• :passitleft: Thank you for making all this possible.

    Every time I :lot-o-toke: dank weed I end up in the matrix.

    • Thanks
    Reactions: 420
    Thank you for your support, we are truly grateful! :passitleft:
    my short job application: Been a moderator for 10 years at and was on a start up site some years ago was with administration - site lasted only a few years due to owners personal issues. Also cultivating for many years along with knowledge of old and current products . methods, ect use by cultivators. At one time was working with I helped them start a line of lights, nurttrients, ect needed for cultivations (was their go to person with new procudts amd ideas) my age corresponds with my knowledge of cannabis (69 years) have above knowledge of strains and many breeders (some I know).My knowledge increases every days concering cannabis - all aspects of (legalization , medical, commerical, self use, cultivation, ect) would consider it an honor to work for 420 Mag ___________ Peace
    Hello there 420 staff. I'm going to be posting some pics for the first time and I was wondering: Does ur site automatically remove the location (GPS) info from our pics or is that only done on my end? I know how to remove this info, I just need to know if this is done for us, and therefore I wouldn't need to. Thanx for everything... U R an amazing presence on the web; I am grateful to have a small part in this wonderful effort of yours. :thumb::thanks:
    My husband is on day 9 of 1 gram administered via 00 capsules. Am finally getting to talk tonight-I hope!-to the grower/maker of our CCO to find out exact strains and ratios of what John is doing. Today about 2 hours after lunch, he got quite nauseated and vomited. This is the 3rd or 4th time he has experienced this. Prior to beginning the CCO he had not experienced this except after the 1st round of a double whammy chemo. He has extremely aggressive Prostate Cancer. Mets in lymphs and all over his skeleton. We did massive amounts of alternative therapies the first 3 years of navigating this including juicing fresh greens (marijuana) Mistletoe IV's, Ozone therapy, diet, etc etc etc. Then we hung out with big Pharma for 1.5 years when it looked like the cancer was getting ahead of anything we could do. A friend of John's did 90+ days of CCO orally 1 gram per day and is virtually cancer free-also had Prostate metastatic. John can't handle feeling stoned and we were anxious to get up to the gram so decided on the rectal capsules.

    Questions: Is the nausea/vomiting herxing? Will the rectal administration be as effective? It seems like the bioavailability is so much higher that way that it must not only be as good but better...if that's the case, why doesn't everyone do it that way?
    Please advise, help, suggesti
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