The New Autoflower Topping Thread

There's a story to all of this, so here goes.

I was looking up some info on different auto-watering hempy/dutch/bato buckets, and ended up down a rabbit hole. I ended up on an r/ of the autoflower variety, and came across something very, very interesting.

A bound and gagged gorilla glue that forgot the safe word, and ended up in a manifold (aka mainline). With 16 tops ready to go, all grown by a poster going by DankSquared2. OK, so far nothing out of the ordinary. We've all seen plants trained like that, big whoop right?

Here's a pic that went with it.

This pic is not my work. This pic is from DankSquared.


OK, nice training. Looks like your typical manifold/mainline training. But wait, there's more.

This gorilla glue is from Fast Buds.

Wait, wut? Fast Buds? But that's an auto flower!

Yes, yes it is. (Allegedly.)

And the claim is that this plant is 5 weeks old to the day when the photo was taken.

The basics are that it was initially topped like for a quadline. (Topped between 4 & 5, keep 3 & 4, chop 1 & 2.) Then each of those were topped after the first branched node (making 8 total), and each of those were also topped after their first branched node (making 16 total.) So 3 rounds of topping, everything stripped out to the tips, and all in a 5 week period.

Wait, on an auto?

Yes. The poster claims that by continually jacking with the plant by removing old growth, it delays the internal flip of hormones from veg to flower. The short of it is to continue forcing the plant to create new growth. First waiting until you have the 5th node and can top, then taking the bottom 2 nodes. Then as you work your way out and top the next two times, you're also taking fans and such. Thus the plant is trying to create new growth before it flips itself to flower.

Now these are not my claims. I'm just passing it along for discussion.

My own observations with my current run of autos:

However, I am noticing with my current batch of autos that there may be some reality to this. For example, on my Auto Lemon Drop (auto version of Super Lemon Haze), I kept thinning her pretty often as she was just pure cabbage. Bushy AF is an understatement. She sprouted on 11/1, and didn't start flowering until a couple days ago.

Three of the other autos in the group (5 total) started flowering about the same time around 12/16-12/18. While they all had some defol, not to the extent of the Lemon Drop. Even still, they vegged at least 5 weeks, if not close to 6.

The final auto started flowering about 12/26, which was just about 4 weeks from sprout (sprout on 11/18.) So she flowered the fasted from seed, but also had the least amount of being messed with. (I was pre-occupied with the RDWC, and was barely keeping up with her training.)

All 5 of these autos were topped as soon as possible when the growth above the 4th node was enough to clip, and then two days later the bottom nodes (1 & 2) were removed. After that, they all received various amounts of defol as needed.

I would venture to say that some of this may be dependent on genetics. The poster posing this information was mentioning FastBuds a good bit, as well as pushing their instagram pretty hard. I don't have a login there, so could only see some of their work, however it looked legit. Enough to pique my interest and wondering if there may be more to this whole topping thing than we may be admitting to.

I may have to experiment with this and see, just to satisfy my own curiosity.

I did notice that with the one strain that went into flower the quickest, it was also the one which had the least attention to its training. It was topped and set up to quad, wasn't bushy and really in need of any fan removal, and progressed right into flower pretty quickly. Quickly enough that I was surprised to see flowers on her already, as she was the last seed to pop (Mexican Airlines), and the first seed popped wasn't even flowering at that point (Auto Lemon Drop.)

If the breeders flowering estimate is even halfway accurate 9-11 weeks), the Lemon Drop will have sprouted on 11/1 and will complete it's 9th week of flowering on 3/4, and if it went a full 11 weeks would be 3/18, and will have went 4.5 months (139 days, almost 20 weeks) at that point.

It is this time frame and attention differences that leads me to think that there may be at least some possibility to this.
You're welcome. I cannot speak to its validity, but simply relaying what I read. I tried to leave enough clues so someone could find it if they wanted. On my next run of autos I will grow an extra just to see if there is any truth to it or not. However, based on my current auto run, it would not surprise me if there really was some substance to the concept.

It definitely goes beyond standard concepts and currently accepted autoflower behavior, but that doesn't make it complete bunk from the start. Considering my Auto Lemon Drop just vegged for 2 months (11/1 to 1/1), and she was being twerked on quite a good bit. That being the case, this would be a reasonable explanation for the long veg.
Very interesting! Please keep us apprised of the results of your experiments.

I will be sure to update in here when I am able to run these. With autos I'm not sure exactly how to best set up an experiment since you can't really clone them.

Like Shed pointed out recently, it may work several times and then blow up because the plant wanted to. That's the finicky point of autos.

I don't really see any benefit to being able to do it though. Why not just grow a photo at that point?

The two benefits I can see would be:
a) significantly reduced sensitivity to light pollution
b) overall height

A third benefit could be an increase in what that specific plant would have yielded, but again, tough to really determine since you're not running clones side by side. It would take hundreds of runs to get a true sample, and not something I'm likely to do myself.

