Stunger Tries Trough Growing And Attempts Fluxing On His Organic Living Soil Balcony

Congrats of the first harvest Stunger! She looks tasty!

And a very impressive non-flop pic! 📷
Thanks GDB! Her limbs are really strong, not bendy, as I found out in early training after snapping a couple, whereupon I gave that up in case I snapped them all off before ever reaching harvest.
Update - a closer look at the 2 remaining plants

Greetings 420 enthusiasts!

Today I wanted to check on the Mulanje Sherbert and Super Lemon Haze to see where they are at. They started flowering a couple of weeks later than the Frozen Black Cherry and consequently I haven't so far given them much of a look.

The trough

In this first grow of the trough, I have been impressed with the ability of it to hold moisture without the daily watering that was required when I kept my plants individually in drilled out pots. Because our weather this year has been relatively dry and I have been frugal on watering, it has allowed for droughting conditions to occur, something I am happy about as I thought it may not be possible with the trough. But I am convinced droughting can add something extra resin wise. Droughted buds certainly gum up my grinder the worst.

Mulanje Sherbert

At this point she seems to be trucking along quite ok. She lost a little bit to caterpillars but it doesn't seem to be a lot. I have seen the occasional mite on her but this is the outdoors and lots of insects pass through. Generally speaking she looks quite clean of any bug burden.

Her stem rub has a fruitiness mixed with a far off hint diesel.

Her pistils are mostly withered and browned off now.

Her trichomes are a mixture of clear/cloudy with the majority cloudy with very few amber so far.

I am happy to let her continue as long as she is continues to bear up

Super Lemon Haze

Looking closely, I can see mites in parts trying to establish themselves. They are there in modest enough numbers but they could get out of hand if nothing is done. Tomorrow I will give her a spray to get rid of them. And while I'm at it I'll probably give a spray to the Mulanje Sherbert too. It'll still be a couple of weeks I think before I harvest either of them.

Her pistils have also mostly withered and turned brown.

Her trichomes are a fairly even mixture of clear/cloudy, with perhaps slightly more clear, and a scant few amber.

Her stem rub smell is quite nostril clearing and it could be said to have a hint of lemon.

The 2 minor stems that I selectively pollinated with the Mulanje Sherbert pollen have produced seeds.

Thanks for dropping by. I hope your day is going great and your gardens are too!
That SHL looks sticky icky!

I can see those little bastards on her though.

You are cool under pressure Stunger. I'd be having a hissy fit! :Rasta:
Congrats, Stunger on the FBC harvest. Beautiful plant! The remaining two look amazing as well.

It looks lonely now in the trough. Did you leave the FBC's roots?
Thanks Stinker!

I would usually cut the plant out with the root ball but I had the missus nearby and didn't want her to have a epileptic fit if she saw me using the serrated bread knife from the kitchen which is the best knife to use in such situations. So instead I just cut her low in the stem with the loppers. Hopefully with the roots left in the soil that the mycorrhizae can hang around twiddling their thumbs while they wait for the next grow to start.
That SHL looks sticky icky!

I can see those little bastards on her though.

You are cool under pressure Stunger. I'd be having a hissy fit! :Rasta:
Cheers GDB! Growing outdoors the plants probably have every insect around at some point alighting on them. I even caught a big fat pigeon once landing on a plant's canopy, altho I'd much prefer that frog that @StoneOtter found in his foliage, that was a beauty!

I think when the plants are healthy that they tend to less susceptible to an overrun of insects. I had read that the Super Lemon Haze strain does not respond well to training or rich soil, I was hard on her from the start, which I feel stressed her a bit and she's always looked a bit stressed and that's maybe why a few mites have targeted her. Anyway, a spray treatment should sort her out.
They're both looking great and neither have that "done" look to them yet! You've got that tough thing down. :thumb:
Droughted buds certainly gum up your grinder the best. :)
Thanks Shed! I recently cleaned my grinder back to spotless, with dry buds it stays that way, but with resiny droughted bud it ends up all resin smeared on the inside. But I am not complaining, I like that gooey bud!
Update - Showing the Mulanje Sherbert's darkening colour and revisiting her old stem split

Greetings 420 enthusiasts!

The Mulanje Sherbert has darkened a lot as our overnight temperatures get cooler. It is hard to show that with bright light behind her but I took a pic as today's overcast skies have reduced her usual silhouette appearance.

Over 2 months ago she suffered a stem split which I supported with a zip tie and some cross bracing of training wire between the stems above.

She has continued on unfazed, so I thought I'll take a couple of pics to show how she has weathered the injury.

