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  • hey my Bday is 12/20. wasn't it great as a kid getting a bday present wrapped in Christmas paper, lol
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    Reactions: JiggiLotus
    In my head I take a year off my birth age cuz I feel like I didn't actually 'live' that year prior to birth .. 😂
    Just a heads up, bone ash from human remains are not good for plants, it's not good to use in direct soil. It is however full of calcium and photspherous. Diluted it can be used like a fertilizer.
    Papa OG
    Papa OG
    Spreading ashes has meaning different meanings.

    I would open the tent take a 1/2 tsp, blow inside.

    Your could laminate little pouches of ash, place them In the pots..

    Could always spread them in the bottom of tent, between the drop drip pan Insert....
    Those are great ideas!
    I've been designing and creating a butterfly garden to honor my family. I'm sure my father wouldn't mind having his ashes in cannabis! Lol. My mother would prefer an iris. ❤️‍🩹
    Papa OG
    Papa OG
    Totally get it! I've got a butterfly garden on my list of to do for the spring. My wife has thousands of Iris's on our property! Currently working on dahlias myself! Let me know if your ever in need! Happy gardening friend!
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