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  • feeling really good about the girls today,even tho I just chopped of a third of my plants they look very happy. Friday night they each got a big drink of terp tea grow. not sure if that's the best thing for them , but at this point it's the only nutes I have with nitrogen, tuesday I will start them on some beastie bloom.
    Confused... trying to figure out my nutes. for the last 5 years I have been using fox farms open sesame/beastie bloom/cha-ching, as stand-alone nutes during flowering with mixed results, some grows worse than others. now 3 weeks into flowering I don't know what to do. there's no money in the budget for nutes. so my only option at this point is to go back to the terp tea,it's 7-1-1 and supplement with the beastie bloom. fingers crossed while knocking on wood
    10 weeks into this grow and things going good.the girls have been 12/12 for 2 weeks and have little buds everywhere. they have had a tough couple of weeks temps the first week of flowering were stuck in the 50's and the last 5 days have been in the 90's. but they survived it.
    girls look really good this morning, i find this part of the grow the most difficult. I never know if I'm over or under feeding. I tend to over think things look too closely for problems . time to light up and watch the girls grow
    all is going well, the girls are getting greener. it's hard to tell from my pics, but when I roll em out of the growbox they look really good. the light from the led's make them look yellower.
    plants are happy, it has finally warmed up to 72 degrees inside my place so I can run a fan full time without temps dropping below 78 in the growbox. this will be the first summer growing under LED lights for me, it should be easier to keep it at safe temps
    getting close to 12/12, the flowering can be much harder than vegging but it Is so much more enjoyable. watching the buds develop, the increasing aroma . so much fun to look forward to.
    happy mother's day! it was also topping and trimming day.the bigger girl was getting a bit tall so I topped the top 4 branches and bent over the very top 3 and removed most inward growing leaves.
    things still going good, I'm having trouble just watching em grow. I can be a bit too hands on I poke and prod and trim out of boredom.
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