"Likes" page has changed

Can you please be more specific?

I was mostly commenting on the direction conceiving an even more elaborate point system would take this site.
growing pains :laughtwo: ..

not to speak for CC, but i think there is some fear of seeing the forum become more like an FB group media event disrupting a family feel to the community. it's sort of a catch 22. the site as a business has to upgrade and attract more traffic. it's the forums foundation.. or roots so to speak. with each upgrade of software, platform etc the forum is slowly forced into a market driven package with more media style options. some people will like the options according what the site means to them while others will not. there will be a lot of scares as the staff dials everything in. some things are like pulling a string. somewhere down the line it effects something else and we are all stuck with compromise being the best answer. the good news is, regardless of what and who comes and goes here the community or buds can still stay strong within the forum or leaves and the business or roots will thrive. :hippy:

damn i love that pakistani.. i forgot to hit post lol
You are priceless. :rofl:
Sue, it's the "over-subscribed" (love that term lol) people like you that make the community the beautiful thing that it is.

the Buddha sig.. so true!

One of the best things I ever put in my signature. I try my best to live by that. I read it as "What you think you become, so think loving thoughts." "What you feel you attract, so feel loving." "What you imagine you create, so imagine your life overflowing with love."

See how simple that is? I read that many, many times every day. It's burned into my memory cells and a part of my DNA by now.
Can you please be more specific?

I addressed this in my comments to others just before our conversation.

But I am specifically talking about turning this into a vote-centric forum ie adding "thanks" and now displaying even more member stats right next to every post. I can't draw any comparisons because you or a mod will remove this post, but I think you know the kinds of online venues I am talking about.

This is a place to share knowledge, it isn't about ranking. Am I right or am I wrong? If I am right, then why has that become a major facet (at least on the surface) of your changes? I'm genuinely curious about that. To me it can only serve to attract types that crave that the satisfaction of an upvote. Why does everyone need to know how many times I thanked someone? If I am thanking people for gratification then it wasn't really thanks. We already had a system in place for when a comment did that little extra for you (reps). It worked, was semi anonymous to those not involved, and it still means more than a thanks. I get that that "thank" is a kind gesture. But did you really do it just for the positive vibrations? You guys didn't brainstorm on what could make the site more "interactive?" That's what I want to know.
Long version:
I am old and my memory sucks. Sorry no other word really describes it any better then that, but if memory serves me correctly this whole thanks/like system basically went into effect today. While trolls may come and go and people who are nothing more then attention whores will do and say what ever it takes to get a like so they feel special, remember where you are and who for the most part you are talking about. These are my friends, and even my neighbors. I have to say I have not met one person on this board who I can honestly say is not genuine and simply put a great human being. That is why I come here, because of ALL of you, not some, ALL. Before you throw the baby out with the bathwater, give it a chance, see how it plays out. We keep telling new growers, to have patience. Here is a perfect place to show some restraint and show a little patience and see how it works. I am sure the 420 administrator will change it if it has a negative effect on the community. They have shown by their track record that they are a good Shepard to this flock. Have faith in yourself, have faith in the community, have faith in our leaders, and above all else have patience
Short version:
Take a couple of :volcano-smiley::volcano-smiley: a few :tokin::tokin: one more :blunt: and it will be :allgood:
Long version:
I am old and my memory sucks. Sorry no other word really describes it any better then that, but if memory serves me correctly this whole thanks/like system basically went into effect today. While trolls may come and go and people who are nothing more then attention whores will do and say what ever it takes to get a like so they feel special, remember where you are and who for the most part you are talking about. These are my friends, and even my neighbors. I have to say I have not met one person on this board who I can honestly say is not genuine and simply put a great human being. That is why I come here, because of ALL of you, not some, ALL. Before you throw the baby out with the bathwater, give it a chance, see how it plays out. We keep telling new growers, to have patience. Here is a perfect place to show some restraint and show a little patience and see how it works. I am sure the 420 administrator will change it if it has a negative effect on the community. They have shown by their track record that they are a good Shepard to this flock. Have faith in yourself, have faith in the community, have faith in our leaders, and above all else have patience
Short version:
Take a couple of :volcano-smiley::volcano-smiley: a few :tokin::tokin: one more :blunt: and it will be :allgood:

reps if I had more to give to you today.
Before I slip into my evening of meditation and body sculpting I wanted to swing by here and thank you 420 for some of the new features.

