Landrace Jamaican tent grow


420 Member
:cool:My question is:

Does anyone have experience with tent growing Jamaican landrace?

I did a grow in a room with 5 Jamaican Landrace a few months back but they were stretchy and only the buds at the top were worth a shit. I now have a 2x4x5 tent with all the goodies as I learned from this forum. I am using mainline for the first time and only want 4 colas per plant. Not sure how many will be males yet (2 weeks into veg and pruning) out of 8. So maybe half females. I can maybe have room for 3 ft of plants. I am hoping to tie these things down to keep em from going crazy. Attached are pics of my mainline pruning. Hopefully I didn't cut too much, they were already getting too bushy. Did I cut too much? And do you think this can be done in this tent? Otherwise, I will use bubblegum in the tent and these babies will have to be outside of it in the temp controlled room with a different light. I would rather grow in the tent, this is my first time with this tent. 20190126_211848.jpg20190126_212114.jpg
I'd want at least 62.5 watts per square foot of strong light to grow any kind of landrace sativa. Even then, I'd prepare for some "stretchy" plants. I'd be considering a SCROG grow (and planning to switch to a flowering light schedule before my screen was full, so I could continue filling it during the first part of the flowering stretch, since I only have 8' ceilings in my grow space, lol). And, in a space of eight square feet, I definitely wouldn't attempt to grow more than three at the most. If I went the SCROG route, it'd probably end up being two - or one.

But that's just me. I'm interesting in seeing others' comments on the subject. I'm going to drop a link to this thread in a landrace thread to see if I can get you some more input.
thanks for the input...I hope I am not over doing it for this size tent...i had the seeds and wanted to use them. I was hoping a 4 cola mainline and tying would hold em down somewhat without a scrog. I am already into it so I am going to give it a try...
Am I reading your dimensions correctly at 5' of height? Depending on your light, I think you may have a battle here.
I'd want at least 62.5 watts per square foot of strong light to grow any kind of landrace sativa. Even then, I'd prepare for some "stretchy" plants. I'd be considering a SCROG grow (and planning to switch to a flowering light schedule before my screen was full, so I could continue filling it during the first part of the flowering stretch, since I only have 8' ceilings in my grow space, lol). And, in a space of eight square feet, I definitely wouldn't attempt to grow more than three at the most. If I went the SCROG route, it'd probably end up being two - or one.

But that's just me. I'm interesting in seeing others' comments on the subject. I'm going to drop a link to this thread in a landrace thread to see if I can get you some more input.

Hey TS!
You asked if someone could chime in, so I will put in my two cents. most long season Sativa can be controlled, by first, you said intense light. Keep the light close, Also keep roots constrained say in quart sized pots, until the plants are well into flower, this requires mre frequent waterings with good light nutes each water. then you can up pot just slightly when plants start looking nute def, but you know its not that, I have routinely flowered stretchers at two ft tall.
Also if you find a plant you really like take clones and follow the same guidelines and you will get a bit less stress and bigger buds because many Sativa need to be chronologically mature to stack better and be more potent. True Jamaican from back in the day never really came in massive buds.
But worth every joint.
Hey TS!
You asked if someone could chime in, so I will put in my two cents. most long season Sativa can be controlled, by first, you said intense light. Keep the light close, Also keep roots constrained say in quart sized pots, until the plants are well into flower, this requires mre frequent waterings with good light nutes each water. then you can up pot just slightly when plants start looking nute def, but you know its not that, I have routinely flowered stretchers at two ft tall.
Also if you find a plant you really like take clones and follow the same guidelines and you will get a bit less stress and bigger buds because many Sativa need to be chronologically mature to stack better and be more potent. True Jamaican from back in the day never really came in massive buds.
But worth every joint.
that sounds a little more encouraging. since I am at this point I will continue the grow and try to keep em low. thanks for the input...
Am I reading your dimensions correctly at 5' of height? Depending on your light, I think you may have a battle here.
I agree, from what I have been advised and read a scrog will be best for the sativa. I am not using a scrog in this size tent. I read about lst and mainline so I gave it a try. So far from what I have read about this I am better off using strain seeds for a 5 ft tent.
I'd want at least 62.5 watts per square foot of strong light to grow any kind of landrace sativa. Even then, I'd prepare for some "stretchy" plants. I'd be considering a SCROG grow (and planning to switch to a flowering light schedule before my screen was full, so I could continue filling it during the first part of the flowering stretch, since I only have 8' ceilings in my grow space, lol). And, in a space of eight square feet, I definitely wouldn't attempt to grow more than three at the most. If I went the SCROG route, it'd probably end up being two - or one.

