
  1. Katelyn Baker

    ON: Ottawa Councillor At Odds With A New Marijuana Clinic In His Suburban Ward

    A grey area just got a little wider in Ottawa. A new medical marijuana dispensary is set to open in Stittsville in the city's west end — the first such business to open up in the suburbs. The local City Councillor is not impressed. "I would encourage the police to close it down," says Shad...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    ON: Ottawa Councillor At Odds With A New Marijuana Clinic In His Suburban Ward

    A grey area just got a little wider in Ottawa. A new medical marijuana dispensary is set to open in Stittsville in the city's west end — the first such business to open up in the suburbs. The local City Councillor is not impressed. "I would encourage the police to close it down," says Shad...
  3. D

    Red stems?

    got quite a lot of red stems no main stems any advice?
  4. Teddy Edwards

    NOTM 420 Magazine's Nug of the Month: August 2016

    Welcome to the 420 Magazine Nug of the Month Contest. Please submit a photo of your best nug. (There is a separate contest thread for plants) The nug must be your own, either purchased or grown. Optionally, we'd love to hear about the strain, taste, aroma, potency, effect, weight or any other...
  5. Y


    Hello greeners. What is your tought about the Budbomb? I can't post links here as I'm a noob on this forum but I would be very much interested in what are your thoughts about the Budbomb smoking device. Maybe Budbomb xxl? Any difference except the size and the weight? Not really interested...
  6. G

    Gitgud's Lemon Skunk GHS Indoor Grow - 2016

    Hey there, to start off, some basic info: What strain is it? Lemon Skunk from Greenhouse, one plant started from seed Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? 50/50 Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Flower If in Flower stage... For how long? About 3 weeks into flower, after about 6 weeks...
  7. T

    CFL Lamp/Lights - First Time Grower

    Ok it's my first time growing. I have a 5 bulb flexible lamp. I have 5 clf's 100w 1600L & 5k I can go from 2 lights-3 light to all 5 lights. Is this setup any good ? Should I use all 5 ? Any suggestions welcome. I did a search on the forum, but there is so much info
  8. R

    40yr old virgin here - Neuropathy - Awaiting my card

    I'm hoping to glean wisdom from the plethora of info here and all the years of experience. Hard to believe a GenXer has made it this far without any cannabis experience, but here I am, a 40 year old virgin. ;) I have a 12 year old nerve injury, I've been on narcs of one flavor or another the...
  9. bamaman

    Hello to All

    Hello, I am a retired Navy Commander with the SEAL teams for 34 years. In that time I have been blown up, shot up and left for dead so needless to say I have sever pain issues. The only thing that helps my pain is canabus. So I am growing my own. If you have any questions for me ,please feel...
  10. C

    Legitimate noob question on CFL fixture setup

    Here is my first grow box, its almost complete but i'm looking for some ideas on how to setup a crank or hook system, something lower and raise the lights. I've searched through the forums and through google images but I haven't seen any diy setup similar to mine. Here I have a small chain...
  11. T

    Is this bud rot?

    I'm growing a lsd-25 strain and I noticed while examining my plant some discoloration in the middle any advice is helpful
  12. M

    Carbon filter

    Anyone using one of these CF brands? - Max Carbon Filters - Carbon Active - Can Filters - Prima Klima I'd like to know if any of the above mentioned are good.
  13. M

    Holes on leaves - Any ideas?

    Hi everyone- novice grower here seeing some leaf issues on one of my outdoor plants. The plant itself looks healthy, see first picture, but a few leaves have holes in them, which I assume are being caused by some sort of pest, but I don' t see anything under any of the leaves. I've cut the...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    Should Pharmacists Be Permitted To Use Medical Marijuana For Qualifying Conditions?

    In recent months, nurses, pharmacists, and physicians have had their licenses suspended due to cannabis use. Although many states have passed laws legalizing cannabis for qualifying medical conditions, medical boards continue to crack down on it because it's still a federally controlled...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    Should Pharmacists Be Permitted To Use Medical Marijuana For Qualifying Conditions?

    In recent months, nurses, pharmacists, and physicians have had their licenses suspended due to cannabis use. Although many states have passed laws legalizing cannabis for qualifying medical conditions, medical boards continue to crack down on it because it's still a federally controlled...
  16. triggz2k15

    New grower please help

    Hi there everyone first time posting hear and first time grower. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas or tips for me. I currently have a 1x1x2m budbox tent, a sol digital 400w digital ballast that can be set to 250w 275w and ovb 400w. Also I got a sol digital dual spectrum 400w bulb that works...
  17. K

    Let's revisit LED lights for the newbies - Me i dont want to spend $800 or so dollars for a bank of lights that cost maybe 200 to put together...any ideas from anybody? the right type of led to build your own? or a cheaper way to build or buy these grow tent is only 2X4 im using T5 fluorescents along with spiral cool...
  18. P

    PG&E coming to inspect my house - Should I be worried?

    So PG&E called and said they are coming to inspect household for any leaks because of my increase of usage. I only went from 100$ a month to like 400-450$. Has anyone hear experienced this situation? if so, what happend? Everything I have set up is legal and under my allowed plant count so...
  19. Richard Richardson

    NOTM 420 Magazine's Nug of the Month: July 2016

    Welcome to the 420 Magazine Nug of the Month Contest. Please submit a photo of your best nug. (There is a separate contest thread for plants) The nug must be your own, either purchased or grown. Optionally, we'd love to hear about the strain, taste, aroma, potency, effect, weight or any...
  20. B

    Name That Pest!

    Ok guys, I was watering tonight and came upon a pest. Try as I can I could not get one to get a picture and I have found nothing through a quick Google search. I was watering one of my plants and noticed a very small white/translucent bug crawl up the stem, possibly to avoid the water. It was...
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