For me, it's nothing more than curiosity and experimentation. A new thing to see and learn. Maybe it works, maybe not. But if there is some legitimacy to it all, then it wouldn't be terrible to have that knowledge in your back pocket in case you needed it one day.
I hear ya. The two best things about Autos are their speed, and the ability to take more than 12 hours of light during flowering (to get enough DLI from less watts of light).

One of the downsides of Autos is the sometimes tendency to begin flowering at about 3 weeks, which considerably limits the final yield.

I have some selfed Auto Kryptonite seeds that I can sacrifice in the name of science. Might as well try to maximize yield with a slightly extended veg (like at least 4 weeks :rolleyes: )
I've had so much inspiration and guidance from fellow growers here regarding topping autoflower plants. Although It's not an exact science it can be done and can bring huge yields. Every autoflower strain is different and therefore hard to judge how long a veg period they'll have. For instance, I've had some show pistils by day 20 and some who haven't started flower until week 6 or 7. It's a relative when it comes to topping autos. It's very important to know your strain and it's possible length of vegetation in order to confidently top them in their seedling stage as the 4th node clears enough space to do the deed.
I've got lots of experience with many strains of autos and the training involved with getting a good yielding plant. So with that said I want to open up the discussion and hope we can continue the auto topping adventure. Please feel free to leave examples and ask questions if you are in need of answers or guidance. I will, to the best of my ability, keep up with this thread and help out where I can. You all know me for my extensive auto training, so don't be shy to ask for help.

KiG Everyone :green_heart:Cheers
Bubblelishous auto and chocolate skunk auto...
I topped them above the 3rd node as soon as I had room for a clean cut...
After that just some LST...
The Bubblicious was 9 wks old yesterday.
The choc skunk 10 wks today..
Both plants were healthy when topped.


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I hear ya. The two best things about Autos are their speed, and the ability to take more than 12 hours of light during flowering (to get enough DLI from less watts of light).

One of the downsides of Autos is the sometimes tendency to begin flowering at about 3 weeks, which considerably limits the final yield.

I have some selfed Auto Kryptonite seeds that I can sacrifice in the name of science. Might as well try to maximize yield with a slightly extended veg (like at least 4 weeks :rolleyes: )

Going back to the initial start of this thread, that is what I followed for this crop of autos. Topping between 4 & 5, no later than day 21. I didn't think one of them was going to make it, but slid in right under the wire. I then continued the quadline, and trimmed off nodes 1 & 2.

It worked on these. There a 4 from Fast Buds, and 1 from Oasis.
Going back to the initial start of this thread, that is what I followed for this crop of autos. Topping between 4 & 5, no later than day 21. I didn't think one of them was going to make it, but slid in right under the wire. I then continued the quadline, and trimmed off nodes 1 & 2.

Thanks for posting this. I am running my my first auto grow and plan to follow this. Nice to have some confirmation!
Thanks for posting this. I am running my my first auto grow and plan to follow this. Nice to have some confirmation!

You're welcome. There are some things to be careful with, but in general it works fine.

a) The plant must be healthy and vigorous.

b) You must be able to top between nodes 4 & 5 no later than day 21 from seed. The earlier, the better, but the tip above node 4 need to be able to be snipped. You can also (gently) spread the growth tips from node 4 to get 5 going a little quicker.

c) The more you fiddle with it after that (like frequent defoliation if it's extra bushy) will most likely lengthen the veg time.

After the first top, then quadline train the plant. Best thing I can advise is to read all you can, and ask if you have questions.
Hello bros. Jack Herer CBD (the person who gave it said that) The plant is 21 days old and I have serious problems with its dimensions. It looks healthy but is a lighter size. The 75 w 6500k CFL stands about 10 cm away. There is 250w HPS Dual spectrum lamp, I can't put it because the bill is too much. Should I replace the lamp? Should I do topping or LST? I need your help.

You're welcome. There are some things to be careful with, but in general it works fine.

a) The plant must be healthy and vigorous.

b) You must be able to top between nodes 4 & 5 no later than day 21 from seed. The earlier, the better, but the tip above node 4 need to be able to be snipped. You can also (gently) spread the growth tips from node 4 to get 5 going a little quicker.

c) The more you fiddle with it after that (like frequent defoliation if it's extra bushy) will most likely lengthen the veg time.

After the first top, then quadline train the plant. Best thing I can advise is to read all you can, and ask if you have questions.
Quadline? Remove nodes 1&2 and quad 3&4.
Nah, 1 topping is where ya need. Anything else is a bit much stress. You can recover from 1 and be right on from there with the quadline. It works. ;)
Thanks, will only top once and LST as needed from there.

