Recent content by Virgin Ground

  1. Virgin Ground


    I'm absolutely heartbroken. I was wondering why my messages to him went I know. Penny and I became good friends over the years. We kept in contact after he left the site. He was always there to answer any type of question or forward information to me. He was also really fun...
  2. Virgin Ground

    InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

    Great job on the seeds,darlin'. Hey...wondering if you saw that @SeedsMan is selling clones now? I found it interesting. I'm ready for my next grow. I kinda disappeared during my last one but it couldn't be helped. Lots of migraines lately. Can barely function when they stick around for a...
  3. Virgin Ground

    InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

    Graduated!?!? Has the time passed by that fast? Holy smokes. Seems like just yesterday when you drove him up to school...
  4. Virgin Ground

    Boo’s Perpetual Grow Journal

    That is indeed a sample of my messy writing. Those are originally from Chris....sent to you from me. Sheddie had it spot-on!
  5. 1716316871597.png


  6. Virgin Ground

    InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

    The crickets worked!!!! The freshest frass around. I acknowledge your need for validation 😜 Woo-hoo!!!!🥳🍾😘
  7. Virgin Ground

    InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

    Well, hello there Sheddie. I came for the banter, as suggested. BTW.... The whole mystery seed thing still creeps me out. Kinda stalker-y imo.
  8. Virgin Ground

    GDB: Old Dog -- New Tricks

    Those plants look mighty fine GDB.....mighty fine. 💕
  9. Virgin Ground

    Welcome To The Table Mountain Sativa Spectacular

    Woo-hoo! Can't wait! Thanks for being a contest sponsor.
  10. Virgin Ground

    Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

    I betcha that mine is smaller. I totally screwed up my Wookiee. Didn't water her enough or transplant her. I was ill. She's about four inches tall and flowering so I'll probably cull that one. She's the smallest plant I've ever grown for sure. May be humorous to just keep her though. I...
  11. Virgin Ground

    Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

    Looking good, Carcass. ❤️ Zero surprise there.
  12. Virgin Ground

    Tardy To The Party: VG's Canuk Comparative Grow

    Shouldn't be too long now. They definitely look different. I'm realizing that I didn't take as many pics as I usually do. That or I accidentally erased them when my phone started going wonky. Not sure that I ever went back to normal. I've had Covid three times now. All three times sucked...
  13. Virgin Ground

    Tardy To The Party: VG's Canuk Comparative Grow

    So here is where I actually started feeling like I could stand for more than a few minutes. It's approximately a week and a half later. Damn things were super tall and I finally topped them . I cut about two feet off of the G13 and about 16" off of the Cement Shoes.
  14. Virgin Ground

    Tardy To The Party: VG's Canuk Comparative Grow

    😂 You know me, baby!
  15. Virgin Ground

    Tardy To The Party: VG's Canuk Comparative Grow

    Here is when it all started to go haywire. I had Covid and was down for a few weeks. I almost killed them a few times. Opened the closet to fully droopy plants a few times. I did all I could to keep them alive and had to skip any type of training. I could see that I was going to have an issue...
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