- I love having the links to my conversations back. Whew! That was a rough ride. :laughtwo: I like the new approach, myself.
- The drop downs are a nice feature.
- It's interesting that the visual for music video links became smaller. It works, what can I say? At first though, the blonde side of my brain thought they'd disappeared and got concerned. :laughtwo:

That's all. Thanks for the virtual playground. :love:

I'm warming quickly to the new changes. It keeps the brain sharp to have to learn new things.
i kind of doubt it.. not sure what version or platform we are using here.. but perhaps there is a way to shut the stat reader off at the user level. like going into flat mode only not so universal. i'm not so sure i like the reader by the icon. it's a bit clutter-ish or redundant imo. i can get the same info from someones profile page. there's my constructive criticism for the day lol. time to join oldergrower :blunt:
I addressed this in my comments to others just before our conversation.

But I am specifically talking about turning this into a vote-centric forum ie adding "thanks" and now displaying even more member stats right next to every post. I can't draw any comparisons because you or a mod will remove this post, but I think you know the kinds of online venues I am talking about.

This is a place to share knowledge, it isn't about ranking. Am I right or am I wrong? If I am right, then why has that become a major facet (at least on the surface) of your changes? I'm genuinely curious about that. To me it can only serve to attract types that crave that the satisfaction of an upvote. Why does everyone need to know how many times I thanked someone? If I am thanking people for gratification then it wasn't really thanks. We already had a system in place for when a comment did that little extra for you (reps). It worked, was semi anonymous to those not involved, and it still means more than a thanks. I get that that "thank" is a kind gesture. But did you really do it just for the positive vibrations? You guys didn't brainstorm on what could make the site more "interactive?" That's what I want to know.

You seem to think that this is some sort of popularity game, and for some it might be, but I would like you to consider two special cases, first a totally new member to the forum, and me, someone who LITERALLY has been lurking around here for almost 5 years without ever posting a thing until recently.

I hit this place pretty suddenly since Halloween eve when I decided to break my silence and comment on a few of the posts that I had been reading. I think what happened was that when I joined up years ago, I was still so new to the hobby that I was not very comfortable with what I knew, and of course I still had a lot to learn. This forum was the big leagues even back then, and I really didn't feel worthy enough to comment on anything to anybody. Since then, I have been active on many forums, even admin'd on one of them, but I just didn't get active on this one until now. Since beginning one day to intentionally grow weeds I have gotten pretty good at my craft. I also learned that I have a knack for the written word, and that I really enjoy helping people and communicating as we are right now.

So here I am in late 2015, having suddenly burst upon the scene and I am sure that some are saying, hey... who is this Sense Emilya chick, and who does she think she is with that funny name? Without the ranking system, and now the like/thank system, I would never have been able to achieve recognition for the advice that I give, the dedication I put into helping people, and the time that I spend online. You might say that I should not be doing it for recognition, but what in life do we do without hoping that someone notices?

Without the ranking system I could post and post and post, and always and forever my message per day and number of messages would indicate that I really didn't have a lot to say compared to a lot of the long timers here. New people would always stand behind old people, and is that fair either? Should we even be ranked by message count? So... I do have a lot to say... and I know that I help people with my advice, so why should my reputation not be able to reflect that? If I actually do post some cool things, help out a bunch of people, I like it that with this system in place today, I have been able to earn the reputation that some people spend years building up, very quickly... and I find that to be incredibly incentivising for me to continue doing what I do.

So then lets consider the new person again... he/she just wants some advice that works. Typically they are here to solve a problem and the last thing they want is 10 different opinions coming at them. They want a clear voice to stand out of the crowd and offer sound advice, but aside from the words we write, how do they tell who it is that really knows their stuff, and who are blowing smoke?

