
  1. hazeluv69

    Rock resonator, use through flush or cut off before?

    A bit of background info - growing in coco, canna nutrients and now in flowering so I’m using rock resonator. It’s around week 4 of using it. The rock is working wonders. Just wanna know if you use it are you supposed to use it through flush or stop before your flush because I’ve seen...
  2. hazeluv69

    Oscillating fan causing high humidity during flower!

    As the title says, my oscillating fan is causing my humidity to rise too high in my grow tent and I’m like a month into flower so I tend to leave my extraction on 24/7 but no blowing air on the leaves as it’s raising humidity as I don’t want no Mold or rot. Is this okay that I’ve got my...
  3. hazeluv69

    Choice between the fan on: high humidity, or fan off: low humidity, flowering please help

    Hi I’ve ran into an issue during my mid flowering, I know ideal humidity range is like 40-60 , so that’s why I am asking the following question kinda - to explain my issue , if I have my oscillating fan on My humidity rises a lot and I need it down & if I leave the fan off the humidity is...
  4. hazeluv69


    Discovered I have a hermaphrodite in my bunch of plants, what should I do? Remove it straight away and bin the plant? Is there any way around this? I don’t want it to pollinate the rest of my plants of course! Is it okay to remove the pollen sacs and stick it back in the tent? I grow in coco...
  5. C

    Blue Cheese Auto: CalMag Deficiency Or Something Else?

    Hey guys, Working on a blue cheese auto seed that has been in coco coir for almost two months. I initially had issues with not feeding the plant as a seedling so I believe I stunted growth a bit, regardless she seems to be flowering, but looks a little weak (hanging low) and light green colored...
  6. Dkmg01

    DK's Pub & Grow Part 2

    Pub & Grow part 2 Hello all! :woohoo: I'm from South Africa and will be Journaling my grow again. As always all and any advice or information is gladly welcomed with open arms. :cheer: First off! I'd like to tag and thanks those that have helped me : @Backlipslide @InTheShed @Preston9mm...
  7. hazeluv69

    Rotten egg smell from run off water?

    Okay I’ll get straight to it! I am growing under a 600w hps which is currently adjusted to 400w, I have different age clones , 3 being around 8 weeks and the other 2 are 4 weeks ish. Growing in coco. Had a pest problem recently so I have been using some horticultural soapy spray. Not my issue...
  8. hazeluv69

    Where to place sticker fly traps?

    So I’ve noticed some thrips , small and flying so I’m just wondering where to place store bought window sticker fly traps in my grow room? Like where would be the best/ideal location? On the walls or on a stick?
  9. hazeluv69

    Devastated! Little white insects on my leaves!

    So just went to give my plants a little look at they are around 7 weeks old veg, and the one of em I have noticed little white really tiny insects just moving forward like a tiny work! My second grow and I am worried ? Any help please !! I am growing in coco too
  10. Ruff303

    Feeding in coco help please

    Hi guys me again lol so I’ve been doing some more reading and think I’ve been feeding wrong ...should I be making sure each time I give them there food it drains out the bottom? And how often I’ve just been using the weight of the pot as a guideline ? ... don’t think I’ve been giving enough...
  11. UltraEndurance420

    Ultra’s Indoor Coco Autos: Amnesia Haze, Blueberry, NL, 2020

    Heyyyyy guys and gals and all identifiable genders in between or beyond!! I’m kind of new around here and would love to meet (virtually) many more of you. I’m starting my second indoor grow. I have another current journal of indoor autos in soil, about 6.5 weeks in, but giving coco a go on some...
  12. Yancey420

    Too much water?

    So thanks to @MochaBud and @PK1 ive officially properly watered my ladies but I feel like they may be drooping , what do you think? 3ml cal-mag per gallon, took about 5 gallons for all 6, drained runoff, also switched to 18/6 schedule but want to know thoughts on 20/4? Also I’ve realized I’ve...
  13. Yancey420

    First indoor grow, help!

    4x2 tent started with 2 600watt led then realized I was burning then so I took one out, still having a bit of a yellowish color, currently 20 days old all autos, 2 blue dream, 2 big bud and 2 berry also on a 24 hr light schedule
  14. Marsella

    Noob’s First One: 2x2, 125W QB, Coco

    Hi guyz ! Im very new and this will be my first experience as a grower so all your advices are well welcome, English isn’t my language but I’ll try to do my best (I’m also new to us/uk forums so I’m trying to learn your words for growing !). « Sadly » i have to go on hollidays in a month or...
  15. Mad Miss Mary8 - Haze Auto

    Mad Miss Mary8 - Haze Auto

    6 inches of solid sticky goodness.....BAHAHAHA! Sorry!
  16. Mad Miss Mary7 - Haze Auto

    Mad Miss Mary7 - Haze Auto

    Happy with stem. Roots went crazy like that at week 3 filled the pot (3 gallon pot).
  17. Mad Miss Mary6 - Haze Auto

    Mad Miss Mary6 - Haze Auto

    Birdseye 2 days after last pic.
  18. Mad Miss Mary5 - Haze Auto

    Mad Miss Mary5 - Haze Auto

    Birdseye closeup...frosty goodness!
  19. Mad Miss Mary4 - Haze Auto

    Mad Miss Mary4 - Haze Auto

    Birdseye view...very happy with number of tops.
  20. Mad Miss Mary3 - Haze Auto

    Mad Miss Mary3 - Haze Auto

    Bud closeup!
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