and the 10 free ones. I am still debating if i should use the propaganda 2 to germinate...
  5. Y

    First Grow

    Very new to the idea of growing, but here it goes. ANY help/opinions will be greatly appreciated. I will detail my setup, so far. GROW BOX: 2 3/4' X 2 3/4' X 4' (inside painted white) Exhaust fan, 4" (225 cfm) pulling through DIY carbon filter (back, top left) 6' Fresh, intake filter...
  6. T

    T2's First Grow - Indoor - Soil - Clone Grow

    Hello all T2 here, I just recently started a my first real attempt at growing! My setup is: 4'x2'x5' grow tent 600w SolisTek magnetic ballast 600w Metal Halide bulb *On a 24hr light cycle in Veg right now Open Wing hood **I am in the process of getting real fans and a carbon filter** 3 5...
  7. WhiteShark

    First Timer - Undecided on Strain - Substrate - Lighting

    Hello world, I live in Denver so I wanted to try growing for the first time. So, I have been reading up for the last few hours and days and really am very torn as to where to start, but i definitely wanted to record all my experiences in a journal, as well as first and foremost get solid advice...
  8. N

    greetings everyone's new member

    Just want say hi to everyone I just signed up to the site. Will be starting my first grow very soon with a grow tent kit and 5 AK48 seeds. Anyone got any tips/tricks to help me with this? thanks everyone
  9. MagikClover

    First Grow - Minimalist Grow - Fall 2014

    Alright, so this my first time growing, or posting, ever. I decided to try my hand at growing so I ordered some seeds. My decision on which kind of seeds to choose came from research on flowering time and reviews of strain characteristics, both in high type and quality, and in ease of...
  10. I

    1st time grow with T5 on scrog

    So I'm about to start my first grow. I will have a space 2ftx4ft and 4ft high, I'm going with a SCROG setup, and am thinking about using T5 fluorescent. The one I'm looking at will fit perfectly as it's 47in by 22in and holds 8 T5 tubes. I've been doing some research and think this will work...
  11. G

    Costa Rican 1st Time Grower

    Hello guys, I ve decided to open up this thread in order to get as much help as possible from you. I have read tons of articles about it and i think i know a lot more than before, but its different the practical from the theorical. So ill post here how my grow goes. Just for you to know, im...
  12. D

    first grow, want input and feedback, advice anything welcome

    So im starting my first grow. For weeks ive been "prepping" so to say, buying lights and fans and other accessories to do this right. The grow is a closet set up only doing one plant for my first time. I have 4 23 watt 5000k cfl lights and 2 23 watt 2700k cfl lights lined my grow space, which I...
  13. W

    First Time Grow - Blue Cheese - G13 - Chemdawg - Organic

    Hi! I am a first time grower who happened to get some Blue Cheese, G13, and Chemdawg clones that were "sick". The plants were only a foot or so tall and already on a 12/12 with cinimon on the soil. The leaves were yellow and limp. The soil was completely dry. I tried my hardest to revive them...
  14. S

    Secret Jardine DR60 grow tent SCROG Prep and info

    Thanks for reading. Before this turns into a grow journal I want to see if any has any info, experience or knowledge that would help me do my scrog. Secret Jardine grow tent 60x60x150 250mh/hps light Vents tt 4'' outlet fan Buddy carbon filter I have vitalink grow feed and bloom for...
  15. S

    Help with heat and plants

    I always assumed from something I read that if the leaves are upwards pointing they are happy in their surroundings? If this is the case, my plants seem to be enjoying the temps at 32 celsius. I lowered the light to 6 inches from 10 using a 250mh not air cooled and they live life. Humidity...
  16. M

    First time casual grower

    I'm hoping to start my first indoor 1 plant grow. Only problem is that I haven't got a clue where to start on making my own grow setup, Especially since I wanna build this (At least for now) as cheap as possible and any money I save by not buying from external sources can go back into a better...
  17. A

    Please help, should I harvest now? Thanks

    Hi 420 first time growing. I have 2 plants. 1 female and 1 male and they are about 5 months. I want to use the male for butter and it's been around 2 weeks since the flowers started blooming and falling. I wanted to know if it's ready to harvest and make butter. If it's ready should I dry it...
  18. B

    220 Gallon Hydroponics - First Hydro Grow & Murphy´s Law Indeed Apply to Me

    5 regular skunk #01 10 regular Heavy duty Fruity 2 fem White Widow -1 didnt germ :/ 5 fem Pinapple Chunk Hi everybody! :cheertwo: 1 time hydro grower here, has grown outdoors before with some succes, but never inside before DWC System 2x 110 Gallon with...
  19. S

    What kind of lighting should I use?

    I'm new to this forum and this would be my first post and my first grow, currently my grow room is a good sized walk-in closet that I don't use in my home (I have a carbon filter and good ventilation with an ONA gel bucket after doing some re-modeling) I culled six seeds from about 4 ounces that...
  20. G

    Help a girl out, what does everyone think about this hydro system I got?

    What do you think? I'm a first time grower. When should I start adding nutrients after I put my seedlings in. Btw the seedlings will be in rockwool cubes with hydro balls thanks
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