You speak of STRONG LIGHT, so you are not using LED exclusive? Do you run HPS full grow and are you using some LED? I might toss in two 400W HPS the last 3-4 weeks with the LED, but that is because it was too much work to change it, in the early days. Today, both my growers/testers, MI and CO both only use the LED

So, you grow indoor more than 4 feet plants? Must be helluva pot. The only time I got that, when I did grow, it was a huge outdoor pot that could grow a small tree. I use 16" pots on normal grow. As an LED light engineer, I started in Nov 2008 and sold out Summer, August 2012. I look at 1 Watt per gram with HPS. With MY LEDs, forget most of the garbage out there, I engineered my own. The Computer Shanty or Shanty LED Grow Lights. I was the first to mix the LEDs all throughout the light, not rings of color that were off the shelf with China then and still. I was the first one (of course I do not know the world, but IN USA) to use IR and was told I was an idiot. That was 2010. Look at the lights today. I will tell them these 850 NM is a waste and BS. no one needs more than 740 and not a ton of bulbs. I still make lights for long term customers ever since. My last two lights, I went to wafer boards, started in 2015. Cost production is less and by using 4 to 12 domes, spread farther apart than I see today. I use 90/60 degrees. I use say, 600s 8 domes on two plants. Can do 10-12 small, once 2 feet, I use one for two, as I do not spread the light 120- Degrees, my opinion is stupid. 226w out of the wall. I keep my LED lights never more than 18 inches, some strains will bleach a bit, so I, when I grew, have two legal states growing and testing my lights. I use them on house plants and will do them for a week, every couple months in the tent and one I have I screw it up and make it flower a couple times a year LOL. Houseplants love LED, all plants do.

A relative does SCROG / SOG grows It is neat to see a full 8x4 loaded with SOG. I enjoy reading the tips and tricks you pro growers enlighten me with. I want to grow so bad, but my state us illegal and only allows Medical, all run by One University, Epilepsy, and MS. The Left Aisle has been trying to get pain and other ailments added in the AL house Bill. Trust me, AL & MS will be last in the full medical and legal status. The best pot in the world supposedly has been run by one of the Mississippi since the 70s. In the 1976 or 77 High Times Cover was US Government Grows Marijuana 10X the street. I always questioned that, as they say the avg weed was 6% back then Guess they never smoked Colombian Gold or Hawaiian. Keep up the great posts, I was a crappy grower and never got the genetics the seed had. Sorry for the long wind, just saw and LED light as your Profile Picture.
Sorry for the long wind

What, that little post? I learned to read decades ago and have yet to forget how, lol. I'm not a "Twit" and will never be - Cuz Y wud I wan try talk lik dis?! :rolleyes: . People are producing dumb enough kids as it is, we shouldn't be trying to actively encourage illiteracy (FFS!).

You speak of STRONG LIGHT, so you are not using LED exclusive?

Right now I have a few different LED products and a little 400-watt HPS. Some residential-type CFLs and fluorescent tubes around here, somewhere, too, I don't know whether those are worth mentioning, lol. And I recently got a couple new (to me, to the company) LED products that I'll be using for the first time as soon as I buy the last few little things I might need during the grow and finalizing my setup. I cannot consume many amps here, so even if I use a combination of light, the total is not going to be huge; the electrical system just won't support it, and upgrading is just not really a priority (well, less than eating is ;) ).

So, you grow indoor more than 4 feet plants? Must be helluva pot.