Thanks for dropping in! Wishing a good day for all.
Thanks Stinker!

I would usually cut the plant out with the root ball but I had the missus nearby and didn't want her to have a epileptic fit if she saw me using the serrated bread knife from the kitchen which is the best knife to use in such situations. So instead I just cut her low in the stem with the loppers. Hopefully with the roots left in the soil that the mycorrhizae can hang around twiddling their thumbs while they wait for the next grow to start.

Cheers GDB! Growing outdoors the plants probably have every insect around at some point alighting on them. I even caught a big fat pigeon once landing on a plant's canopy, altho I'd much prefer that frog that @StoneOtter found in his foliage, that was a beauty!

I think when the plants are healthy that they tend to less susceptible to an overrun of insects. I had read that the Super Lemon Haze strain does not respond well to training or rich soil, I was hard on her from the start, which I feel stressed her a bit and she's always looked a bit stressed and that's maybe why a few mites have targeted her. Anyway, a spray treatment should sort her out.

Thanks Shed! I recently cleaned my grinder back to spotless, with dry buds it stays that way, but with resiny droughted bud it ends up all resin smeared on the inside. But I am not complaining, I like that gooey bud!
Mmmm 😋 gooey buds! CL🍀
Update - Final weeks

Greetings 420 enthusiasts!

Getting cooler overnight on the balcony and the Mulanje Sherbert has got quite dark compared to the Super Lemon Haze which has remained her same green colour.

I recently had the pleasure of trying a grow buddy Pornstar Martini that he'd recently harvested, very nice indeed. He still has a couple of Golden Tigers remaining which I am really looking forward to trying as well as hopefully gaining some seeds as I gave him a wee baggie of pollen from the male Mulanje Sherbert that I used to make crosses with the Super Lemon Haze and Frozen Black Cherry.

Mulanje Sherbert

She has been quite robust, like her full sister that I grew on my previous grow. There are few if any white pistils left now, but I will let her 'mature' a bit more as she is still looking quite happy to continue and her trichomes look like they could go a bit further.

Super Lemon Haze

Last week I dealt to some mites with an organic Neem spray. This week I couldn't spot any live mites left which is as I'd expect, as I have used this same spray previously and I found it worked well to get rid of them. I have never detected any residual taste or smell from this spray when applied with a week or two before harvest.

She is at the right hand end of the trough and the most tricky to photograph as the sunlight is coming right at you. It is one time I would like her to be in a pot that I can tip and roll to a better position for taking some pics.

The trough

That's the scores on the doors at this late stage of the grow. Thanks for dropping in and wishing the best day for all!
Last week I dealt to some mites with an organic Neem spray. This week I couldn't spot any live mites left which is as I'd expect, as I have used this same spray previously and I found it worked well to get rid of them. I have never detected any residual taste or smell from this spray when applied with a week or two before harvest.
You may be close enough to harvest that it doesn't matter, but I'm not sure the neem is effective against the eggs so you might consider another round in two days to kill any new hatchlings. I do know that's how the soap sprays work.

I assume you'll bud wash them to help remove any remaining residue?

Plants are looking great. You must be well pleased with the trough experiment. :thumb:
Beautiful! Those milky trichome shots are amazing.
Thanks Stinker!
You may be close enough to harvest that it doesn't matter, but I'm not sure the neem is effective against the eggs so you might consider another round in two days to kill any new hatchlings. I do know that's how the soap sprays work.

I assume you'll bud wash them to help remove any remaining residue?

Plants are looking great. You must be well pleased with the trough experiment. :thumb:
Cheers Azi! I am very pleased with the trough of having triple the amount of soil available to the plants compared to the pots. It also takes the pressure off watering where I can skip it for a week or two to create droughting conditions. It's a lot of soil that I had to carry up and it would be a disappointing PITA if I had to remove it now.

Re the mites; I couldn't see any live mites several days after the spray but it is a good point you make about hatchlings, altho our temperatures are dropping a lot now which won't be laying the welcome mat out for them.

Re bud washing; I mite do haha. But as they're outdoor plants, they get a wash when it rains and the SLH is at the end of the trough that gets hit with the most rain.
Over the past few years of journaling my grows, I have had some journal/plant of the month awards, some prizes like grow lights or vapes are really awesome but with living in New Zealand the prizes are mostly unavailable.

So I am very chuffed to receive my first ever prize direct from a sponsor, of 5 Blueberry seeds from Seedsman.
They were well sent in stealth mode too, much appreciated. Thank you @SeedsMan and 420! :thanks:

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