The Capn's Simple Hydroponics Cook Off - Goal: 1lb Indoors - Journal

Lookin great teach! I can't believe the medium retained that much salt that it jack your 0PPM RO up to 250. That's crazy, but also depicts the behaviors of dissolved solids. On the bottom of this solo cup I am using as a pot, there is a crusty residue built up outside the bottom drain holes, so I can see it here too. Wish I could help ya chop down your harvest! I bet I'd get baked just from handling some buds for a while (but you probably harvest with latex gloves on). Question, do you wash your buds? There's a thread of quite a few growers that are reporting absolutely amazing results from superior quality of flavor, to a more thorough and even drying/curing period to the content that is removed during the wash. It's a great thread and deserves attention if you have some time to kill. Hope it helps.

I didn't drain the res COMPLETELY, so that affects it too. I don't believe it's a good idea to totally shock them with 0PPM anyway.

I don't use gloves. I find a spot on the branch I can hold it, and I trim. I try not to touch the buds with my hands at all. I don't wash the buds, but after reading that article, I might give it a try. The concept makes perfect sense, although for strains with big colas, I'm not sure. Thanks for the link. I'll research this more.


Looks great Capn!

think you'll hit a P?

I hope so, Vick. The last two A. O. I chopped, I got 2P between the two of them, so I'm confident. But these buds are so weird I don't want to speak too soon. I'm pulling it a week earlier than I did the previous ones, because this strain throws out a lot of male sacs in late flower.

Thanks for checking in; I'm on my way to check out your SOG journal.
Those plants look beautiful Capn. :yummy:

I don't use gloves. I find a spot on the branch I can hold it, and I trim. I try not to touch the buds with my hands at all.

Exactly how I do it. :thumb:

I always wondered about the gloves. The only explanation I came up with was they throw them in the freezer when they're done to get the hash off.

I don't wash the buds, but after reading that article, I might give it a try. The concept makes perfect sense, although for strains with big colas, I'm not sure. Thanks for the link. I'll research this more.

I highly recommend you do a test of at least one branch. You probably have the materials on hand. It definitely makes the smoke 'smoother'.
I always wondered about the gloves. The only explanation I came up with was they throw them in the freezer when they're done to get the hash off.

With my outdoor harvest I started not using gloves and trying to just grab branches, still got stuff all over fingers. Then I made mistake of rubbing near my eye, burned for hours. Then I got gloves and will use gloves every time I trim now, makes life so much easier.
I tried gloves this last time and found myself spending time playing with the resin on the tips of my fingers haha. I was able to get one fingertip to get all the other resin off my other fingers and got a nice chunk. I like the gloves and will use em again.
I have spoken with a few growers who tried the bud wash and Im not impressed. I might try a single cola and see how it goes but I think for my indoors stuff I'll pass.
Outdoors thats really dirty and full of organic debris and pests it might make more sense if it doesnt fry em up or make the bag appeal go bye bye.
Way to go cap, wanna run another haha "Sir May I have Another?!" i actually have some other things I gotta try but from time to time Ill send ya a pic of my capn style grows.
Thanks so much capn. I should have a final weight and pics by Sunday
I tried gloves this last time and found myself spending time playing with the resin on the tips of my fingers haha. I was able to get one fingertip to get all the other resin off my other fingers and got a nice chunk. I like the gloves and will use em again.
I have spoken with a few growers who tried the bud wash and Im not impressed. I might try a single cola and see how it goes but I think for my indoors stuff I'll pass.
Outdoors thats really dirty and full of organic debris and pests it might make more sense if it doesnt fry em up or make the bag appeal go bye bye.
Way to go cap, wanna run another haha "Sir May I have Another?!" i actually have some other things I gotta try but from time to time Ill send ya a pic of my capn style grows.
Thanks so much capn. I should have a final weight and pics by Sunday

Sling, when you gonna show us what else you have up your sleeve? I know you're not just growing one plant!
Hey Guys,

Aw S1ing feel for ya man and right at the end too. But hey, the results are still outstanding, look forward to the final count from both you guys +reps too ya both.

Cap'n, hope all is well my friend. I was surfing the tube and dropped on a very unusual concept grow. I know nothing of the guys cred, but man pictures speak volumes I guess. Here's the link to the start

The Vertical DWC Prototype Follow Up Video! - YouTube.

Some ideas for another day perhaps ? I seem to recall you had an interest in vertical lighting. There is a later vid at day 30 easy enough to find. Sorry about the embedded picture link. How do I turn that off ?

I've been a little bit busy with grow space issues and other things of late, but should be doing an update shortly.

Peace to All

Subscribed! I am growing 4 plants in 4 10ltr hyrdo pots to get as much as I can from the plants in a 1mx1mx1.8m tent. I know it's not quite the same but the logic is similar. Really interested to see how this progresses!

