Newbie to inside growing...Killing Seedlings, Please Help

Well it's been a little bit but I wanted to give an update. The plants are all looking good to me. The Northern Lights plant that I started with is just over 5 weeks old now and has been fimmed twice and is now in it's final pot with some LST done. The 3 auto's are just over 3 weeks and are throwing white pistols at me and starting to smell pretty skunk. One on the top left is the White Widow, the two on the farther right are the AK-49's and in the middle is the regular NL. I built a new box, 4X3X6. I put a 6" 440CFM fan and carbon filter in for exhaust with the 400 HPS/MH combo. It has the air cooled hood and seems to stay pretty consistent around 77F. I know this is what I talked about and I'm glad it's working out.
Now that these auto's are starting to smell and get ready for budding, when do I switch the light to the HPS bulb? I still have my other box to put the NL in but when do I need to cut her back to 12/12 and HPS? When do I start to use the Big Bud Nutes? Etc... New territory for me but I'm ready!!
For auto's you don't have to change the light schedule to induce flowering. It happens automatically.

If you throw them under the hps 12/12 you will most likely get a bit more bud than cfls on your current schedule. It's entirely up to you. But for the auto's you can run 24/0 all the way through.

I would begin to slowly introduce flowering nutes now, at a very weak concentration. Make sure not to over fertilise as there will be no time to recover with auto's and it will really harm your yield.

Less is certainly more when it comes to nutes :)
From one newbie to another. Just got through reading a ditti on chemical fumes and cannabis. Just a thought, you did mention you used liquid nails and painted your grow space.

I'll see if I can find it and post it for you.
Sorry, can't find it again. It did say that chems from paint and the stuff in the home ie carpet etc. can do a number on plants in the home. Takes a few weeks or more to disperse, or never does. Just putting it out there.
Sorry, can't find it again. It did say that chems from paint and the stuff in the home ie carpet etc. can do a number on plants in the home. Takes a few weeks or more to disperse, or never does. Just putting it out there.

Can be the same with everything in the house my friend. Furnishings, varnishes, pvc windows, gloss paint, carpets, concrete, bricks... The list is endless. All release toxins into the home which can have an adverse affect on the health of the occupants. Have a search of sick building syndrome.

To stay on topic, I'm not too sure how these things would affect the plants. Or if it would be enough to cause problems.
Thanks Mono, your right. I had only mentioned it because he said he had just painted and liquid nailed, and I had read an article about chems.
Just got through reading you 2013 Grow. Good stuff, and the article too!!
I'm on my 1st grow. Have 3 nice little seedlings about 2 inches tall. 3 sets of leaves. MG moisture dirt, 1-18" plant and aquarium flo tube and 2-60 watt 55K cfls. Plants look healthy, but seem to be stalled. A little Bonsai going on, any thoughts?
For auto's you don't have to change the light schedule to induce flowering. It happens automatically.

If you throw them under the hps 12/12 you will most likely get a bit more bud than cfls on your current schedule. It's entirely up to you. But for the auto's you can run 24/0 all the way through.

I would begin to slowly introduce flowering nutes now, at a very weak concentration. Make sure not to over fertilise as there will be no time to recover with auto's and it will really harm your yield.

Less is certainly more when it comes to nutes :)

The Northern lights plant is a regular feminized plant. The other three are auto's. I wasnt talking about switching them to 12/12. I was wondering when to put the HPS bulb in because they are starting to smell and look to be beginning the flower stage. The other box will hold the NL plant if I want to veg it any longer. Once I put the HPS in I will be running 18/6 on the auto's. As you have probably read Fatty and I have been going over nute's a lot on this thread because I'm deff a newbie to coco and inside growing for sure. I was wondering when and how much to introduce the Big Bud nute's to the auto's and the NL. The NL is 6 weeks old now. Is it a good time to start flower on it as well? Thanks for your reply's! :thumb:
The Northern lights plant is a regular feminized plant. The other three are auto's. I wasnt talking about switching them to 12/12. I was wondering when to put the HPS bulb in because they are starting to smell and look to be beginning the flower stage. The other box will hold the NL plant if I want to veg it any longer. Once I put the HPS in I will be running 18/6 on the auto's. As you have probably read Fatty and I have been going over nute's a lot on this thread because I'm deff a newbie to coco and inside growing for sure. I was wondering when and how much to introduce the Big Bud nute's to the auto's and the NL. The NL is 6 weeks old now. Is it a good time to start flower on it as well? Thanks for your reply's! :thumb:

