Mars Hydro TSW 2000

they run theirs a touch closer than i run. likely reflected in the efficiency. again they are recommendations. it isn't carved in stone. you'll sorta start there and feel it out depending on how you see the plants doing.

i'm sure you'll do great. :)
lol it's right in the mars website :

What is the recommended hanging height and hanging hours ?

During seedling: 18/6 or 20/4; above 30''
During veg: 18/6 or 20/4; 18~24'' above canopy
During flowering: 12/12; 12~18'' above canopy
they run theirs a touch closer than i run. likely reflected in the efficiency. again they are recommendations. it isn't carved in stone. you'll sorta start there and feel it out depending on how you see the plants doing.

i'm sure you'll do great. :)
Thanks Bro.I do have a little 50w gooseneck Kingbo led sunlike grow light. do you think ill be better starting with that for first couple of weeks or shell i just stick with what im doing now and see how it goes?
Thanks Bro.I do have a little 50w gooseneck Kingbo led sunlike grow light. do you think ill be better starting with that for first couple of weeks or shell i just stick with what im doing now and see how it goes?

i start mine under the light in the pic the way i describe. lotsa folk start them under cfl or t5, but they place the light at 4 - 6 inches or so, to prevent excessive stretch. seedlings don't need much, but it has to be there, and in the right spectrum.

loads of people set up separate smaller veg and seedling areas, then use the large tent for flower. cfls or t5s could be a good cheap seedling alternative if you go that route, ( and the kingbro ) otherwise, i'd try to learn how to run it on your main light, including starting. that is what the dimmer is for, and you'll gain from the experience.

i use the light i posted as both a seedling and veg light. i have a way bigger rig for flower. like 3 times bigger.
Hi Guys! :) seems to be some progress since the other day, I'll be sticking with the light 36inch height with50%. thanks for the advice people!


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Hi Guys. i have managed to stumble across another potential problem. my girl is coming along ok but when i watered last night i tested my run off, the e.c was really high 2.110 my water is soft and is 178. also my ph was rather low 5.98. im using biobizz all mix and have not used any feed as of yet and judging by them readings i wont need to for a few more weeks.
i have used all mix before and my p.h was always staying around 6.5 and ec was manageable. not sure were i have ballsed up? maybe its the new soil? cant think of anything els. maybe should stay clear of allmix when i repot and just use light mix or coco.
also should i really be starting a new thread for this?
Testing runoff for ph or ec means nothing. in the runoff are concentrations of fine sediments & chemical salts from nutes washed out by the water. If you adjust inputs to alter the outputs that’s a clusterfuck waiting to happen. Since you are in soil there is buffering in the soil mix meaning checking ph is not required. Some folks do others don’t.

some check ec and ppm right? I can mix earth worm castings, diatomaceous earth, sulfur dust, fish ferts and cal-mag into my water and get a 8000 ppm reading, slather it on the soil with a trowel and she grows like fat baby farts. Not saying you should do any of this but I am saying there’s different methods.

remember coco is not soil, coco is hydro - soil is not
when i watered last night i tested my run off

means nothing.
slurry / runoff has no info to help. it's your inputs that matter.
Testing runoff for ph or ec means nothing. in the runoff are concentrations of fine sediments & chemical salts from nutes washed out by the water. If you adjust inputs to alter the outputs that’s a clusterfuck waiting to happen. Since you are in soil there is buffering in the soil mix meaning checking ph is not required. Some folks do others don’t.

some check ec and ppm right? I can mix earth worm castings, diatomaceous earth, sulfur dust, fish ferts and cal-mag into my water and get a 8000 ppm reading, slather it on the soil with a trowel and she grows like fat baby farts. Not saying you should do any of this but I am saying there’s different methods.

remember coco is not soil, coco is hydro - soil is not
Thank you for the detailed reply. everyday days a school day... well for me it is lol. I'll just stop getting over involved and let her do her thing. thanks again
Hi Guys, hope all is growing well ;). just an update my end. things seems to be going well although I have noticed some marks on the leafs on my blue dream. the only thing i can think of i mite have been a week late for the first feed of bio grow, I know theres enough fertiliser in the soil to keep it going a week or two at the start but like I said I think I let it go about 3 weeks before first feed. what do you guys think? p.s my phone camera does make her look more light green then she really is.


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it's hungry ... you should be feeding by now. still look good. it takes a bit in soil to notice stuff getting better or worse.
i'm not sure where you'd start with those nutes, or what you are using, but now is the time to get at it.
Hello. hope you and your girls are all doing well! just wanted to ask question. my feeding plan says to only use fertz once a week but its taking my girls about 4-6 days to dry, should i give water inbetween feeds still?
i changed the lights to 12-12 last monday, there small but was not sure how many i could fit in a small tent.
heres a pic.

