Wine cellar as a storage unit for weed


Active Member
I live in AZ and the room temperatures here are crazy hot and very irregular when I turn my AC.... I am on my second grow and I have a few OZ to store after curing them. I bought a wine cellar unit from Amazon, I put my harvest after curing it with a Moisture package and set the temperature of the dark small wine cellar fridge unite on high (65-70 F) ..... I plan to smoke my stuff among other stashes from friends as my meds require it....maybe a few months to a year.... Is a wine cellar fridge unit (10 bottles) a good idea?
A cool dark closet has worked for me in the past. The well cured product is still sufficiently potent after 2-3 years. But with an estimate based on what's curing now, 50-half gal. are the total to cure and store that I'm scouting the house for alternatives. No root cellar's appeared yet,....... sadly. A really good grow may have its downsides, no?
A cool dark closet has worked for me in the past. The well cured product is still sufficiently potent after 2-3 years. But with an estimate based on what's curing now, 50-half gal. are the total to cure and store that I'm scouting the house for alternatives. No root cellar's appeared yet,....... sadly. A really good grow may have its downsides, no?
Maybe a 5-gallon bucket with a lid? They even come in black....
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