The New Autoflower Topping Thread

Can you give me a little information on your grow? Temp, humidity, your growing medium. At day 21 and it’s size I would say you need some more light on her and a little farther away. And while tying down or LST is a great option for auto I’d wait a little longer next time to start. If I get some info or you start new seed let me know I’ll try to help you out the best I can. If you want so pictures of a few I have going when they were at the day 21 mark I’d be more then happy to share them and my setup info with you
It grows in an old closet. Temperature between 24-26 C, humidity 55-65. It's been 8 days and now I think it's growing healthily. The closet is a little narrow, 160 cm long and 250 double spectrum HPS bulbs hang at the top. I think the light intensity is enough. The girl is now 14 cm long. I pruned a few fan leaves. I hope everything will be fine. Meanwhile, the stem of the plant is very short and horizontal. does a problem occur?


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It grows in an old closet. Temperature between 24-26 C, humidity 55-65. It's been 8 days and now I think it's growing healthily. The closet is a little narrow, 160 cm long and 250 double spectrum HPS bulbs hang at the top. I think the light intensity is enough. The girl is now 14 cm long. I pruned a few fan leaves. I hope everything will be fine. Meanwhile, the stem of the plant is very short and horizontal. does a problem occur?
Temps look good I usually grow at round 72 to 75 degrees F. Humidity should be alright to go. Light cycle times I run to a 18/6 or 20/4 for autoflowers. A lot of it is in the genetics of the seed itself. I’ve had 5 seeds from a pack and all 5 were different between short and tall. The stem should be fine just make sure when you get nodes growing get them to the light, I’d recommend leaf tucking verses trimming in autoflowers until your comfortable. I trim my lower node sites deep under the canopy that won’t receive as much light to help it put focus on the canopy. Here’s some pics of my current grow from days 22 and day 26 these are autoflowers. GDP x Gumberry Auto
so...apparently she wasnt developing the third node so i went on and top her on the second at the 19th day

Hey mumps, sorry there wasn’t a reply to your question I had just checked in a seen your question. She did look to be developing the third node kinda funny. While topping at the second is a little early in my opinion you may be just fine with that choice to top, I usually in my experience with autos is i top no later then day 21 on most girls. I wouldn’t mind hearing some more information on your grow. Like your grow medium set up and in general grow set up. What’s your PH doing as well. I’m just trying to paint a full picture and gather as much info as I can. So I can offer as much help as possible. After topping my plants i in my grows like to top then water with light nutes and use some B1 vitamins in that watering seems to cut down on the shock of topping and lets the girl recover faster which in autoflowers is very important because once you light the fuse on that firecracker there’s no stoping her. Any more into would be appreciated and I look forward to helping out
hi mate no worries and thanks a lot for the answer.
i just have a PHmeter for solutions and i started to adjust the Ph of my tap water (which is 7.3) with some vinegar bringing it at ph 6.3
later on i've read that's pretty useless since you cannot modify the ph of the soil with just some PHed water so i thought i woulkd stop ph adjusting but still don't know, need further research.
anyway i didnt give em any nutes untill now, just biobizz alg a mic as foliar spray.
last time i watered them was 8 days ago and they still don't need any water.
my soil is biobizz all mix and i got some of the biobizz products (bio grow, fish, top max and bloom and alg a mic to use as foliar spray) and im growing in 3 gallons pot.
i added to the soil a 10/15% of zeolite which is a volcanic rock that in my experience really good for plants (im talking about vines and olives since is my first "acknowledged" weed grow)
i also just ordered some mega crop and it will be here next week...
was thinking about measuring the ph of the run out water but apparently that's pointless too..
anyway since i'm on my first run i wasnt planning on topping, i will just do some LST since i've read a few guides and i'm pretty confident about it.
for topping i've used an hot knife in order to close and heal the scar quicker...does it make sense?
i will also use some zeolite powder to close the scar better, it works on men, hopefully is the same for plants : D
i'm growing 5 autos in a tent but during sunny days like today i bring em outside, apparently they love it.
praise the sun!
shes a royal queen seeds norther light auto also on the 19th day

here the topped one also praising after an hour from the cut

the main problem with this plant is i planted the seed upside down and she struggled to sprout infact she's much shorter compared to the other 4
the small one you see in the picture is a photo i will give a friend to grow outside (it's three of them, one an unkwown seed and the other two are mokum's tulip from dutch passion)
at the moment they are having 22 hours of light and 2 of dark like the autos.
hi mate no worries and thanks a lot for the answer.
i just have a PHmeter for solutions and i started to adjust the Ph of my tap water (which is 7.3) with some vinegar bringing it at ph 6.3
later on i've read that's pretty useless since you cannot modify the ph of the soil with just some PHed water so i thought i woulkd stop ph adjusting but still don't know, need further research.
anyway i didnt give em any nutes untill now, just biobizz alg a mic as foliar spray.
last time i watered them was 8 days ago and they still don't need any water.
my soil is biobizz all mix and i got some of the biobizz products (bio grow, fish, top max and bloom and alg a mic to use as foliar spray) and im growing in 3 gallons pot.
i added to the soil a 10/15% of zeolite which is a volcanic rock that in my experience really good for plants (im talking about vines and olives since is my first "acknowledged" weed grow)
i also just ordered some mega crop and it will be here next week...
was thinking about measuring the ph of the run out water but apparently that's pointless too..
anyway since i'm on my first run i wasnt planning on topping, i will just do some LST since i've read a few guides and i'm pretty confident about it.
for topping i've used an hot knife in order to close and heal the scar quicker...does it make sense?
i will also use some zeolite powder to close the scar better, it works on men, hopefully is the same for plants : D
i'm growing 5 autos in a tent but during sunny days like today i bring em outside, apparently they love it.
praise the sun!
shes a royal queen seeds norther light auto also on the 19th day

