
  1. Katelyn Baker

    Cannabis Plant Contains Plethora Of Medicinal Molecules

    The cannabis plant as a medicinal source is not new to the educated. However, the politics associated with this plant family is riddled with controversy. As a hardier fiber, hemp should have been the preferred textile – however, it faced an uphill battle for acceptance against cotton. The...
  2. P

    My mother has Cervical Cancer in stage IV and I'll need some guidance

    Hello everyone, Long story short (and I’ll apologies for my bad English.) My beloved mother was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer back in April 2016. Unfortunately she had ignoring several warnings from her body, and finally the Cervical tumor was grown so big, that her urine were blocked...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    What Is CBD Oil?

    If you've ever heard weed discussed in chemical terms, you've heard of THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, marijuana's "main" ingredient – the stuff that gets you high. But lately, as the legal weed market expands, we've seen an increasing focus on a related but very different compound: cannabidiol...
  4. C

    Urgent help for medical harvest - CBD Therapy

    Hi all, this is my first thread and I hope to be posting in the right place. It's also my frist indoor experience due to the need of medicine, but I'm going through some problems that may be damaging my harvest (which I really need, and I can't have other cylces during this year). Everything...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    As Medicinal Cannabis Heals More People, Federal Government Increases Restrictions

    The most recent governmental bureaucratic actions against medical cannabis was a joint effort of the DEA and FDA, both of which work together to ensure the pharmaceutical industry can dominate medical applications of cannabis. Early this year, 2017, cannabidiol (CBD) was placed firmly as a...
  6. Oldbear

    CBD Is Legal & Available In USA & EU - People Can Buy It Now

    If you have a family member with a cbd treatable condition, there is no need to wait. There are a couple sources ^^ and Im sure there are many. Just be careful its not just hemp oil which is a nutritional supplement. I posted this because there are quite a few posts asking where / how to get...
  7. Oldbear

    The ABCs Of CBD: A Place For Questions Answers & Hopefully Fun

    Is it true? The Study Hall has Breakout Groups :cheertwo: Like many Ive been doing a lot of research on CBD and what it can be used for. Also where to get it, how much to take, and how to mix with thc are common search points. Its been difficult to keep track of the information. Harder...
  8. N

    THC Removal From High CBD Strains Decarboxylation

    I was reading some old posts with some errors in information but one of them caught my eye. I have recently wanted to eliminate the THC component of my CBD oil without having to take it to Isolate or using chromatography or even fractionation to do this. The older post suggested that THC-A will...
  9. Elixir17

    My Mini CFL Grow - CBD Critical Mass & Painkiller XL

    Hi there and thanks for the visit, Now this is a crude but effective set up, as I wanted to try out these 2 medicinal CBD strains. They are basically a mirror image of 2 strains. Critical Mass CBD 80%indica/20%sativa and Painkiller XL 75%sativa/25%indica. Hopefully I'll find a nice remedy...
  10. Elixir17

    Greetings everyone - It's a pleasure to meet the community!

    Hi everyone, I decided to sign up, since this community is so helpful. I've been following some journals and will start my own in a bit. I started a mini grow a few months ago and what better way to learn and try to avoid those road bumps as much as possible. I've grown a few times in...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    Researchers Use Cannabis To Treat Epileptic Children In University Of Alberta Study

    As desperate parents of children with severe epilepsy turn to alternative therapies, researchers are launching a study examining the efficacy and safety of treating seizures with medical marijuana products. "Parents are becoming more aware of the use of cannabis to treat epilepsy from social...
  12. LadyGaea

    2 week old CBD Mango Haze & CBD Therapy leaf curl - Any advice?

    I'm new to growing my own medicine. I am hoping someone can help here... Not sure if this is normal. Two of my seedlings are showing a bit of curling. Good color though. Last two nights, I checked in about an hour after my lights kicked on and I noticed a slight curling. See pics. Each of their...
  13. dubnation

    Looking for CBD seeds: Harlequin, ACDC, Nordle

    Hi folks, I've gone through ALL our seed sponsors sites and cannot find anyone with Harlequin and ACDC. Nordle, I've found through Seedsman, and they have some killer deals with CBD freebies, I may go ahead and get the CDB Crew's Nordle and Mango Haze to kick off my CBD run for the...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    CBD - The Myths And Facts

    There have been some confusing reports recently in the British media about a compound in cannabis called CBD and how it has been reclassified as medicine. At which point you may have assumed that Theresa May had done a policy U-turn and decided to legalise medical cannabis. And you will...
  15. LadyGaea

    Lady Gaea's 1st CBD Medical Grow Journal - 2017

    Hi all! This is my first grow and I am looking forward to learning a lot from it. Any advice you can give or knowledge shared is appreciated. I am doing this for my health, so it's pretty important to me that I succeed. :D - Strains: CBD OG Kush — Mostly Indica, CBD Mango Haze-Mostly Sativa...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    7 Reasons You Need CBD Oil In Your Kitchen And Medicine Cabinet

    Marijuana is now legal for medicinal use in 26 states and the District of Columbia, and for recreational use in seven, but contrary to what some media may have us believe, this doesn't mean that people are just sitting back and getting high. Cannabis is actually a very powerful medicinal plant...
  17. cjkstone

    New cbd law requirements

    In February a Wis cbd law will be voted on, What restriction or conditions can be used to qualify for the medicine ?
  18. J

    How to get High CBD Low THC Cannatonic

    Looking at all of the high CBD strains out there is seems like you plant a number of them and have a small chance of getting one which will have a high CBD low THC content but most will be 1:1 ratio and some high thc low CBD. I would like to grow a batch of cannatonic with high CBD low THC for...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    Former NFL Players Seek Game-Changer To Painkillers

    Boulder, Colo. — It's been nearly 10 years since Jake Plummer retired from football. He still experiences soreness and pain from his neck and shoulders to the soles of his feet. It's an ache that Plummer and many other former and current NFL players have managed for years with the use of...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    Wisconsin Legislators Propose Dueling Bills Related To Marijuana

    Marijuana is a hot topic again in the Wisconsin Legislature. A couple Republican state Senators said Thursday they'll introduce a bill to legalize possession of CBD oil, a marijuana extract used to treat seizures. At the same time, some Democrats want to legalize marijuana for medical and...
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