LED's 2018 Wedding Crasher Indoor Grow & Other Adventures!

Hey everyone sorry I didn’t mean to leave you guys hanging. I have a great story about that joint and a have a nice update for the wedding crashers. But I woke up Yesterday morning to find out my grandfather passed away during the night. So I spent Most of Sunday with my grandma and family, that’s why I didn’t respond sorry. I will get that update here tonight after work!
very sorry to hear bout that....
Hey everyone sorry I didn’t mean to leave you guys hanging. I have a great story about that joint and a have a nice update for the wedding crashers. But I woke up Yesterday morning to find out my grandfather passed away during the night. So I spent Most of Sunday with my grandma and family, that’s why I didn’t respond sorry. I will get that update here tonight after work!
High 209 :D
Sorry to hear the sad news about you grandfather. It’s great the family were all close enough you could spend time with them straight away.

Man, that birthday blend spliff was awesome :ganjamon: ... 2 hands indeed! That’s a great birthday event, I’ve filed it away for the next milestone birthday ...

Oh and of course happy birthday for Saturday

I’m happy for you to post whatever things in your garden are taking your fancy at any particular time. Only suggestion that would make it easier to view would be if you use the ‘full image’ button at the top of the photo attachments section. That way all your pics will land in the post in full frame and we won’t have to click on each one to get a good look :). That’s not a dealbreaker or anything;) - I’ll enjoy things here regardless - just an ‘ease of use’ enhancement :Namaste:

Looking forward to the post party report
Hey everyone sorry I didn’t mean to leave you guys hanging. I have a great story about that joint and a have a nice update for the wedding crashers. But I woke up Yesterday morning to find out my grandfather passed away during the night. So I spent Most of Sunday with my grandma and family, that’s why I didn’t respond sorry. I will get that update here tonight after work!

I’m so sorry to hear.

I hope everything is as well as it can be. Best wishes
First off thank you to all for your kind words, I really appreciate it! My grandpa lived to the ripe old age of 94, so had a full healthy life. I will miss him a lot, hardest part was telling my children tho.

Now for the birthday party. So luckily I had about 20 brave individuals to help me or I would not have even come close to smoking that thing! Now smoking it wasn’t the easiest thing in the world either. We had all been drinking and it was miserably cold outside but we made the best of it.
The look on everyone’s face when I busted it out was the best tho. I wish I had a pic of their reactions lol. You really do need two hands to smoke this joint. You have to be careful when passing it and make sure the tip is pointed up at all times.

To help hold it I ended up cutting the filling funnel to put around the outside of it (pro tip right here) made it stronger and we just kept making it shorter as we smoked it. I sent out a txt asking for anyone who got pics of me lighting it and as soon as I get them I will post it. We puffed on it for what seemed like an hour. The first fifteen minutes I don’t remember it getting any smaller haha. I didn’t mix all the cannabis together either I packed it ounce by once, I didn’t think we would be able to taste the difference but we totally did once we got to the next strain(just a cool side note)
Now update 12/10, the seedlings are really starting to hit their stride and are growing pretty vigorously now. I can see change in them daily now so it’s getting more exiting to open the tent up. I can see some root tips in the bottom of these 1 gallons already. It’s only been ten days since transplant so they got some more time in them.

The runt is still lagging behind but I’m going to see what happens with it anyway, also the freak is going along nicely! Still has the three sets of everything really hoping that one ends up female, it’s pretty short so it has that going for it atleast initially. I will pull out the larger clones in the morning and take a pic of the growth since we tied some of the branches down to expose the middle to more light!

First off thank you to all for your kind words, I really appreciate it! My grandpa lived to the ripe old age of 94, so had a full healthy life. I will miss him a lot, hardest part was telling my children tho.

Now for the birthday party. So luckily I had about 20 brave individuals to help me or I would not have even come close to smoking that thing! Now smoking it wasn’t the easiest thing in the world either. We had all been drinking and it was miserably cold outside but we made the best of it.
The look on everyone’s face when I busted it out was the best tho. I wish I had a pic of their reactions lol. You really do need two hands to smoke this joint. You have to be careful when passing it and make sure the tip is pointed up at all times.

To help hold it I ended up cutting the filling funnel to put around the outside of it (pro tip right here) made it stronger and we just kept making it shorter as we smoked it. I sent out a txt asking for anyone who got pics of me lighting it and as soon as I get them I will post it. We puffed on it for what seemed like an hour. The first fifteen minutes I don’t remember it getting any smaller haha. I didn’t mix all the cannabis together either I packed it ounce by once, I didn’t think we would be able to taste the difference but we totally did once we got to the next strain(just a cool side note)

Impressive non the less! All the little ones looking great and growing well!

Hope your doing well pal :passitleft:
Did you actually finish that thing? That must have been crazy even with 20 people sharing it.

My dad is 94 in a couple of weeks. He seems like the energizer bunny in a way, but I know he can't live forever and I'm okay with that.

Those plants look so dark green it's crazy! Solid growth on them too. And someone has to be the runt :).

We totally did! It was pretty crazy, towards the end I really had to rally them up to finish it. My wife through me 420 themed party so everyone had an idea what they where getting themselves into in the first place. Big thanks to my dad for helping me light it haha!
Just spend as much time with him as you can. That’s the part I wish I did more of.
I was thinking the same thing. Very dark green, I like it
High 209 :D
Sorry to hear the sad news about you grandfather. It’s great the family were all close enough you could spend time with them straight away.

Man, that birthday blend spliff was awesome :ganjamon: ... 2 hands indeed! That’s a great birthday event, I’ve filed it away for the next milestone birthday ...

Oh and of course happy birthday for Saturday

I’m happy for you to post whatever things in your garden are taking your fancy at any particular time. Only suggestion that would make it easier to view would be if you use the ‘full image’ button at the top of the photo attachments section. That way all your pics will land in the post in full frame and we won’t have to click on each one to get a good look :). That’s not a dealbreaker or anything;) - I’ll enjoy things here regardless - just an ‘ease of use’ enhancement :Namaste:

Looking forward to the post party report
Thank you Amy! My grandpa was a cool dude. Was in the airforce, met my grandma in Japan. Had lots of stories of how things used to be.
Make sure you have plenty of help if you decide to smoke one of those lol. It was pretty cool to watch it makes its way around the circle. Even people who don’t really smoke where hitting it too!
It was the whiskey that got me tho lol, those darn whiskey smashes I make are just too good!
Haha! What Shed Said! :theband:

Totally brilliant :bravo:

That’s fantastic that you could taste it! :D It’s a really cool thing to do... mix the strains sequentially like that rather than all mixed together. You could design some nice combinations.
I totally agree, I made sure to put the Forbidden Fruit in first so we would smoke it last. It really has an unmistakable flavor and is one of the most unique I have ever grown. I hope one of the seeds I got from it comes out similar (fingers crossed)! It made me wonder why I never tried using multiple strains before #gamechanger

Like hors d'oeuvres, salad, starter course, main course, aperitif, and dessert!
Yea we keep it fancy round here! lol....

Side note, pretty sure i over watered my zookies plant. I watered it two days in a row (bet you can guess which morning that was lol). Then seen it all droopy the next day. Since then its just been sad lookin. going to let it get good and dry before the next watering and keep and eye on it. maybe put it in a 5 gallon fabric pot for the remainder of the grow since its one of my favorites :)... (shhhh dont tell the others)
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