
  1. C

    Liberals' Pot Plan Looks For Way To Detect And Deter Drug-Impaired Driving

    Test detects presence of THC but does not provide a level of intoxication. The man tasked with coming up with Canada's marijuana law has a proposal for dealing with one of the biggest issues facing legalization: prevention of driving under the influence of pot. While police can conduct field...
  2. R

    MI: Marijuana Debate Goes Mobile As 'Magic Number' For Driving While Stoned Sought

    How much marijuana makes someone too impaired to drive a vehicle? The answer isn't easy to find, but it's one more than 100 lawmakers are set on finding. The Michigan House are seeking a study to find the "magic number" of how much marijuana in a driver's blood means the person is...
  3. R

    Stoned Vs Drunk Driving: New Study Reveals Which Is More Dangerous

    Getting behind the wheel while stoned is indeed dangerous but not nearly as much as previously thought, according to a study by two Norwegian researchers. Published in the journal Addiction, the study investigated how likely drivers who had been using cannabis were to get into a car accident...
  4. R

    As Legal Marijuana Expands, States Struggle With Drugged Driving

    Washington State Patrol Sgt. Mark Crandall half-jokingly says he can tell a driver is under the influence of marijuana during a traffic stop when the motorist becomes overly familiar and is calling him "dude." The truth in the joke, Crandall says, is that attitude and speech patterns can be...
  5. R

    Colorado Still Not Sure Whether Legal Marijuana Made Roads Less Safe

    Three years after Colorado voted to legalize recreational marijuana, little is known about whether the state's roads are less safe – and law enforcement efforts remain largely focused on alcohol, not pot. One glaring example: A Coloradan who pleads guilty to driving under the influence of...
  6. R

    Manitoba: Driving High Not Enough For Conviction

    He admits smoking up before getting behind the wheel and feeling a bit "tipsy" as a result. But one of the first "driving while impaired by drug" cases in Manitoba has ended with the accused going free because a judge says it's not clear whether the accused's marijuana use had any significant...
  7. Jacob Redmond

    Canada: Medical Marijuana Users Not Being Targeted In Tweet, SGI Says

    Saskatchewan Government Insurance says it's not targeting medical marijuana users with a tweet showing pot and a medicine bottle that warns against driving while "high." The message appeared Tuesday on Twitter and read, "Just because you have a prescription, doesn't mean you can drive while...
  8. Jacob Redmond

    Michigan: Police Propose Changes To Medical Dispensary Bill, End Of Caregiver Model

    Michigan law enforcement officials are not fully backing plans to overhaul the state's medical marijuana system, but unlike last year, they aren't standing in the way of proposed legislation. "While law enforcement cannot support any legislation that by definition is illegal under federal law...
  9. Jacob Redmond

    Michigan: Police Propose Changes To Medical Dispensary Bill, End Of Caregiver Model

    Michigan law enforcement officials are not fully backing plans to overhaul the state's medical marijuana system, but unlike last year, they aren't standing in the way of proposed legislation. "While law enforcement cannot support any legislation that by definition is illegal under federal law...
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