White Egg with PHOTO!


New Member
Heres a photo: The smaller things u see are Trich's, not mites, the bigger item im talking about.

WHAT IS IT?? :bong:

Removed the ones I could find by hand.

Sprayed with Vegtable * Fruit bug killer I got at lowes.

Main ingredient is pyrethrin

Hopefully this will work, Malathion burned the shit outta my Fan leafs lastime.
Definatly an egg...a little large for mites I think

Yes, they are rather large, I wonder what kinda creature comes out from this, must grow pretty large..

Dont spiders lay Sacks with a web over them, they contain hundreds of Eggs right? :ganjamon:
I was going to purchase the Neem Oil Extract, but it was like 9$ and I figured the Fruit * Vegetable spray would do the same job, plus ive heard of some people burning there plants with Neem Oil by not diluting it.

I didnt want any chances of another burn, Malathion burned it good last time.
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