Long-Time Reader, First-Time Grower


420 Member
Hello! Hope all is well with folks here. Coming in from the east coast where we're just starting to get into warm-hot weather.

Been a long-time user for medical reasons (insomnia and IBS), and finally decided to start my own crop this year. Currently have 5 and half plants growing that I'm admittedly fretting over like they're wee babbies. I'd like to see them come to fruition!

Happy to be here, and I'm sure I'll be posting with lots of dumb questions, but I'll try to make sure I've done my reading first.
Hello! Hope all is well with folks here. Coming in from the east coast where we're just starting to get into warm-hot weather.

Been a long-time user for medical reasons (insomnia and IBS), and finally decided to start my own crop this year. Currently have 5 and half plants growing that I'm admittedly fretting over like they're wee babbies. I'd like to see them come to fruition!

Happy to be here, and I'm sure I'll be posting with lots of dumb questions, but I'll try to make sure I've done my reading first.
Welcome to 420Magazine my friend :welcome:
If I can help with anything let me know, I'm always around. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
:welcome:to the forum @MightyBeard :passitleft:

Hello! Hope all is well with folks here. Coming in from the east coast where we're just starting to get into warm-hot weather.

Been a long-time user for medical reasons (insomnia and IBS), and finally decided to start my own crop this year. Currently have 5 and half plants growing that I'm admittedly fretting over like they're wee babbies. I'd like to see them come to fruition!

Happy to be here, and I'm sure I'll be posting with lots of dumb questions, but I'll try to make sure I've done my reading first.
That's okay we love dumb questions :smokin:it makes us feel smart :rofl:
Welcome to 420 Magazine @MightyBeard

How are you growing your ladies?
Do you have any images you would like to share?

Here's some helpful info: Welcome New Members - Please Read Before Posting

Here is some information if you would like to start a grow journal How to Make a Grow Journal

If you want to see want other growers are doing, here's that link.

This is where you place your grow journal.

Journals in Progress: Current and Ongoing

And, after you have over 50 posts you can vote and enter our contests to win free grow stuff from our sponsors.

420 Contests: Win Cool 420 Prizes

Last thing is if you would like to grow mushrooms we can teach you that also.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Hello! Hope all is well with folks here. Coming in from the east coast where we're just starting to get into warm-hot weather.

Been a long-time user for medical reasons (insomnia and IBS), and finally decided to start my own crop this year. Currently have 5 and half plants growing that I'm admittedly fretting over like they're wee babbies. I'd like to see them come to fruition!

Happy to be here, and I'm sure I'll be posting with lots of dumb questions, but I'll try to make sure I've done my reading first.
Welcome to the 420 Magazine @MightyBeard. CL🍀 :thumb::welcome::circle-of-love::theband::cheer::party:
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