Trala’s Tent

Morning Trala

Good morning RoyBoy :)

I’m watching you from the seats at the back lol.

We need to sharking play!

♟️ 🦈♟️🦈♟️🦈
I love the way you say bubba kush :green_heart:
I say it like Forrest Gump.

She’s my Bubba Gump Shrimp plant.

Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it, or have it in a curry like I did last night. You can also question why yanks call it a shrimp and not the proper word for them which is prawn…

Life is like a box of chocolates.


Lookin sweet in there tra good work 🤙
Thank you :)

I'm still chuckling about your buds like chodes comment about 15 pages or so back .
Haha. Day made.
Hi there :)

Welcome to our Tent of Debauchery, where profanities fly and professional lingo is ignored.


I’ve been here 3 years and still don’t know the proper lingo for plants!

Hi everyone.

Omg I’ve spent the day in the garden living my best life.

If I won lotto I’d defs buy land, have a collection of animals no one wants and garden. It’s my retirement goal. Sadly I have to work like a slave to try and achieve it… but not today.

So first, @DV8 i got a pic of my blood and bone and my ratio. That’s half a barrow of dirt. And because I’m a bit of a narcissist all about safety first, just a reminder. Masks aren’t just for COVID. When working with soil always wear a mask. If I had a dollar for everytime I nursed a patient with some exotic soil related lung bacteria I’d prolly only have $15, but I just don’t want it to be any of you. Xo

So you’ll see my Forest Gumpy Bubba Kush Snow. She’s all wrong. I once again buried another set of stupid looking nodes, so that’s 2 sets buried so far lol. I topped her too. She has 3 remaining sets of nodes, and her new grow looks semi normal. I’m all about the plant looking nice. Even if it means a delay in growing lol.


Look if I’m honest I took the first pic second, and the second first. Made me lol making it for you. Hope it makes you lol too.



So I gave my Mimi Mimosa EVO an uppot as well and she looks clinically depressed about it lolling. And OMG I can’t believe I haven’t named my newest Bee! Usually the name comes immediately. I will have a name before bed lol.

My Auto Xena (Blue Cheese Special Auto) is at the back with my Wedding Cake Auto no name.

I’m pleased they all fit okay.


Pee my Zkittles is phat as phuck.


I’m off to jump in that pool. It’s nearly 5pm here and still 34 degrees! Have the best day/night everrrrrrrrrrrrr Xo
Hi everyone.

Omg I’ve spent the day in the garden living my best life.

If I won lotto I’d defs buy land, have a collection of animals no one wants and garden. It’s my retirement goal. Sadly I have to work like a slave to try and achieve it… but not today.

So first, @DV8 i got a pic of my blood and bone and my ratio. That’s half a barrow of dirt. And because I’m a bit of a narcissist all about safety first, just a reminder. Masks aren’t just for COVID. When working with soil always wear a mask. If I had a dollar for everytime I nursed a patient with some exotic soil related lung bacteria I’d prolly only have $15, but I just don’t want it to be any of you. Xo

So you’ll see my Forest Gumpy Bubba Kush Snow. She’s all wrong. I once again buried another set of stupid looking nodes, so that’s 2 sets buried so far lol. I topped her too. She has 3 remaining sets of nodes, and her new grow looks semi normal. I’m all about the plant looking nice. Even if it means a delay in growing lol.


Look if I’m honest I took the first pic second, and the second first. Made me lol making it for you. Hope it makes you lol too.



So I gave my Mimi Mimosa EVO an uppot as well and she looks clinically depressed about it lolling. And OMG I can’t believe I haven’t named my newest Bee! Usually the name comes immediately. I will have a name before bed lol.

My Auto Xena (Blue Cheese Special Auto) is at the back with my Wedding Cake Auto no name.

I’m pleased they all fit okay.


Pee my Zkittles is phat as phuck.


I’m off to jump in that pool. It’s nearly 5pm here and still 34 degrees! Have the best day/night everrrrrrrrrrrrr Xo
Healthy lookin babies Tra. 34degrees 🥵
:rofl: :rofl:Thats it tra go an jump in that gorgeous pool,,surrounded with your 34 degrees ,,,an spare maybe just a little for us poor uk growers who b freezing their asses off lol (btw it's daddy freak not mommy freak) u plants r lookin great
Hi everyone.

Omg I’ve spent the day in the garden living my best life.

If I won lotto I’d defs buy land, have a collection of animals no one wants and garden. It’s my retirement goal. Sadly I have to work like a slave to try and achieve it… but not today.

So first, @DV8 i got a pic of my blood and bone and my ratio. That’s half a barrow of dirt. And because I’m a bit of a narcissist all about safety first, just a reminder. Masks aren’t just for COVID. When working with soil always wear a mask. If I had a dollar for everytime I nursed a patient with some exotic soil related lung bacteria I’d prolly only have $15, but I just don’t want it to be any of you. Xo

So you’ll see my Forest Gumpy Bubba Kush Snow. She’s all wrong. I once again buried another set of stupid looking nodes, so that’s 2 sets buried so far lol. I topped her too. She has 3 remaining sets of nodes, and her new grow looks semi normal. I’m all about the plant looking nice. Even if it means a delay in growing lol.


