blue cheese

  1. Smokin Ace

    Smokin' Ace's Blue Cheese Indoor Soil- '10

    Hello everyone and welcome! :yahoo: This is my first journal and want to say input is always welcome. This isn't my first grow, but it is my first grow with multiple plants, excluding my hydro apprenticeship. Let's get started, shall we? What strain is it? Blue Cheese x5 Is it in Veg...
  2. K

    Blue cheese in the wardrobe

    hi evry 1 this is my first post .. been reading loads of threads on this site and have learnt loads so i thought i'd join and share my first experience of growing with you all. please leave your htoughts on what i'm doing.. thanx in advance.. ok i started with a wardrobe which measured 20...
  3. pan4gold49

    Pan's Experimental Garden

    Hi Yall! The Experimental garden. The idea for this is to design and perfect Led lighting. The garden is located at a friends house I would be stupid to be trying to sell led panels from the same location I grow in. So with that said (the wife will be pleased) lets go.:smoke2: I have not...
  4. Fuzz420

    Big Buddah Blue Cheese

    Hi all just wanted share some recent pics to one of my many stains in the garden I did some searching on this site and didnt see much info on Blue Cheese so i thought i would share mine I hope you enjoy First set is 4th week of flower: 4th Week Money shot:yummy: 6th Week of...
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