here the topped one also praising after an hour from the cut

the main problem with this plant is i planted the seed upside down and she struggled to sprout infact she's much shorter compared to the other 4
the small one you see in the picture is a photo i will give a friend to grow outside (it's three of them, one an unkwown seed and the other two are mokum's tulip from dutch passion)
at the moment they are having 22 hours of light and 2 of dark like the autos.
No problem bud, One thing I would defiantly look at changing up a bit would be amending your grow mix a little with a little coco coir or more perlite to get the drainage flowing a little better. After 8 days and not needing water is a little long in my book but something to look into. I would water with your ph water at 6.3 and water to you get some run off. The measure that run off and see what it’s ph is just to see. Plus adding some amendments to get better drainage will help out too. The roots don’t like to stay damp it’s important to water and dry cycle them makes the roots search for water and fill out the container. Here’s a pic of a few autos I have sitting at day 33, very light triming and lst training. And the one out front is a northern lights auto topped a day 20, second photo is just showing then top tied down on one growing tall
Mumps, don't bother with the pH of your water. No need to do so with real soil, or promix.

If you need to thin down your soil mix so it drains better and holds a little less water, try perlite, vermiculite, or a little of both. Don't mix in coco with it.
the last week was very rainy and the air was pretty humid and that's the reason for the 8 days i guess...
in my next grow i will definetly add some coco or some more perlite, thanks.
are those 5 gallons pots?
beautiful plants...iìm still in time to top the other plants but i'm kinda scared...
i've read that some strains don't do that good with topping thats why i was going not to top..
i have:
1 royal critical auto (the topped one)
1 northern light auto
1 royal gorilla auto
1 sweet zz auto
1 amensia haze auto..
would you top all of them?
maybe i could try with topping a couple of them and see the differences with the others..tomorrow i will be at day 20.
beautiful plants you have there..
i see your northern light has a big "normal" leaf just like mine...maybe that's some indica stuff...
Mumps, don't bother with the pH of your water. No need to do so with real soil, or promix.

If you need to thin down your soil mix so it drains better and holds a little less water, try perlite, vermiculite, or a little of both. Don't mix in coco with it.

ok then, i'll go with more perlite, thanks.
some other guy in some other thread suggested to get something like this:

do you think that could be usefull?
That's a waste of your money, really. Not because it's a bad product, but because you don't need it for how you're growing.

You're in soil, and don't need to pH your input. It's not a bad idea to have a pH meter on hand (a pen for example) so if there is a problem you can check the pH of your run off. When using a pH pen infrequently, make sure you store it correctly, and realize that you may need to calibrate it every time you use it.
ok thanks, that's probably more usefull if you grow in hydrocolture then
i've got a few phmeters since i use them for my job, next time i water i'll measure the run off
the tap water comes from the well and has good values, maybe it's just too "hard" since i live in a vulcanic area.
Hiya, just tagging along! :bravo:
I've always had issues with autos so this is nice to see.

Also if it's helpful I bought a pH pen and don't really use it now. I use BioBizz nutes and its typically balanced enough to not have to measure during feeding.
Hi all got 3 autos growing first ever grow outdoors whilst waiting to finish my shed/grow room they are around 20 days above ground topped all three well looks like i messed one up as its now seems to be growing 4 mains so maybe filmed it by mistake have been following and trying to learn from this thread but so much to take in as a beginner think iv a little nute burn as a few yellowish spots so going to hold back on that for the next feeding well heres a couple of pics at to where I'm at i just feel so impatient with them all haha. Last pic is the messed up top/fim haha.
Hi all got 3 autos growing first ever grow outdoors whilst waiting to finish my shed/grow room they are around 20 days above ground topped all three well looks like i messed one up as its now seems to be growing 4 mains so maybe filmed it by mistake have been following and trying to learn from this thread but so much to take in as a beginner think iv a little nute burn as a few yellowish spots so going to hold back on that for the next feeding well heres a couple of pics at to where I'm at i just feel so impatient with them all haha. Last pic is the messed up top/fim haha.
Update; Continued now inside the shed with light mars ts600 had to ditch one as was showing hermie signs had a few problems with overwatering these but back on track blueberry is throwing out lots of pistils although the cali big bud is looking pretty stunted and lots of leaf over crowding around main colas also not really any signs of pistills yet light cycle is 18/6 using canna bio vega wondering when i should switch to the bio flores? And also should I cut the curled dry leaves or let them be?


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Hey what’s up snid glad to see this thread is still going.. I’m back after a long while Gonna be growing some Gorilla cookies auto & Amnesia XXL auto just waiting for them to break soil. I’ll be taking pics along the way
Update of my blueberry shes flowering nicely and the only one to pull through properly but have other autos starting out so will post them as they progress.


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Update of my blueberry shes flowering nicely and the only one to pull through properly but have other autos starting out so will post them as they progress.

she’s looking really healthy. Keep up the great job!
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