This is the reason for the ranking system. You can look at that green bar and know that someone either has a lot of rep, or not so much along with seeing how long they have been around and how many messages they have. But now, that new person can also look at the likes and thanks. Does it not make sense that someone with a lot of thanks, has offered a lot of sound advice? Does it not also make sense that someone with a lot of likes, often times says interesting things? I know that if I were a new person, I would like to be able to check out my advice giver, and see what other people think of them... and to be able to go back and look at some of their other advice and things that people found salient.

So now, having been here for just a short time, active for just a few weeks, look at my rankings. I started at zero on Halloween eve. I have risen pretty fast, yes? There is a reason for that. I am glad that the system can allow me to catch up as it were... and I am equally glad that the new members of the community, those who I am dedicated to serve, can see what they need to see to be able to trust my advice.

Don't you find it frustrating to give advice and then have someone ignore it because someone said something else, louder or more eloquently? I know that I do.

Peace CC... I am sure you will get used to the new system... it's not the end of the world.
I don't "Like" the new "Thanks" feature....I LOVE IT!
This is going to be a great time saver for members, and at the rate that some of these journals move on page counts, it's going to have an impact on making those "Catch up" sessions for your favorite journals a little less daunting. Posts with just "Thank You" in them, depending on the members signature content, can eat up pages in a hurry. :laughtwo: I'm not in ANY way suggesting that members shouldn't post a "Thank You" if they choose to do that. It is more personable to post it, but I think this will work out positively as well.

We all love to say "Thank You", it's courtesy and appreciation to all of the helpful people on this site. This is going to make it so much easier to say it, a "one click" thanks.

KUDOS to the staff member or site member that suggested it, and thank you to the person responsible for approving such a task to help things go easier for us.

You seem to think that this is some sort of popularity game, and for some it might be, but I would like you to consider two special cases, first a totally new member to the forum, and me, someone who LITERALLY has been lurking around here for almost 5 years without ever posting a thing until recently.

I hit this place pretty suddenly since Halloween eve when I decided to break my silence and comment on a few of the posts that I had been reading. I think what happened was that when I joined up years ago, I was still so new to the hobby that I was not very comfortable with what I knew, and of course I still had a lot to learn. This forum was the big leagues even back then, and I really didn't feel worthy enough to comment on anything to anybody. Since then, I have been active on many forums, even admin'd on one of them, but I just didn't get active on this one until now. Since beginning one day to intentionally grow weeds I have gotten pretty good at my craft. I also learned that I have a knack for the written word, and that I really enjoy helping people and communicating as we are right now.

So here I am in late 2015, having suddenly burst upon the scene and I am sure that some are saying, hey... who is this Sense Emilya chick, and who does she think she is with that funny name? Without the ranking system, and now the like/thank system, I would never have been able to achieve recognition for the advice that I give, the dedication I put into helping people, and the time that I spend online. You might say that I should not be doing it for recognition, but what in life do we do without hoping that someone notices?

Without the ranking system I could post and post and post, and always and forever my message per day and number of messages would indicate that I really didn't have a lot to say compared to a lot of the long timers here. New people would always stand behind old people, and is that fair either? Should we even be ranked by message count? So... I do have a lot to say... and I know that I help people with my advice, so why should my reputation not be able to reflect that? If I actually do post some cool things, help out a bunch of people, I like it that with this system in place today, I have been able to earn the reputation that some people spend years building up, very quickly... and I find that to be incredibly incentivising for me to continue doing what I do.

So then lets consider the new person again... he/she just wants some advice that works. Typically they are here to solve a problem and the last thing they want is 10 different opinions coming at them. They want a clear voice to stand out of the crowd and offer sound advice, but aside from the words we write, how do they tell who it is that really knows their stuff, and who are blowing smoke?

This is the reason for the ranking system. You can look at that green bar and know that someone either has a lot of rep, or not so much along with seeing how long they have been around and how many messages they have. But now, that new person can also look at the likes and thanks. Does it not make sense that someone with a lot of thanks, has offered a lot of sound advice? Does it not also make sense that someone with a lot of likes, often times says interesting things? I know that if I were a new person, I would like to be able to check out my advice giver, and see what other people think of them... and to be able to go back and look at some of their other advice and things that people found salient.

