• I see your floating around the site! I hope your spring is going well! Our garden is booming this year with all of this rain and we’ve only watered 1 time went we sowed seeds and planted starters. The wife got everything left into the ground today but all 5 raised beds are full now :)

    You have anything going this year?
    Virgin Ground
    Virgin Ground

    I only have a few herbs,flowers and tomato plants this year. We have a full summer planned ahead of us ,so I'll be very busy.
    We have to build a deck somehow so I wanted to keep any other responsibilities to a minimum.
    The garden was the first thing that I scaled back on.
    Next year I should be fully back at it.

    Have to come up with a better plan to protect a garden from the squirrels.

    Glad to hear that you guys are having a a good growing year so far. Should get pretty hot in the next couple of weeks.

    Keep cool!
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    Hey, congratulations on your recent(ish) Plant of the Month. We don't see much of each other day to day on 420Mag, thus I'm grateful for the awards section - they often introduce me to, or remind me of, growers that I don't interact with very often in 'my corner' of the forum.

    I've watched some truly gorgeous Wookie journals of late, by Young and Old Masters alike, and you have exceeded them in every respect with this beautiful grow-out. Truly, this a well-earned award and I hope you enjoy your prizes, and our celebration of your horticultural finesse. Bravo! *chef's kiss!*
    Virgin Ground
    Virgin Ground
    Thank you.
    Wow, what a nice compliment.
    I'd like to say that I worked hard on her but she was very easy to grow. Aside from her light duration, I treated her the same as a photoperiod plant.

    I know some say that you should baby autos but I haven't and they seem to do well for me.
    I feed them full strength and transplant them as needed.

    Thanks for your feedback on her. I am quite proud of the end results.
    hey, i seen you made a comment on a post about pro-mix, the all purpose blend. I was wondering if i could pick your brain for a second. Are you having successful grows with it? i seem to have trouble, but ive also been using fox farm nutes, just picked up gaia green today. i wanted to get new soil but i also dont want to waste my pro-mix if it isnt bad.
    Hi @Virgin Ground . @Maritimer tells me I should stick with you and a couple of others so here I am. I’m in my first ever grow. I suffer from chronic pain, fibromyalgia, depression and severe PTSD. I’m a retired RN/paramedic and found that marijuana truly is the only thing that helps my severe insomnia as well. I love your grow journal. I haven’t really figured out how to make mine good yet. I’m still trying to figure out my signature line and don’t know how to post things other than pictures I take on my phone lol.
    Virgin Ground
    Virgin Ground
    Welcome to 420 mag!
    Sorry that the new guy was mucking up your thread. So rude.
    Glad you're enjoying my journal. Don't be afraid to ask any questions you may have. I'm happy to help.
    After 50 posts you can send DMs to members and vote on or enter contests.

    There are some articles about adding signatures and other helpful tips in the Member resources section.
    Hi! I really enjoyed your most recent grow journal, amazing girls! Just decided to stop by, and say hi. Hope your harvest Is a great one! :love:
    • Love
    Reactions: Virgin Ground
    Virgin Ground
    Virgin Ground
    Thanks CT.
    Glad you enjoyed my content. I plan on having a few big changes in the near future!
    Just waiting for all the pieces.
    Hope It all goes well. Definitely would love to see more from you!
    Spring Is around the corner, so plenty of outdoor grows on my side.
    Hello VG.

    I was just looking through my friend list to find friends in California and noticed that you were from the land of misfit toys and I was wondering if Major PITA was a friend of yours as he's also from the land of misfit toys?:cheesygrinsmiley:
    I just finally took a look at your full, slightly enlarged avatar picture. Battlechick? :Looks like that (otherwise) fatal arrow wound hardly matters, what with something having torn her head, upper torso, and at least one arm from the rest of her. Is there a story behind that, or did you see it in an... er... trip? Was whatever punched her ticket one of the parents of the thing she harvested her... skull cap from?
    Wheres the toucan!?
    Virgin Ground
    Virgin Ground
    Hi Scotty.:ciao::love:

    She'll be back. Lol. This is my Halloween avatar.
    I've had quite a few people ask me that same question...
    In my bowl of cereal
    Does TurboBucket mean you're growing in hydroponics? Mine is a maguiverig version of Bubble -Ponics. I am a ghetto closet grower (growing in my 4ft long bedroom closet). warezaholics Skid Row closet grow. I'm starting my fifth grow however most of my recent photphotographs were lost because my phone provider deleted tons of them without notice until AFTER the deed was done......
    hello Can I ask... If my lights went on 2 hours late.... will that ruin my girls???. Should I time them 11pm to 11 am for lights out now ?? I am scared I had a timer go bad on me...
    you r the best my gardian Angle
    Virgin Ground
    Virgin Ground
    It could still grow. These plants sure can surprise us. You have nothing to lose.
    Did you find the grow journal area yet? Start one and you'll get some great growers ,with much more experience than me, looking over your shoulder.
    Just consider a few extra hours of darkness as a stormy day with little or no sunshine. I would think No harm done.. My dread with my Bubbleponic system is an airline failure. A couple days without bubbles from a broken hose, in the roots nearly killed one of mine. It set her back two weeks.
    Hey whats up man thanks for your input. quick question what should I do about the soil fox farm situation?
    only putting Planet earth compost tea / Liquid Concentrate 60 ml to a gallon... for the ladies in veg
    Virgin Ground
    Virgin Ground
    Your plants look really good so the water must be good enough. I use tap water too.
    I live in SE Michigan and have always used city tap water. I let two, 5 gallon buckets stand for at least 24h with an air bubbler (not an air stone) keeping the water moving before adding my liquid PH and nutrients. My 4 prior grows had no water purity issues. I considered a RO purifier but was talked out of it by my 420 guru. Tap is okay only keep the minerals from building up inside the buckets and on any other exposed hardware.
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