I think you should read the auto guide in the forums. and yeah sounds about time to flower.
Hey man thanks for the reply on my grow. I read through your 600 grow and it is pretty sweet! Can you help me decide how to go about entering into the flower stage with these 4 ladies? My new box has the 400 watt MH in it at the moment and I was wondering when to put the HPS in? The autos are at 4 weeks and the regular NL is 6 weeks now. They are in coco and have been getting about 305ppm of Canna A&B with 1ml per liter of Rhizo in the mix every feeding. I feed everyother day to the autos and every day to the NL. I do have my original smaller box with the CFL's still in it if I need to put the NL in to continue veg for another week or two. Just don't know if I need to give all big bud nutes when I introduce it, when to introduce to the auto's vs the NL, and how much. Sorry for the lengthy message, just wanted to give the details. Thanks for your time!
Also, the NL has been getting 350ppm on feedings. Runoff ppm for the autos lately is around 280ppm and 305 or so for the NL. ( The NL is the regular Northern Lights)

Hello Rooki Root,

So first off, thank you very much for your kind words regarding my grow buddy!

So, we have 4 plants. Three auto flowering and one regular plant. At four weeks old the auto flowering plants will be around 1/3 of the way through their life cycle so it would be a good idea to introduce the hps to give the correct light spectrum for flowering. Since the Northen Lights regular plant is six weeks old now, she will have reached maturity and I would recommend flowering her now as well.

In my opinion I would switch the whole box to 12/12 using the hps and the MH if you wished and put all 4 plants in to finish together. The increased light on the auto's will compensate for the reduced hours and should not affect yield.

With regards to nutrients, I would advise switching now to flowering nutrients on the auto flowering plants as they are at an age where they will no longer be in vegetative growth so increased nitrogen could result in leafier buds etc. For the NL you may wish to flush the plant before introducing her to 12/12, depends how much salts are in the coco. I would begin flowering nutrients on the NL from the start of 12/12. Beginning at 1/4 strength and building up as you find out the plants needs.

Hope I have answered all of your questions. Good luck and keep it green my friend.
Hey man thanks for the reply on my grow. I read through your 600 grow and it is pretty sweet! Can you help me decide how to go about entering into the flower stage with these 4 ladies? My new box has the 400 watt MH in it at the moment and I was wondering when to put the HPS in? The autos are at 4 weeks and the regular NL is 6 weeks now. They are in coco and have been getting about 305ppm of Canna A&B with 1ml per liter of Rhizo in the mix every feeding. I feed everyother day to the autos and every day to the NL. I do have my original smaller box with the CFL's still in it if I need to put the NL in to continue veg for another week or two. Just don't know if I need to give all big bud nutes when I introduce it, when to introduce to the auto's vs the NL, and how much. Sorry for the lengthy message, just wanted to give the details. Thanks for your time!
Also, the NL has been getting 350ppm on feedings. Runoff ppm for the autos lately is around 280ppm and 305 or so for the NL. ( The NL is the regular Northern Lights)

Hello Rooki Root,

So first off, thank you very much for your kind words regarding my grow buddy!

So, we have 4 plants. Three auto flowering and one regular plant. At four weeks old the auto flowering plants will be around 1/3 of the way through their life cycle so it would be a good idea to introduce the hps to give the correct light spectrum for flowering. Since the Northen Lights regular plant is six weeks old now, she will have reached maturity and I would recommend flowering her now as well.

In my opinion I would switch the whole box to 12/12 using the hps and the MH if you wished and put all 4 plants in to finish together. The increased light on the auto's will compensate for the reduced hours and should not affect yield.

With regards to nutrients, I would advise switching now to flowering nutrients on the auto flowering plants as they are at an age where they will no longer be in vegetative growth so increased nitrogen could result in leafier buds etc. For the NL you may wish to flush the plant before introducing her to 12/12, depends how much salts are in the coco. I would begin flowering nutrients on the NL from the start of 12/12. Beginning at 1/4 strength and building up as you find out the plants needs.

