
  1. B

    Update for small closet CFL/fluorescent grow

    Here is a quick update for those of you who found some interest in my small closet cfl/fluorescent grow. I have recently moved the girls to a tent to begin flowering. Here is a picture from this evening Sept. 2. They are doing well. Haven't had many issues so far. I will post more...
  2. P

    Under construction - It's worth a look

    Hey y'all. Here's my new grow setup. I've grown one time before with CFLs but never in a closet. As of now it's mostly done. I still have to cut my 4" exhaust hole above the plywood 2nd door. Then finish the electrical. The carpet has been protected and I have a basic wooden catch tray. The...
  3. S

    Any advice on what way I should go would be appreciated

    Hello all I am a new grower new to this lifestyle but it is a necessary evil for me at the moment my problem is I am having to grow discreet due to the children in my house and I have three options that I have come up with and I want to get some advice from the people that are on :420: I have...
  4. D

    DesertGrower - Strawberry Blonde & Mango Skunk - Week 1 - White Rhino Week 7 - Flower

    Hey all Longtime follower first time-ish poster. Always wanted to do a journal and figured it'd be the best way to get the needed advice opposed to just firing random questions as they come. I've already learned a ton from reading everyone else's journals. I'm currently finishing off my...
  5. N

    First HID closet grow setup - All suggestions and knowledge appreciated

    Hi, I'm about to set up my first HID closet grow and I have a bunch of questions. If you have any input then please share. Sorry I have no pictures. I'm planning to do a sketch up model of it. If I do I'll post it. Dimensions wdh: 2ft 6in x 1ft 9in x 6ft 4in or 765mm x 545mm x 1940 mm...
  6. BlackwaterOG

    Family Man CFL Closet Grow - First Grow Ever!

    Yo 420 Familia, Finally got the wife on deck, finally my children old enough to understand... And so Im walking out on a limb, no pun intended... Copped 6 seeds, 3 OG Kush and 3 Blue Dream from the big homie. 2 germinated this morning under 24 hours, paper towel method, 4 to go. I am not sure...
  7. M

    Grow tent inside a closet - Help

    Hey guys I'm new here, and I just want to say that I got stuck on the image verification on the signup for a while, that was really hard, and I'm not even high right now. Kind of new to all of this growing stuff. Haven't started yet but I am planning on starting, getting all the equipment now...
  8. Nulife

    NuLife's - KindSoil - Raspberry Cough - Grow Journal - 2016

    Hi everyone, new female grower here, growing for personal use and hobby. I'm almost done with my first grow that I'm learning with Bag Seed it's in week 6 of the flowering stage in another journal you can find here: First Grow - Bag Seed - CFLs and LED - Soil - Closet 6/25/16 Grow Start Date of...
  9. Nulife

    First Grow - Bag Seed - CFLs & LED - Soil - Closet

    Hi Everyone, I'm new female grower. Very interested in learning how to grow for personal use and hobby, decided very spontaneously to grow with some bag seed I had laying around for about a year. I literally did my research on how to grow while growing. Making my first mistake with miracle grow...
  10. Y

    600w HPS in a small closet

    Hello, i have a closet that is 1x2x7 feet, which is not ideal for me. But i would really like to use a 600w HPS light bulb. Do you think that if left the door to the closet open, used a cooltube and a fan blowing air out of the closet in front of the light, i would be able to manage the heat?
  11. K

    Finishing Up A Lone Revolver

    A little late to the game i am with this post, but i am at day 90 of the most ghetto grow you can imagine. running CFL's on 24/0, soil i grabbed from the dollar store and basically a few jobes organic fert sticks in there. Unfortunately i Topped her without knowing thats not a great idea for...
  12. fanleaf

    Fanleaf's New Room & A 6 Plant: 4 Strain Auto Grow & Perpetual All LED Baby

    Hello Eveyone Going to start off a perpetual grow in my new room today. Starting with 6 Auto's for the first month and then adding several photo periods from there. I just finished building a new grow room in the basement. What a pain in the butt. Wanted something a little bigger than the...
  13. fanleaf

    Ahhh almost finished building new grow room! Can't wait

    Well, I haven't been able to grow for the last little while due to my grow area being used for other purposes. That's about to change though. My old grow area was only about 3.8 feet X 3.5 Feet X 7 foot tall. I decided to invest in some supplies and put myself to work. The new grow room is...
  14. W

    LED suggestions

    I've decided that I need another grow light for my spare bedroom's closet so that I can grow more,I'm tired of running out of weed before my next crop comes in.This time I'd like to try a LED light.I plan on growing about 3 plants since the closet is 2 feet deep,4 feet wide and about 4' in...
  15. S

    What light should I upgrade to?

    Got my medical authorization and getting ready to finish up my first trial run grow with CFL's. I'm using approx. 500 watts worth of CFL 23 & 42 watt bulbs. I think I need to upgrade to something better next go around, which probably won't be still this fall due to heat. I want something that's...
  16. Kink

    First Grow - 400W MH/HPS - 3.5x3x7 Closet - 4 Bag Seeds - LST Practice

    Hey everyone, welcome to my first garden! :welcome: :blunt: I'd like to start off by saying this grow was never really intended to happen, I had a few bagseeds of unknown indica/indica dom hybrid strains stashed away in a tightvac that I germinated the last week of April in wet paper towels...
  17. S

    Sero901 - Dark Angel - Closet LED - Grow

    Hey everyone, New to the :420: forum, decided this year i want to try and grow my own plant. Im only a light toker but looking for another hobby around the house, and always wanted to try and grow a plant :) Strain: Dark Angel 50/50 indica/sativa Stage: Just germinated my seed on May 16th...
  18. N

    3rd Time's A Charm?

    What strain is it? Bagseed possibly skywalker Indoor or outdoor? Indoor 2x2x6 closet Soil or Hydro? Fafard potting mixl If soil... what is in your mix?Regionally formulated and contains a blend of Canadian Sphagnum peat moss or peat and one or more of the following: processed softwood bark...
  19. P

    2x4x6 Closet Setup

    The wife has given me the ok to transform a never used, almost "secret" closet in our bedroom to a grow space. She wants the full use of her other closet and not just one side. Pros: bigger space than the 2x2x4 tent I have in one of our double closets right now. already have a 460 cfm 6"...
  20. ganjazz

    LED Closet - Mars II Reflector - 12/12 - Auto

    Start with a new journal and hope without the climate errors that happened before. :Namaste: Gonna try 12/12 from seed in big closet this time. Plants grown this way do not grow as tall as they would if given a vegetation phase. Some info: Lights: 700W LED MarsII, (reflector add later)...
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