
  1. Katelyn Baker

    OR: Can You Sell A Home With Marijuana Plants? Best To Pull Them Out, Say Experts

    Like most seasoned real estate experts, Charlie Kimberly has seen his share of off-putting elements included in a home sale. But a recent listing in Northeast Portland forced him to wonder if what he was selling was legal: A large marijuana plant was growing in the backyard. Turns out, it's...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    New Law Decriminalizes Marijuana In Missouri

    Missouri is the latest state to change its laws on marijuana. A new law, effective Jan. 1, decriminalizes possession of fewer than 10 grams of marijuana. However, as CBS-affiliate KOLR reports, some people could still be in trouble with the law if caught with marijuana. "That's why I...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    3 Factors That Could Change The DEA's Mind About Marijuana

    As we look back at 2016, pro-legalization enthusiasts, as well as hopeful investors, have every reason to smile at the progress that's been made with marijuana. While still an illegal substance at the federal level, five new states approved cannabis for medicinal use in 2016 (two of which did...
  4. M

    DIY Ebb & Flow System!

    Hey what's up fellow growers! I'm building my own flood and drain system! Im using a concrete mixing tray thats 32in×22in! Im curious to know how many plants i could comfortably fit in there to scrog them out! Just trying to go with a method that i will yield most!
  5. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Bringing The Cash Crop Into The Financial Mainstream

    Despite Proposition 64's clear mandate to end adult cannabis prohibition in California, a significant hurdle remains: how to legalize banking services for the newly legalized industry. Cannabis is a multibillion-dollar cash-only business in our state, which invites money laundering, tax...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    Trump And Marijuana - The Un-Rosy Scenario

    A few weeks ago I wrote a piece in this space ("Yikes! Sessions!," Nov. 24, 2016) that listed some of the reasons why I thought Trump wouldn't re-start the war on marijuana – despite the fact that he named Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, a reefer-madness-obsessed crank, as his choice for Attorney...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    What Colorado Pot Sales Could Fund In 2017

    Denver — Marijuana sales in Colorado are breaking records, reaching more than $1 billion in 2016. Those record sales are also generating a surplus of tax revenue, which the state is now allowed to keep thanks to the passage of Proposition BB last November. The surplus currently amounts to...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Marijuana Money Lending Is Still Risky

    Los Angeles – Viewed optimistically, it looks like Kyle Kazan's investment fund got an unbelievable deal when it loaned $2 million to Bud and Bloom. Terms call for the recently opened Los Angeles-area marijuana dispensary to pay a hefty 10 percent annual interest rate and, once Kazan and his...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    California's Marijuana Legalization Law Could Turn Pot Convictions Into Misdemeanors

    Last month Californians voted to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. What many do not know is that this new law allows for retroactive changes to the convictions of those convicted of felony pot possession. What that means is that those convictions could be turned into misdemeanors...
  10. S

    What kind of eggs are these?

    Went to lollipop my plants and found these little white balls everywhere. They are all towards the top of the plant and mostly on the stems. When I touch them they crumble which made me think they could be little pieces of perlite but they seem to uniform. One out of my 4 plants has it...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Legalization Could Mean Closure For Many B.C. Pot Shops, Province Says

    With marijuana legalization about to become a reality across Canada, the provincial government says it is not sure what taxes and distribution will look like in B.C. but warns many of the current pot shops in the province may not meet their requirements. A federal task force appointed by the...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    Pot Shops Could Be As Plentiful As Liquor Stores In Alberta

    The federal government released their final report on legalizing and regulating marijuana use in Canada on Tuesday. The Trudeau government is expected to legalize the use of marijuana in the spring and provincial and municipal regulations will be determined after that. There are over 3,000...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    Could Big Tobacco Take Over Pot Like It Did E-Cigs?

    With its customer base shrinking, the tobacco industry is seeking alternative products to traditional and profitable cigarettes. The $50 billion-per-year marijuana market will be a tempting takeover target. While opponents of legalization have long argued that marijuana could serve as a...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    The Number Of Marijuana Jobs Could Triple In The Years To Come

    Look around and you'll struggle to find an industry that's more blazing hot than marijuana. Back in 1995, not a single state had a law on its books legalizing medical cannabis or recreational pot. Today, following the November elections in which residents in eight out of nine states voted in...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    Why California's Legal Marijuana Sales Rollout Could Be Delayed

    Santa Rosa – Amid the euphoria of this weekend's famed Emerald Cup weed fest, there was this creeping buzzkill: the glacial rollout of legalization. Right when it seems like "The Great Pot Moment" is upon us, it turns out there are a lot of really tough regulatory issues to resolve first...
  16. I

    Could this be the result of being root bound?

    28 day old plant in a 1-2qt pot (6" across). Just topped for manifolding. I checked to see if she was ready for up-potting and I'm fairly certain what I saw is considered "root bound". The entire bottom 2/3 of the dirt was white from roots so I've already up-potted into a 5 gal. Sorry. No pic of...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    FL: Estero Could Press Pause On Medical Marijuana

    Estero - Medical marijuana is moving forward in the sunshine state as a treatment for those in a battle with a crippling disease. "I've had a mother and a fiancé die in the last five years with cancer, and they both used it, marijuana, to get some relief," said Marilee Burnette. Richard Wilson...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    Ireland: Landmark Dail Cannabis Bill Could Open Door For Billy

    A leading cannabis campaigner from Tyrone has said a landmark bill passed in the Dáil could open the door for medicinal cannabis users in the North. Barry Brown of CISTA (Cannabis is Safer Than Alcohol) was in the Dáil on Thursday, where the bill introduced by People Before Profit TD Gino Kenny...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    ME: Legal Marijuana Recount Could Drag On For Months

    Augusta, Maine - A recount of a public referendum that legalized recreational marijuana use in Maine got underway Monday. Staffers from the Secretary of State's Office and both campaigns huddled around tables to scrutinize the ballots, beginning with the ones from Maine's largest cities...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    MA: 3 Things To Watch For That Could Delay Or Alter The Marijuana Law

    Beacon Hill is abuzz over what changes might be made to the voter-passed law legalizing the recreational use of marijuana. Lawmakers, who opted not to take up legalization via legislation, are now considering how the law can be tweaked. Still to be determined is exactly what constitutes a...
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