My First SoG Grow

oh oh.... Found 2 spots whicvh were growing pollen sacs. hermi's, this is why I hate fem seeds *sigh* soo any advice 420 peeps. I'm only at day 18 of flower and yeah 2 spots on 2 diff plants, should I just remove the pollen sacs and see or should I remove the entire plants?
oh oh.... Found 2 spots whicvh were growing pollen sacs. hermi's, this is why I hate fem seeds *sigh* soo any advice 420 peeps. I'm only at day 18 of flower and yeah 2 spots on 2 diff plants, should I just remove the pollen sacs and see or should I remove the entire plants?
Thats a tough one. I would try and remove them. So they don't spoil the others.
yeah i was just clarifying your statment because you just said "them" they won't pop cos they're gone, if they come back I will do that though. bit annoyed though I didn't stress them at all :(
It may not be your fault. Could be genetics.
You might be able to find them and pull them off but if you miss any :eek:
You will get seeds.
oh yeah ive just never had them showing this young, and since they always come back.... yeah well fem seeds are always more likely to do this unfortunately....
If also not sure if i said this. I'm at about 1.4EC (800-900ppm-using my bluelabs truncheon) I'm using for flowering.
At swi to ch a dose of uber blossom blaster then repeat 2 weeks later. For first 3 weeks i use 1ml/L of flora micro,geo,bloom, as well as a silica and since I have such hard water i can't use calmag i use magnesium sulfate (epsom salts). I've also now after day 18 started with uber's monster bloom. Will continue feeding the Uber stuff till bout a week before end, then 3 days before I'll use a cocoflush. I don't normally flush i think it's the cure but wanna try something. I also hold a nutrient tank for a time and aerate it so i always feed a stable pH of 6.0. my thinking is, a plant can adjust it's root zone pH by itself so if it knows what the pH is always it makes it easier for it to adjust and also allows for multiple plants that might have slightly different uptake requirements for whatever reasons. I figure 6.0 is a great starting point can't really go wrong from there but yeah.
Day 21

looking like they're gonnna get nice :) I cut off a low arm that wasn't going anywhere and rubbed it and they're already starting to smell which I like :D
I still haven't received my A/C back yet, it almost seems like a waste of time now but alas, it has rained the last 2 days pretty heavily, humidity is unwantedly high, I cant find my hygrometer :/ but my phone screen fogged up like within 30 seconds which is a bad sign. opened up the room to let the warm arm come out.
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