New Grow With PS500 LED

Sound thanks joe ye they r huge sum r over a foot long and r stackin right dwn il be interested to c if they become 1 and be monsters haha

Quality then quantity .
Me ive after havin abit of kush myself 2nite yesterday was cheese god only nos wat tmw will bring hhaa nothin nice over here
Cant wait for my own product not long now another water in the mornin. 1 girl wit nutes 1 wit plain old water gettin rid of her excess nutes nite all and happy growin talk more tmw
Bubble kush and purple urkle

eithout flash
purple urkele
So howz all keepin well this will be my last report for awhile reason bein is that all my stuff my girls everythin all gone just like that . I got raided today sum1 tipped the pigs off and they came wit a warrant and took them all . .i feel so gutted the work i put into the ladies and 1 only bein a wk from harvest so happy growin all and il see use all again sumtime wen i organise sumthin else ti then piece and haply growin
NOOOOOO!!! what clowns.... right before chop! Cops come and try to steal my crops. So sorry quinny
Sick to me stomach but hey wat can ya do il be bk peeps dont worry bout that but better equipt me and my friend stadtin it soon
I bet.... your not locked up so that's a good sign eh? Dunno what your laws are there, but sucks man sorry
Well unfortunately i live in ireland were smokin growin or even lookin at it is illegal bunch of wankers excuse my language ha .
No have to go dwn the police station tmw evenin so wont no till tmw wats gunna happen
Damn.... my country men are letting me down. Wankers was the appropriate word. Guess they'd rather have you shitfaced making a ruckus than at home smoking peacefully huh?
Ah well il pick myself up i have plans me mate is rentin a house that has a huge shed the im plannin on buildin a secret wall were no1 will have a clue . Workin on buildin sites most of my life will cum in handy ha then the golaith will be bought . Itll be a few months till i get up and runnin again but il get there
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