Well, that's the goal, lol. But quantity is no guarantee of quality, of course - and it doesn't take any special skill to produce a plant that fills a four square foot area. Or eight, for that matter. Takes more time than anything else, it's no big deal. DWC and high DO levels help, but I suppose it could be done with soil, too. Just seems to me that if I'm going to be growing in a 20+ gallon container, lol, I'd rather it be a container of "water." Personal preference and all that. I don't consider it any kind of accomplishment. Did you see the "what can you grow in a shot glass sized cup?" community grow thread that some people did a while back? I thought some of those folks accomplished something. Small, yes - but in a 1½ ounce container! I found myself wondering how many of them would fit into a 3'x3' grow space :rofl:. But my dense SOG days are behind me, and I never went beyond a nine plant per square foot density even then. These days, the closest I imagine I'll ever get to that again will be a bunch of two-liter bottles. Any smaller than that and I'd have to end up working too much with it ;) .

Oh, when I was growing plants at one per eight square feet, I was only using 430-watt HPS lighting. One each, but still nothing crazy, just ever so slightly more than 50 watts per square foot. Bud density wasn't always super, but gross weight was easy. Anyone could do it. Get a plastic tote, put as many holes in a big Solo cup as you can, fill that cup with Geolite/Hydroton, stick a plant in it, stick the cup in a hole cut into the tote's lid, oxygenate, oxygenate, oxygenate (and did I mention oxygenate?), mount a piece of poultry netting (aka "chicken wire") as a screen from edge-to-edge in that eight square feet... and prepare to get older before you switch to a flowering light schedule. Train the plant constantly. (Hope to) end up at harvest time with a screen 100% full but not a bit more than that, the canopy dense enough that "it's dark" underneath, <DING> your fries are ready, call a buddy over, saw through the trunk under the screen, disconnect it from the walls, and carry the whole thing into the dining room and spend way too much time sitting at the table. That's pretty much "How to spend WAY too much time growing a huge plant and a lot of bud while simultaneously ruining your grams per watt per day average ( :rolleyes: )" in a nutshell. It's not rocket surgery ;) .

As an LED light engineer

I thought I (vaguely, like many of my memories) remembered you, a little, from eight or nine years ago or thereabouts. Weren't you a sponsor here for a while? Did you have... some kind of interest in the "FTA" satellite TV hobby, or something similar to it at some point before that? Or is my brain "helpfully" filling in holes in the ol' memory with nonsense (again)?

I haven't seen you post for a while. Several years? It's good to see that you're still around.

I use 90/60 degrees. I use say, 600s 8 domes on two plants. Can do 10-12 small, once 2 feet, I use one for two, as I do not spread the light 120- Degrees, my opinion is stupid. 226w out of the wall.

What I'm getting ready to use is something similar to those "Quantum Board" gizmos, if I understand it (which... is anyone's guess at this point), two 134-watt ones. They don't appear to have any kind of "focusing" lenses, but I could be wrong. I do know that I plugged one in when they arrived and held it THIS ( >< ) close to a wall with the intention of pulling it back away from the wall slowly to about the distance I'd guess I'd be hanging it from the plants - I wanted to get some idea of their footprint, you see - and was startled by the fact that as soon as I pulled it an inch from the wall, there was light on that wall from the ceiling to the floor, corner to corner. Okay, maybe disappointed would be a better term than startled, but I'm still hopeful that I can produce a decent grow with them. I'm just needing to do a little reworking of things (for one, lol, a three-wall space with the fourth side basically open to a larger space obviously isn't going to work, because I need to contain the light. That was one reason I'm doing autoflowers this time, so I could keep it open during the day (when I'm here) and be able to... IDK, be "in the garden" when I'm not actually in there. Oh well, minor inconvenience but a little setback in terms of the start date. And I'm trying to figure out a way to make some sort of reflector(?) around the perimeter of each light out of scrap material I have out in the shed, just something simple that sticks down an inch or three to help direct the light that would otherwise be illuminating the walls (since I'm not trying to grow them:rolleyes: ) but I and everyone I know have been making free with the materials pile for years, and I haven't exactly been adding to it; plus, the hands aren't as young as they used to be. But I suppose there's a lot of that in the world, yeah?

I keep my LED lights never more than 18 inches, some strains will bleach a bit, so I, when I grew, have two legal states growing and testing my lights.

I had thought about doing a flat-plane grow (not actually a SCROG as I'll be growing too many plants and be unable to control the (short) length of the vegetative-growth phase, but I should probably allow some depth in order to see how these lights perform. IDK... Rambling, as always.

I use them on house plants and will do them for a week, every couple months in the tent and one I have I screw it up and make it flower a couple times a year LOL. Houseplants love LED, all plants do.

