Mr. Krip
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  • I'm so glad you didn't really disappear, too, my friend! You're one of , if not THE biggest mentor I have, you, X, and GT, pay more attention to me than anyone else...And I really appreciate it....I don't go to any other sites either....But at least you can take comfort in one thing out of all of this....If they went to the trouble to impersonate you, that says a LOT about how "famous " or whatever that you are, buddy! "Imitation is the greatest form of flattery", they say....I know it's creepy, for sure, & I hope that you got your real life back, bro. And that you have forever green and healthy crops! Much love from your friend, RVG
    You are the man, Brother Krip! Thank you very much for your continued support, we are all so truly grateful. :adore: :Namaste:
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