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  • Well summer has shown up for the day. not a big deal ,I worked outdoors for 35 years I used love hot days. 12 hrs hanging off a 50' ladder scraping lead paint... wait am I nutz I'd much rather be on my couch with a Joint in my hand. Smoke em if ya got em
    Having a good day, sold my big saws and work bench. Now I'm waiting on a guy to come and buy my ladders. the thought of never hanging off a 50' ladder again is comforting.
    Had a good talk with the DR. yesterday, it's made me realize I have to double check everything I do. Things that should be second hand don't register. Just trying to fill my water jugs causes mass confusion. It's comforting to know I can lean on the knowledgeable folks on here to help me have a great grow.
    Just want to apologize to y'all, I've been a bit of a scatter brain. I just got the results of my last MRI and it showed a lot of abnormal activity in my memory center, i have memory lapses things i know, I don't know. I forget Conversations soon after they happen. So sorry if I'm a wacko
    Happy solstice, going out to dance naked as the sun rises over the horizon
    • Haha
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    Today is the longest day of the year, longer to dance naked!
    I come from a long Ling of pagans, I can trace family lineage back to Stonehenge.
    My dad's side of the family changed the spelling of our last name 2 or 3 times to work in the same factory, this was in Tennesse back then. It takes me longer, cause I have to spell so many other ways. I'm stuck in New York looking. lol
    My daughter gave me some CBD gummies , they are 0.307%.not sure what those numbers mean. she suggested I try Taking it an hr before my steroids this morn. and I did... no anxiety today,no nausea,no feeling like I need climb the walls. It feels good feeling good.

    So yesterday was such an amazing day, the kids came over with lots of weed an cbd gummies an soil for dad. an my daughter made me some incredible cupcakes. We hung out ate good food. I hope y'all had equally good times
    Welp, day 1 of wearing this heart monitor in the bag. It was not easy to sleep with this Damm thing attached to me. but I've got 29 more days to adjust
    I think we broke climate change... here in Quincy MA. It been warm ,dry and beautiful.a june Just like when I was a kid. Last June we had 9 days in the 90's and 1 that reached 100 an it was humid an horrible all month. I'm not complaining, just confused
    A bit depressed, sold all my fishing equipment last night. Stuff I've had all my life, sure I haven't used for 20 years but it's still hard letting go of your past
    I love that quote....and anytime you need encouragement send the @ ....I'll at least try to make ya laugh :high-five:
    Hey Chris....
    I get it (at least I think I do).
    I've had to sell a lot of my old sporting gear, I'll never be able to use them again. It's tough cause it's an acknowledgment that you've changed. But your giving yourself new challenges (growing and what not), and with that comes a feeling of satisfaction.
    Your fishing gear is now part of your past. But look to the future brother, there's more than one way to hook a win.
    Thanks Rex, I try an be positive but the meds I'm on make agitated and angry. If not for smoking cannabis and having this site to connect with like minded people I'd probably have to be put on heavy duty antidepressants.
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    Reactions: Rexer
    Another beautiful day on tap, my little seedlings will get another 10 hrs of real sun. I guess being house-bound has it's advantages when caring for plants.
    The weather person has promised me a "top 10 day" not a cloud in the sky,low humidity, temps in the upper 70's. I'm putting my seedling in a sunny window for the day. Hope ya,ll have a great day .. I know I will
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