I'm growing four plants that will go outside soon.
Two LST and two topped, also two Mega Crop and Two Happy Frog
fruit and flower dry.
I have only grown 1 auto and she's now at 103 days and close to harvest. A local growing buddy and I shared a bean order and he sprouted one of the same seeds on the same day I did (a Gorilla Glue auto). His one was left to grow untrained, while I LST mine. To confirm @multiVortex thoughts, I feel that by LST that my plant stayed longer in veg and is probably at least 10 days behind his plant. Mine is currently looking great and looks to give a yield of at least 5-6oz. His plant is in a smaller pot than mine so there is an argument that it's roots reached the sides quicker and went into flower quicker, he said he's thinking he'll get 3-4oz from his. My gut feeling is the LST kept it in veg longer, which is really interesting and a potentially great way to build a bigger base for flowering.:ganjamon:

As @FelipeBlu highlighted, if the veg period is too short then the resulting bud growth may be small. Next time I will probably look to Quadline as it only requires a single topping and I need to keep my plants height restricted for stealth purposes and by utilising LST it has grown a little taller than I wanted, unless I supercropped which I didn't as I gather from other folk's experience it is not good on autos.
I'm not really sure what would make a difference on that. I don't think LST is going to stress it enough on its own to make a difference, but if they are only a week or so in difference then it could just come down to luck of the draw.

The longest one I had on this last round went 136 days (Nov 1 to Mar 15), and she was in a 3gal fabric pot. Once she started the stretch she was drying up that 3gal pot in under a day. I'd water her in the morning, and then give her another half watering in the late afternoon/evening. She ended up with a dried weight of 17.25oz.

The others were in 7gal fabric pots, and I think those were a hair big. (All were in promix.)

All the digging I did after seeing them veg noticeably longer lead me to read some interesting theories, which I mentioned a while back. The short(ish) summary is the theory that pruning during veg (fans, occasional nodes, etc) causes the plant to produce more of the "veg hormones" to replace those fans and make new growth. The increase in the veg hormones fights back against the flowering hormones building up, and delays the flip where the flower hormones take the dominant role. You can't delay it indefinitely, but it seems you can at least delay it a few weeks. Those few weeks can make a big difference.

I will be testing this theory out and seeing what's what this go around. Running 4 autos (3 from Dutch Passion, 1 from Fast Buds) this time, all in dutch buckets that I've attached to a recirculating res. (This setup has done wonders on a GDP that I didn't think was going to make it.)

While I haven't completely made up my mind yet, I'm very tempted to try another of the super lemon, and let her have a 3x3 all to herself. Then go back and do the same to her that I did the last one and see what happens.
I'm not really sure what would make a difference on that. I don't think LST is going to stress it enough on its own to make a difference, but if they are only a week or so in difference then it could just come down to luck of the draw.
As I said I've had the experience of 1 auto but the comparison of my friend's grow, the pics of his plant showed it was well into flowering when compared to mine that was planted at the same time. One observation I made, was how strong and vigorous the auto grew compared to the photos I am used to. When carrying out the LST the plant was really determined to grow where/how she wanted, my photo plants I felt were more compliant. Seeing my friend's fast developing flowers when mine had barely started made me feel the LST had caused a delay to flowering, which on the positive side is hopefully extra veg growth that will support more buds. I'm sure there is a variation of responses amongst all the different strains possible to grow.

The longest one I had on this last round went 136 days (Nov 1 to Mar 15), and she was in a 3gal fabric pot. Once she started the stretch she was drying up that 3gal pot in under a day. I'd water her in the morning, and then give her another half watering in the late afternoon/evening. She ended up with a dried weight of 17.25oz.
That is really impressive! Great stuff!:thumb:

All the digging I did after seeing them veg noticeably longer lead me to read some interesting theories, which I mentioned a while back. The short(ish) summary is the theory that pruning during veg (fans, occasional nodes, etc) causes the plant to produce more of the "veg hormones" to replace those fans and make new growth. The increase in the veg hormones fights back against the flowering hormones building up, and delays the flip where the flower hormones take the dominant role. You can't delay it indefinitely, but it seems you can at least delay it a few weeks. Those few weeks can make a big difference.
That's what my gut feeling is telling me too.

I will be testing this theory out and seeing what's what this go around. Running 4 autos (3 from Dutch Passion, 1 from Fast Buds) this time, all in dutch buckets that I've attached to a recirculating res. (This setup has done wonders on a GDP that I didn't think was going to make it.)

While I haven't completely made up my mind yet, I'm very tempted to try another of the super lemon, and let her have a 3x3 all to herself. Then go back and do the same to her that I did the last one and see what happens.
Fantastic! I look forward to seeing them develop and how you go about their training.
Hello bros. Jack Herer CBD (the person who gave it said that) The plant is 21 days old and I have serious problems with its dimensions. It looks healthy but is a lighter size. The 75 w 6500k CFL stands about 10 cm away. There is 250w HPS Dual spectrum lamp, I can't put it because the bill is too much. Should I replace the lamp? Should I do topping or LST? I need your help.

Can you give me a little information on your grow? Temp, humidity, your growing medium. At day 21 and it’s size I would say you need some more light on her and a little farther away. And while tying down or LST is a great option for auto I’d wait a little longer next time to start. If I get some info or you start new seed let me know I’ll try to help you out the best I can. If you want so pictures of a few I have going when they were at the day 21 mark I’d be more then happy to share them and my setup info with you
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