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  • Hi thanks for getting back to me.....that you tube video was funny....what is your recipe for the oil, how much weed? and how much oil? and then let it boil for 24 to 40 hours?
    whats up peace man! i hear youre just the guy to go to for cooking tips and ideas so i thought i would check your profile out! getting ready to have a good bit of trim and looking for ideas of what to do with it.
    I rated some of your pics and will do some more later......got a question for you, my wife is making cannabutter today and when she strains it through the cheese cloth do you throw the weed away or can you use it for something? also do you throw the water away?
    Hey thanks for the message..The reason you cant vote yet is because its still open for entries they need 25 entries or untill the end of the month. The best thing to use for the grow was the Fox Farms ocean forest soil (dirt) then after a month I started to give them fox farms open sesame fertilizer a month or two and then I also started giving them fox farms chaching and open sesame.... just follow the directions on the cans.. but i think the most important thing was the dirt, that ocean forest soil has all kinds of nutriants for the plants and even has bat guano in it LOL so you dont have to give them any fertilizer for the first month or two, good luck and just ask if you have any questions. thanks
    Best wishes for a fantastic New Year to you and yours. May the new year bring many wonderful things for you. Peace and 420 :peace:
    hmmm..I have a great recipe for Almond Florentines I'll send you. It a wonderful lacy cookie. I also love apple crisp/apple brown betty. As you can see I'm on a sweet kick. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with next. Your pics are wonderful, and everything you make looks delicious! Take care..:peace:
    Hey my friend, I did try to make butter but it didn't do anything, I put it to boil, some bud and some leaf. I think I was supposed to grind it fine and I didn't. I made corn muffins with the butter, but no good effects. ?????? what I did wrong????? I just now am taking some chocolate chip cookies out of the oven. I remember lon time ago I made muffins with some great weed. All I did was cut the weed really fine and then put it in a pan and slowly browned the weed till you see just a little smoke and then put it all in the batter. I will let you know how it comes out tonight. Thanks for dropping in man I was wondering where u were.
    Hey man, ever hear of Cooking with Hans and Hans? You should be able to youtube it - interesting video for sure. keep it tasty :)
    Hey my man, how are you doing? Hope you are doing well and making new dishes. I really am exited about cooking. I saw a vid. on youtube on how to make oil, but they used a big press and water mixed with olive oil, then they put it in freezer and the oil is seperated from the water that way. The lady said it is very potent that way and if you get it on your skin you can get the same effects, so she said be careful and use gloves.
    I'm not sure if they are triches, I looked at my leaf under a 100x microscope and it looks like some sort of glands, could be trichomes. I will look and see on google to see the make up of a marijuana leaf maybe I can find out some more info, but I have about an ounce or more of just leaf.
    Hey Peace man, I have a question for you. I just took alot of fan leaf off of the top of both the girls, is this any good for cooking? I am keeping them in a paper bag just in case. Thanks for the help.
    Thanks Peace, I sure will be asking for help when the time comes. Do you mean that the last 36 hours I can make the plants produce more trichomes? Thanks again.
    Things are looking and smelling quite nice so far, I am waiting for second week of flowering to cross my Jungle wreck with Papaya. I am also going to sprinkle the Jungle wreck with its own pollen. I hope to get back to growing soon but I will be taking a little time off after these last two girls. I want to go to a hydro shop to get some clone gel and hum. dome. I lost 6 clones I took from Papaya. So I will start with seeds again.
    That room looks like its working great, I was wondering what type of light system you were using and do you have two seperate light systems for veg and flower?
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