Hope I have answered all of your questions. Good luck and keep it green my friend.

Thanks man but I only have one 400watt light. It is a combo ballast that can run the mh or the hps. I have to take the mph out and put the hps bulb in to begin flower. This is the reason I kept the other box and planned on pulling the NL out everyday after 12 hours and letting the autos stay in the box full time with the timer on 18/6. It is gonna mean I have to be here every evening at the same time to pull the NL out but I'm here at that time anyway. I don't know what else to do. Also when I start introducing the big bud, do I leave off the other nutes completely? How many weeks of big bud then how many weeks of overdrive?
Anybody else have any suggestions here? Really just wondering if I go straight to the Big Bud nutes alone and how many ppms to start at since I was feeding at 300 with the canna a&b and rhizotonic. Also how long into budding before I switch to Overdrive nute? The NL regular plant has just been repotted last week into final pot. Should I worry about salt build up and flushing before I start flower nutes?
switch to hps now mate. If there is sign of flowering just get it on. As for nutes start the big bud when first flowers start to show. i cant remember the mix on it as its been a long time since ive used it. add overdrive start week 7 if u plan to flower 8 weeks or basically 2 weeks before u decide to cut.

u shouldnt need to flush before starting flower nutes but u could run 1/4 strength nutes through just to rid coco of excess salts. dont flush with water in coco. then go straight to full strength nutes.

if i were u i would have run dutch pro explode as the boost, just food for thought for next time around. its expensive but worth every penny and very simple to use.
switch to hps now mate. If there is sign of flowering just get it on. As for nutes start the big bud when first flowers start to show. i cant remember the mix on it as its been a long time since ive used it. add overdrive start week 7 if u plan to flower 8 weeks or basically 2 weeks before u decide to cut.

u shouldnt need to flush before starting flower nutes but u could run 1/4 strength nutes through just to rid coco of excess salts. dont flush with water in coco. then go straight to full strength nutes.

if i were u i would have run dutch pro explode as the boost, just food for thought for next time around. its expensive but worth every penny and very simple to use.

Ok man thanks a lot, What about the Canna A&B that I'm currently using? Do I keep using and start adding the Big Bud in and less of the Canna to keep the ppm's about the same as I've been running or what?
hey just checked ur thread i had similar problems try 5000k-6200k cfl... if you can't find any check Lowes 4 for $9 dollars you want natural daylight style they have a show case of them check my grow out if you have time you can learn from some of my mistakes also check out cannafan's shes a newbie but by the looks you'd never know it... she has one hell of a grow going.
yes continue with the canna coco a+b at 3-4ml per litre, if i remember rightly. dont back off the base yet not while using big bud. start big bud on half strength for a week, then 3/4 strength then full strength keeping the base the same. then wen u introduce the overdrive back down ur base to 1.2 ec (not sure in ppm) u can push coco plants real hard with nutes so dont worry. u want the very tips to show tiny bit burn on leaves that will show u have pushed nutes as far as u can go without doing harm to plant.
I can't get my plants to take that much nutes. If you notice in this grow I've only gotten up to around 350ppm and all 4 of my plants have a few leaves with brown or yellow tips. I check the runoff every day when I water and adjust the following day if needed. I'm getting out right under what I put in most always. The only problem I have is that the pH is always around 6.9 or 7 in the runoff. I water with 20 to 30% runoff every time and always put 5.6-5.8ph in.

My biggest question now is, if I need to up the ppms or ec do I add more big bud to up it or the canna a&b?
Canna does a ph up and ph down.

Not sure if that would suit you or not.

What do you mean? Is it the same as what you would use to pH your water before feeding or is this a nutrient as well? I have the General Hydroponics brand of up and down. I use this to set my pH from the get go. It's just that the runoff pH is always high. Has been from the start. What about uping the nutrients, did you see my question about whether or not to use the Big Bud or the Canna A&B when it needs to be brought up some. I have one of the autoflowers that has been dropping in ppm's the last two days in runoff.

Example: 2ml Canna A, 2ml Canna B, 1ml Big Bud
Day1- I put in 350ppm and get 198ppm out
Day2- I put in 350ppm and get 174ppm out

How would you adjust for this?
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