Hey Jiggi! You okay out there? Haven't seen you in awhile.
Are you getting prepared for Holidays? Lots of Black Friday Sales going on.....and no money. LOL
Hey hey hey!!! @Zamnesia welcome to 420 Magazine!!! I'm stoked that you are a new sponsor!!! Welcome welcome!!
Most of my current grows are all Zamnesia and if you haven't checked them out, you want to!
Thank you @Zamnesia for becoming a sponsor here @420magazine123
whoop whoop!!
The best weed I have ever smoked in my entire existence was whatever Willie Nelson had rolled up in his joint. I've not ever been that high before or after that moment in time. Willie weed
ga-day jiggy. How's life treating ya. need to go check ur journal s an check on ur grows. PS you have my vote for best grow in the chicks vs dude grow-off, shhhhh keep it a secret
OMG today's absolutely amazing so far.. it's 68° f and winds blowing coldish and I feel like belle dancing around the province... Only I can't sing... Terrify every living thing within earshot .. lol
My daughter does the same kinda stuff on her tablet, whatever that is. I'm gunna try and change my avatar to the latest art work she sent me. the druid shirt avatar has lost it mystical powers and didn't protect me from the heatwave or this rain