Keith Lake

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  • hey i finally got them pics up, let me know what u think, and another thing how do i get my journal moved to completed??
    hey Soniq, go to Home - NC Medical Cannabis Act - HB 577 to follow the new Medical Cannabis Act for North Carolina, HB577

    kind regards,
    nope. normal sign in check New/Todays Posts.

    One example I got email that someone had posted the the night before I saw it. When I scrolled through N/T Posts it wasn't there. The resulting problem is that people who would be interested are not seeing my thread.
    Yes that is correct link. Also last night and this morning my thread was posted to, neither post appears in New/Today as of 9:25 am
    At 3:18 today I responded to a subscriber of my journal as it came to my email box, but neither his nor my response appears under New/Today's Posts. Any ideas?
    That astronomical figure shows up as unread visitor's messages. What's goin on? Did I get hacked or something?
    Hey friend, how are things going? Question, can you tell me why my control panel suggests that "Your Notifications: 4,294,967,294"?
    Hey, I see your note about pulling a thread, but have no idea which one, as the reference was not there.
    i seen you comment on propa gators page and i take it ur one of the top dawgs on this page and was wondering if you could take a look at my grow journal and tell me what you think of it and my grow cab that i made. would HIGHly appreciate it. thanks
    Sup bro. Its been a long time. Jus droppin in to say what's up. I'm still at it jus haven't been on in a while. How've u been? What exciting new additions has the site gained? Hope u had a happy b-day and holiday season. :peace:
    Merry Xmas and Happy New Year belated. Oh yea Happy Bday lol (not sure on date)
    I have a vertical grow, I'd like ya to check it out.
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