So now, having been here for just a short time, active for just a few weeks, look at my rankings. I started at zero on Halloween eve. I have risen pretty fast, yes? There is a reason for that. I am glad that the system can allow me to catch up as it were... and I am equally glad that the new members of the community, those who I am dedicated to serve, can see what they need to see to be able to trust my advice.

Don't you find it frustrating to give advice and then have someone ignore it because someone said something else, louder or more eloquently? I know that I do.

Peace CC... I am sure you will get used to the new system... it's not the end of the world.

Thank you for illustrating yourself as an example of someone who has more pride in the recognition you receive than in the fact that this place is a tool to help others and that you are fortunate to be here.

This is exactly what I am worried about.

Ok rant done. I promise to be good for a whole month guys. I'll retreat back to my journal, now.
Thank you for illustrating yourself as an example of someone who has more pride in the recognition you receive than in the fact that this place is a tool to help others and that you are fortunate to be here.

This is exactly what I am worried about.

I fully recognize the importance of this special forum and stated so in my last, and I am indeed proud to be here, finally confident enough to stand toe to toe with you, equals in every way. So, if someone is motivated by not only the desire to pay forward the knowledge that was once given to them, but also by a few pats on the back and the recognition of their peers, then somehow in your eyes they are not worthy to be here? hmmm. Not to be argumentative, but I fail to see why this would worry anyone. Since I am new here, please explain how this harms you or this great forum?
I'm pretty sure we were asked for input on the new 'likes' functions so I'll toss my 1 cent in. If these very minor points sound negative or nit-picky, they're not meant to be at all. Just saying what issues first come to mind.
It's very very nice to have the page functioning again, with the links, so we can follow each other's reading paths again. I appreciate that lots of work was done to make it happen. I truly do sense the workload to the point of stress, in the tech area of the forum. There's nothing I can do but say- Thank you!

- Unlike before, where I would see the 'like' button dim after use, as an indication that I had used it and the action was processing, now there is very little indication, other than a very quick blink, of whether I have done so or not.

- There is no 'undo' function. Not that I used it much, but it's nice to have, especially now that there are two buttons, combined with the fact that there's less initial indication of whether I have actually hit a button or not. I've already accidently 'thanked' a bunch of posts but can't 'unthank' them and like them instead, or vice-versa/whatever. I don't see the need for the 'thanks' button at all but time will tell.

- a stumbling block that I personally constantly run up against is- a journal page has to fully complete loading before the likes function is operable. No doubt this hardly ever bothers anyone besides me, as I live at the ends of the earth and have very bad internet access (consisting of sketchy cellular service ). To like a new post on a journal I have to wait till all previous posts and (the real killer) the pictures on that page load. Probably I'm one of the few affected by this, but it does severely cramp my 'liking' habits.

- I don't see any need at all to have a list showing the likes I have recently given, especially when it's all jumbled in with likes received.

- to address one of ClosedCircuit's main points, I actually never did like at all the way these forums are set up to be a pissing match, where everyone is encouraged to be constantly rating each other and collecting/displaying stats and ranks. I wish it wasn't set up that way, however, I think it all works out despite that system. The obnoxious attention seekers always disappear eventually anyway, thanks to the wonderful mods. There are so many awesome people here and what goes around comes around.
I don't pay any attention to a person's rep rating. It just means they've been here a while or posted a bunch. I just pay attention to what they write. The real reps will always be the real reputations we build, for good or bad or both.

- I debated whether any of these points are worth mentioning... At best they barely are, but what the hell...it's easy enough for you to skim, and ignore at will. Please don't ignore the thank you!
Time will tell how well the new tweaks to the system work, as things settle. Thanks again guys. ❤️
This is related to the "Likes/Thanks" feature, so I wanted to ask about it.

When I am using my mobile phone to log into the site, and click on "notifications" to see the "likes/Thanks", I cannot get to my likes page when I click that box. It takes me to my profile instead.
Is this a problem with others?
I am using a sprint service phone, have no idea what the browser is on it but could find out if needed.

Thank you!
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