Blog entries by budnoob2

Posted in the blog: Soil, Hydro or Aero?
Soil/Media provides Highest Quality with medium yield and lowest skill level Hydro provides Next Highest Quality with high yields requiring more skill Aero provides the Lowest Quality with the Highest yields and the highest skill required Note that 23 of the 2013 CCup winners were soil...
Posted in the blog: When do I?
Top plants? starting around week 2 of veg and never later than 2 weeks prior to switching to 12/12 Add more Cal-Mag? If purpling, or curling up of leaves Take cuttings for cloning? From week 3 of veg up through week 1 of flower is ok, can be done even later but not recommended Lollipop? From...
Posted in the blog: Nutrient Issues
Micro def - show at top of plant first (rare, if you have micro deficiency you probably over watered and damaged roots except in the case of Mg which is the most common micro def) Macro def - shows at bottom first (N is most common Macro def especially in early flower - refrain from dropping...
Posted in the blog: Troubleshooting Flow Chart
Is only one leaf affected? Yes = Invaders (bugs, mold, mildew), No = continue Are leaves clawed, puffy or bumpy? Yes = Over Watering, No = continue Are the leaves droopy, thin and curled under? Yes = Heat stress from light, No = continue Is the plant growth stunted and leaves/tips yellowing...
Posted in the blog: Nutrient Profiles
Veg: Day 7-18: 125PPM N, 62.5 P, 62.5 K (assuming nutrient free media or hydro) or 1/4 strength Day 19-25: 250 N, 125 P, 125 K or 1/2 Strength Day 26-end of veg: 350 N, 175 P, 175 K or 3/4 strength (Start nutes at day 26 or when signs of deficiency begin to appear for nutrient based...
Hands down Mg (Magnesium) deficiency so Cal-Mag is your best friend from veg to week 4 of flower and B-1, Sweet or FloraNectar from week4 flower to finish. If your leaf edges are cupping and leaves are curling up you want to supplement with Cal-Mag. Adjust nutrients nutrients and avoid...
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