I'm sorry to inform you, but the 'Cook Off' is basically over. We all are just waiting for these guys to show us their final weight :thumb:
Hey Guys,

Aw S1ing feel for ya man and right at the end too. But hey, the results are still outstanding, look forward to the final count from both you guys +reps too ya both.

Cap'n, hope all is well my friend. I was surfing the tube and dropped on a very unusual concept grow. I know nothing of the guys cred, but man pictures speak volumes I guess. Here's the link to the start

The Vertical DWC Prototype Follow Up Video! - YouTube.

Some ideas for another day perhaps ? I seem to recall you had an interest in vertical lighting. There is a later vid at day 30 easy enough to find. Sorry about the embedded picture link. How do I turn that off ?

I've been a little bit busy with grow space issues and other things of late, but should be doing an update shortly.

Peace to All


Hi BB,

Thanks for the link to the vid. I've seen that video, it is from SUB lbc. The guy is a bit full of himself, but he is legit. He doesn't TEACH you how to do stuff, but he is a smart guy, knows a lot about the business, and has many good things to say. He is one of the few people I follow on YT.

I am interested in vertical. Whenever you see giant indoor grows, it seems there is vertical lighting. I'm doing a practice run of the semi vertical theory while my new aero plant is in veg. I'll be posting pictures soon in my new journal. Thanks again. I'm always looking for new ideas.
It is almost over, but this is the best part; like watching the last 10 minutes of a movie :)

I got up early and took the day off work so I can start on this beast. Here are a few pictures after taking the scrog net off.




Damn these!

I don't usually eat breakfast, but I figure this job is going to take me a good 8 hours. How ironic is this?


Stay tuned. More pictures coming in 10 minutes.
The guy at my local hydro store always urges me to watch Sub LBC. I tried once and I concluded as you did and went back to my HGHB videos as he's easier to listen to.

Capn, what's that pictured in the red circle? Was that a bursted pollen sac? Hope not! Also, I like how your plant was not content with the 4' x 4' scrog and wanted still more (bottom/left of 3rd pic).
I cut off a few branches so far. These pictures demonstrate the POWER of SCROG, 600W of light, and "doin it capn style"




Starting to trim:


I pull off the big fan leaves and throw them away, then cut the nice trim off into a container for making dry ice kief, or oil, whatever.


Ok guys, I gotta get back to work. I wish you all were here with some snippers. I would put you to work and send you home with a souvenir. It will probably be later tonight before you hear from me again. My fingers are already sticking to the keyboard.

Here's me this morning:

The guy at my local hydro store always urges me to watch Sub LBC. I tried once and I concluded as you did and went back to my HGHB videos as he's easier to listen to.

Capn, what's that pictured in the red circle? Was that a bursted pollen sac? Hope not! Also, I like how your plant was not content with the 4' x 4' scrog and wanted still more (bottom/left of 3rd pic).

In late flower, females will grow pollen sacs within the buds (not on lower branches). This is not due to stress, it is due to the plant knowing it's life is almost over, and it is a desperate attempt to pro-create. These are nothing to worry about. From the two AO in the simply hydro thread, they both had several of these. They are so compacted in the bud the pollen can't even fall out. In the last year, I've found ONE SEED. :) Stoners call these yellow banana looking things: "nanners".

HH really SOLD OUT in his last video, eh? It was literally a commercial. He didn't even tell his subscribers HOW to do anything. Now he's copying the corny sound effects from the "one lb club" guy. arg. I wish HH would get back on track.
To be honest, I haven't been to his channel in a good minute. Ever since my hydro failure, I've removed sterile philosophies from list of people I follow. Every once in a while I stop in to see what new material he has b/c I can steal ideas from almost anywhere, but I also like watching MichiganCareGiver420 who follows HGHB, but does his own thing too and is just another broke stoner sitting on at least 30k harvest weight, and he mostly gives it away to people he cares for. Awesome dude IMO! Not experienced enough to critisize his ggrows, but his character speaks volumes about the man.
I cut off a few branches so far. These pictures demonstrate the POWER of SCROG, 600W of light, and "doin it capn style"




Starting to trim:


I pull off the big fan leaves and throw them away, then cut the nice trim off into a container for making dry ice kief, or oil, whatever.


Ok guys, I gotta get back to work. I wish you all were here with some snippers. I would put you to work and send you home with a souvenir. It will probably be later tonight before you hear from me again. My fingers are already sticking to the keyboard.

Here's me this morning:

You can't compare sub to HH its not even the same ballpark, ones running MLB and the others a star little league player?

Thanks for making my day cap, Ricky's the best
Cap'n- just so you know, there is a handful of people raising the green in the air for you today,,,my first cap'n style took me 14 hrs to harvest just 2 plants(yes I AM SLOW,and arthritic)

would this be the appropriate place to post some root shots and maybe discuss,my options for next time??
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