Look if I’m honest I took the first pic second, and the second first. Made me lol making it for you. Hope it makes you lol too.



So I gave my Mimi Mimosa EVO an uppot as well and she looks clinically depressed about it lolling. And OMG I can’t believe I haven’t named my newest Bee! Usually the name comes immediately. I will have a name before bed lol.

My Auto Xena (Blue Cheese Special Auto) is at the back with my Wedding Cake Auto no name.

I’m pleased they all fit okay.


Pee my Zkittles is phat as phuck.


I’m off to jump in that pool. It’s nearly 5pm here and still 34 degrees! Have the best day/night everrrrrrrrrrrrr Xo
They all look lovely T to da B!
Omg my day at work yesterday! CrAy CrAy!

Short story: Had a patient take a swing at me. He missed only coz myTeam Leader pulled me out of the way

Long story: We have this frequent flyer. He is a drug fucked personality disordered oxygen thief. Full forensic history. Did time for murder, drug dealing, armed robbery. Tortured life no doubt. Affiliated with the underworld of the Melbourne 80’s and 90’s. Google Mark Chopper Read and you got a version of him. Grandiose idealisation thinks he is a Big Man in the game when most likely he was just a little wannabe.

Now he is just a drug fucked ball of hate and bile who literally dribbles on himself when he eats and needs a nappy because he’s incontinent of both faeces and urine. He is supported by NDIS, biggest waste of tax payer money ever. So somehow he gets into his carers car and tries to set it alight. Popo called and now we have him. Everyone is scared of him. I’m not. I’ve been in relationships with the likes of him. And had my face punched in by the likes of him lol.

So yesterday he has the most beautiful nurse. Christian girl. Gentle, sweet, knowledgeable, just lovely. He has parked himself in the doorway of his room and he wants “tablets”. He’s calling her a whore, a slut, a cunt, not calling screaming, and I thought yeah nah. So I went to him, wtf is wrong? Why you yelling? He says sorry. I ask him if he’s hungry, he says yes. So I get him into his room. Sit him down. Ask him if he wants the tv on. He does. I have to go and get the call bell which has been removed from his room to turn it on. Tv on ✔️ I go to find him food. Give him a lunch tray. His breathing has calmed, language slowed. Out of no where he picks up his lunch tray (in his defence hossy food is shite lol) throws it at the wall. Huge crash. Screaming every swear word I know and love. AO calls a Code Black. I look at him. And said it’s me not you that has to clean this mess. I start picking up the plates talking about how I’m here to help. My TL now at the door trying to call security, my back is to him (rookie error) and he has the remote like a weapon, holding the cord and he swings, my TL pulls me into her and it just fucking missed the side of my head.

Him screaming profanities.

My anger, I turn, look at him. My voice low. Furious.

Me: (paraphrasing) this is what you do? THIS IS WHAT YOU FUCKING DO? Try and hit a woman with her back turned. A good woman. Who has brought you food. Got your TV working. You try and attack me! You are scaring me. You scare me when you yell. You fucking scare me.

Him: I’m sorry. I love you. I’m sorry. I love you. I love you. Sobbing like a two year old. Tears dripping from his chin. So now I’m holding his hand telling him it okay. Trying to console him lol.

Be a nurse they said. You’ll be respected they said lol. Actually I know I am. I was legit treated like a hero lol.

Worst part. Today will be Take II.

If I survive I’ll be back this arvo for a Sunday Summary.

Pray for me,

That's one crazy story but this had me LMAO:

Screaming every swear word I know and love.

It's so you! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
:rofl: :rofl:Thats it tra go an jump in that gorgeous pool,,surrounded with your 34 degrees ,,,an spare maybe just a little for us poor uk growers who b freezing their asses off lol (btw it's daddy freak not mommy freak) u plants r lookin great
Hello Freak Daddy!

So nice to meet your misso.

Omg it’s 0730 and 31 degrees!

We are in a proper heatwave atm.
Such a fun word.

But the plant is defs a slow starter. Probs coz I keep burying nodes.

Thank you. Stinker the Runtz Muffin is a bit of a hot mess tbh. I shoukd never have supercropped her. A regret I feel at least twice daily lol.

We are in it every day.
How hot is peak summer over there tra?
That's one crazy story but this had me LMAO:

It's so you! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I always tell you bad stories. It’s actually a great job, even when it isn’t. Lol

I had the best day yesterday. My patients were just lovely. I had one lady who is going to self euthanise, my first. Doctors were organising travel for her. She is an academic with brain mets. She wants a dignified death before the cancer rapes her beautiful mind completely. She was so super interesting too. Discharged home yesterday. She’s one I won’t forget.
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