Most of the ones I grow don't really scream for a great deal of light, though. Although I did once find space in a grow for an Iboza riparia (if I remember the name correctly), and that SOB turned into a monster. Smelled (to me) like old leather, seemed to help with the headaches (as much as anything actually can), toothaches (ditto), and fever reduction. Malaria, too, IIRC, lol - but I couldn't really test that (thankfully!). Finally needed the space, so I planted the thing in my backyard. It survived four years out there, which really surprised me, since it's an African plant - and we get SNOW here, along with occasional dips below 0°F. Guy that owns the nursery I bought it from was really surprised when I went back after it finally died on me and bought the next one. He was like, "Yeah, those things don't survive outside very long unless you're in a trop-- wait, around here?!" I didn't know it was... I just planted it in my veggie garden and it kept living, I didn't know. I guess that's now kids manage to do so much, no one has explained to them that they can't.

Yep, still rambling.

Mine is not a "legal for you to use as and when you see fit" state, but we have a medicinal program. It's... Well, if I live long enough, I might get to see it get straightened out to the point that it actually works as it was originally intended to, I suppose. But I cannot envision buying product at a dispensary. I might - under duress - ask if I could just send the state government a check once or twice a year. It's in my blood - great-grandma made moonshine until they finally caught her. And, again, after she got out...

you pro growers

I hope that wasn't directed to ME. In my mind, "pro" implies some sort of skill at a thing that the average person doesn't have. But we're only talking about growing cannabis - be like talking about "pro" ladder climbers, lol, how much skill does it actually require? (Then again, I think I have fallen off of every ladder I've ever been on, at least once.) Besides, I haven't sold bud for YEARS, so I'm firmly in the amateur class. When I grow, I give most of it away. Once in a while, someone is nice enough to return the favor (not always the same someone, which is sort of cool in a way). "I get high with a little help from my friends" ;) .

I want to grow so bad, but my state us illegal

You know, it's funny (except it really isn't). Once upon a time, cannabis was verboten, pretty much everywhere. There weren't as many gadgets and gizmos back then, of course, but you could always get grow equipment - for a reasonable price. And the cost of bud (here, locally) was pretty much stable for almost 25 years (I can't think of another product about which that can be said :rolleyes: ). Not super cheap, but reasonable, and we sort of figured that part of the price was because, hey, it's an illegal activity. Then California had its medicinal-use thing going, people all over found out about it... and the prices went UP here. And the price of the grow equipment went UP. I... this seems kind of wrong to me, somehow. IDFK.

just saw and LED light as your Profile Picture.

Oh, yeah, that. I've just been too lazy to hunt up the old standby avatar image ("Why kill them with kindness, when you can use an ax?" ;) ) . It'll get changed about two minutes after I get the newest LED devices up and running. That thing almost caused me to say, "F*ck LED," because it just didn't perform for me. But it's only a 160-watt device and the company representative swore up and down it'd work great in a nine square foot grow, so half the fault was mine for going along with it when that little voice of reason had gone past muttering - and even laughing - and screwed off on a nice virtual vacation. I suppose it might be adequate for four ft.², but I'm all out of phone booths:eek:

I always questioned that, as they say the avg weed was 6% back then Guess they never smoked Colombian Gold or Hawaiian.

IDK, sativas are "funny" in that regard. Seems like, sometimes, maybe with the cannabinoids and terpines, it's sort of like how we feed our plants in a way... The ratio can be as important as the actual numbers. <SHRUGS> Or maybe it's just because I've always favored sativas, IDK. I want to get HIGH, not pour myself into a puddle on the nearest horizontal surface. Besides... Err, without mentioning any names that are officially frowned upon here, if I really wanted to "go down for the count," I'd just revisit my "sins of a misspent youth" era and grow a great big field of pretty flowers, lol - and see what leaked out. Different strokes for different folks, and all that. I have learned that a good indica can be of great help in dealing with some of my ills... but if I can't fix my head, the body doesn't really matter. Pain-relief (et cetera) is great, don't get me wrong; I'm all for it. But when the head is right, even if the pain isn't gone, it's like... Oh, look, those clouds are awesome, cool. Gee, crushing pain, that's nice. Wow, it's a nice day, I wonder if the fish are biting? Or even just: Hey, it's daytime and I'm alive, time to go do something productive.