I've been following @Emilya on watering. I'm not absolutely sure that you should be using plain water, at all. I also have a diagnosed drain bamage injury so I forget..what was the question? lol I use a spray bottle to moisten the top and then a couple ounces right by the main stem, fertilizer mixed in at the normal ratio. Nothing close to saturation except by E's schedule, which if I'm not mistaken is about building the rootball and maximizing nutrient uptake and growth. I'm letting mine go to a slight wilt before I give them a saturation, and there's no cant just say 5 days and that's it. I've had a couple go 7 days and still I was wary until they drooped a little.
Your plants look great though.
I've been following @Emilya on watering. I'm not absolutely sure that you should be using plain water, at all. I also have a diagnosed drain bamage injury so I forget..what was the question? lol I use a spray bottle to moisten the top and then a couple ounces right by the main stem, fertilizer mixed in at the normal ratio. Nothing close to saturation except by E's schedule, which if I'm not mistaken is about building the rootball and maximizing nutrient uptake and growth. I'm letting mine go to a slight wilt before I give them a saturation, and there's no cant just say 5 days and that's it. I've had a couple go 7 days and still I was wary until they drooped a little.
Your plants look great though.
Thanks for the reply SoGnotSOG321. yeah mine start to wilt on about day 6 then i give her a water/feed. so if i am not mistaken i should not use plane water/soft water inbetween feeds and just use fetz every time the girls start to wilt while using soft water to spray the top soil?. im currently using biobizz. 1ml grow, 1ml top max, 2ml bio heaven, 1ml bloom and 0.25ml of cal mag.
a lot of folk on bottled nutes follow a feed / feed / water or a feed / feed / feed / water schedule. it helps to avoid buildup in the soil which can cause lockouts. bio biz may or may not fall into organics which are sometimes treated a bit different.

i feed every time but am on different nutes and in a different media. you might want to page through the journals and check with those running bio biz. there are a few differences specific to that line up that have tripped others up a little.

i would probably lean toward feeding every time, as everything looks good so far.
Hi ! What I'm not understanding is why it's taking so long for the pots to dry. 5 days is a long time. 2 - 3 days is more like it. Does that Bio-Biz stuff have Perlite in it ? If not I think your soil is too dense for proper drainage & that's why you get a high run off pH. Do you have fans running to help dry the soil faster ? Are your Temps cold ? Trying to figure out why the pots / Roots are staying wet so long.
a lot of folk on bottled nutes follow a feed / feed / water or a feed / feed / feed / water schedule. it helps to avoid buildup in the soil which can cause lockouts. bio biz may or may not fall into organics which are sometimes treated a bit different.

i feed every time but am on different nutes and in a different media. you might want to page through the journals and check with those running bio biz. there are a few differences specific to that line up that have tripped others up a little.

i would probably lean toward feeding every time, as everything looks good so far.
Hey Bluter thanks for the replay. yeah i think ill stick to feed every water and maybe chuck in a plane water every 3rd. they look ok atm but its just the blue dream worries me a lil as she looks lighter then the other 3.
Cheers :)
Hi ! What I'm not understanding is why it's taking so long for the pots to dry. 5 days is a long time. 2 - 3 days is more like it. Does that Bio-Biz stuff have Perlite in it ? If not I think your soil is too dense for proper drainage & that's why you get a high run off pH. Do you have fans running to help dry the soil faster ? Are your Temps cold ? Trying to figure out why the pots / Roots are staying wet so long.
Hey Buds Buddy! there is a small fan runnig plus the intake fan is low so blows the leaves about a little. my temp stays around 24-26c and humidity is 42-50%. yes there's perlite in allmix.
You don't want to feed more often with bottled nutes. You want to increase the strength of the nutes & W, W, F -or- W, F, W, F. You need to use plain water also to wash unused salts from the soil to prevent a build up & causing a lockout.
Hey Buds Buddy! there is a small fan runnig plus the intake fan is low so blows the leaves about a little. my temp stays around 24-26c and humidity is 42-50%.
Fans, Temps & RH are OK so what about the soil. Does it have Perlite ? Out of curiosity how much do you have to water to get run off ? Those look like 5 gallon bags & plants that size in a 5 gal. will usually take 1/2 - 3/4 gal to get run off.
About the final 2 weeks it will take about a gallon during the swell up of the buds.
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