Photos added by Bill the Cat

Photo Comments

  • medium_diagram1.jpg
    Saving this recipe thank you!
  • IMG_4395.jpeg
    It’s octopussy
  • GvK 29 September 2024.jpg
    Hehe. I love the little shrub beside the big plants. Like the odd duck oof the family. Ya know that one family member who’s just gotta stand out and be different. Hahah
  • IMG_4426.jpeg
    She’s got so much potential
  • IMG_6819.jpeg
    Much thank you friend!

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Afghan Kush

Afghan Kush

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Afghan Kush

Afghan Kush

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Afghan Kush

Afghan Kush

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Afghan Kush

Afghan Kush

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Afghan Kush

Afghan Kush

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Afghan Kush

Afghan Kush

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Afghan Kush

Afghan Kush

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Afghan Kush

Afghan Kush

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Day 43

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Day 43

Day 43

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