Pantagruel's Mixed Bag Of Fluxes

Shite! The tapwater is about 7.6 after it sits. I guess that's part of the problem. Then I hit them with a lot of nitrogen, I think that raises ph too.

That pH will certainly cause you to have issues. You are in coco right? (sorry, medicated and can't remember shit tonight LOL)
I'm in soil. I took the ph down to 6.5 on the last water with light nutrients. No dramatic improvement. The trainwreck is still about 60% yellow. The other plants are showing signs of yellowing on the larger fan leaves and the new growth is very bright green. They continue to look droopy. Damn.

Next watering I guess I'll try taking the ph down to 6 and see what happens. I thought recovery would be a lot quicker. I'll take some pics tonight and put em up.
Ya - I think it is a combination of slight overwatering, a bad soil mix (which I corrected), and PH/lockout issues. Friggin hell. Definitely a challenge. I am planning to let them dry out and I poked a bunch of aeration holes in the soil this morning. Thanks brother! :thumb:
Ph on my standing tapwater was 8.1 this morning. Man, no wonder things were going wrong. I am still letting the pots dry out. Fed my 3 little clones in flower and ph'd down to 6.2.
Ph on my standing tapwater was 8.1 this morning. Man, no wonder things were going wrong. I am still letting the pots dry out. Fed my 3 little clones in flower and ph'd down to 6.2.

Wow... that's incredible. Good reason to check your PH regularly.
You will get there..... looking better already....:slide:
Ph on my standing tapwater was 8.1 this morning. Man, no wonder things were going wrong. I am still letting the pots dry out. Fed my 3 little clones in flower and ph'd down to 6.2.
pH is definitely your main issue then brother! Focus on your water pH and things will straighten fairly easily.
Just don't over water. When I had my pH issue, it took a little while for the plant get back to its normal water uptake. So just be careful. Go off the weight of the pot....not the number of days.
Gotcha. I've been doing that. I actually weigh my smaller pots but I just go by feel when I pick the big ones up. It does seem they aren't drinking as much. I guess the roots are kinda f'd up?
Looks like the trick. Green Crack has lost the serious droop, Trainwreck is recovering from the chlorosis. Flipped to 12/12 yesterday. Boy, it is a lot easier to cause a problem than to fix one, isn't it?

I want to thank you VS, and Bonsai, Troy, Slinks, for taking an interest and offering up your wisdom and moral support. It can be pretty upsetting when you see your hard work curling up and dying off!
Interesting to see the problem from start to finish. The photos cover 17 days from transplant to today. Also to see how the different strains react differently. The Afghani was the least affected, the Trainwreck, the most. The little pure Kush clones in flower also suffered. Curious to see how much I get from those small plants. I'm thinking of running a bunch of small plants rather than a few big ones for a change.

Just transplanted and the watering that likely caused the problems

Few days later, everyone is starting to droop

Few days ago, ph has been corrected for one watering

Today, ph has been corrected for two waterings.
Looks like the trick. Green Crack has lost the serious droop, Trainwreck is recovering from the chlorosis. Flipped to 12/12 yesterday. Boy, it is a lot easier to cause a problem than to fix one, isn't it?

I want to thank you VS, and Bonsai, Troy, Slinks, for taking an interest and offering up your wisdom and moral support. It can be pretty upsetting when you see your hard work curling up and dying off!
Glad to be able to try to help you brother. We all have the same goal.....grow the best plants we can, doesn't matter the reason. Learn what we can and share with others to help with that same goal.

And you damn sure got that right.....much easier to cause than to fix!
Amazing what a difference good pH can make. Even in living organic soil, I can't make my plants happy without adjusting my water pH. My water is really crappy though (9.2 pH out of the tap). Once I went back to pH'ing, everything has been golden.
Did a good defol. I left a few undersized branches to clip after a couple of more days stretch for clones.

My little buddee. Flowering my Kush clones in 4 inch pots for a larf. Wonder what they'll yield?
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