Oops, I just realized I have no idea what I was originally posting about or even what the subject of this thread is.[/i] I guess that means it's time to stop typing and hit the magic button. . . .
Yes sir, that is me. I owned a little computer store when my wife was stationed in Hawaii and I just got out (92) and for the first time in 13 years, I had to make a decision on what to wear when I woke up 92-97

took a couple years of, wanted to work part-time in Tech Spt at CompUSA and they chased my wife to the parking lot and said He is overqualified, I have something for him, have him call. So I waited 3 days not to be anxious and I was hired as a Sr, Sales Executive. You do not see us, we are in the back and I had like 25 accounts, local business' and stuff. I quit 8 weeks later, setting me up because my first month there, I put 108K profit on the board and I was the only white guy, other than Government, that MOFO made a fortune in commission. So the manager calls me in, he was not my boss, my boss was at the Final Four. HE said blah blah blah, Azar Nut company called and wanted two laptops and you have not called them. I said I did not talk to them, sir. He said so and so, a medium super that looked over each 3 of us. He saw I was going to take his job in no time and set me up. I said to the GM. Sir, use your head, I could see that pissed him off. All Mexicans and me and Government were the only white boys and one black Chick. I said use your head, I make $75 a laptop, they wanted too, no sale, they came in. All I do is set up the order, send it to pick up/customer service and they come to pick them up. Now sir, using your head and common sense, why would I not call them back, there was no note on my desk for two days, I sit there. He went on to take the account away and I said here sir, let me make it easy F this Job and F you, call me a liar in no uncertain terms, I need this job like a Fing hole in the head, shove it up your ass and walked out.

Now I am off searching for a stereo receiver, May 1999. I can across a pirate site for DTV. I had no clue what it was, so I researched it, bought a smart card reader-writer, read the forums and loaded my first card (of course illegal) I then said "I am a salesman, I will order a few hundred of these, buy me a banner slot and go for it DSSUNDERGROUND in Canada. Long story short, I made a few million dollars in 23 months when I had a knock on the door, I said, thinking they were cops "What did Joshua do this time?" Two federal Marshalls. Because of 9/11, they could only serve civil suits on the weekend (Nov 28 2001) All of the sudden I had their lawyers hand me the packet, Marshall's handed me the warrant and TD Waterhouse Coopers were there, a few security computer company employees, a retired FBI agent that was DTV security office.s They took out the two largest distributors at the time. money hand over fist. Got a call from Canada, I guy offered to manufacture for me, his dad owned some kind of telephone PBX manufacture and he could use the facility. I would buy 500-800 Smartcard Repair Terminals, known as UNLOOPERs $38 each, used to pay $130 from distribution. Kept them at $199 and sold 100s a week. Two people, me and a warehouseman and we, I buy Md 2001, the largest air shipper in El Paso Texas. A bad day was 88 packages. Normally about 120 orders a day, after the big boys were raided. ONe of the Fed Marshalls was Hawaiian and we were BSing and I went into Pigeon speak and we were fast friends. He remembered where my store was and everything in Hawaii. He asked me why I did not stop since I must have figured I was being investigated. I said I do not program,m cards, the 4 they took from my receivers were all legit. With the money, I was making, made no sense to steal. So I said to his question 50K a week clear on a slow week. So between my house and there two complete teams to cover my warehouse, it was a 12-14 hour day. I sat at the dinner table about 9 pm with my two boys and wife, thank god Daughter, 16, was gone, she would have flipped out. I said this will probably cost about 3K and the cars and stuff I bought. We settled on my 1982 Silver Spur, my 50 inch Flat panels at 720p max then You did read my dates right. That 50" TV cost me 10K dollars and the Pioneer 43 inch cost me a year later 6440, both online. I just got in 80K worth of those 38 dollar units, just redesigned in a case and never opened the box. I asked them if I could see one and they were perfect, red see through and white raised lettering on the top. Long story long. Cut them a check for 275K, 50K in lawyers to fight it, but they would not move it out of California, although I met 2 of the 3 requirements and only 1 is needed, the Judge refused to move it. My wife was right at 21 years and retiring from the ARMY in 4 months, she was already off, they gave her 6 months to prepare for leaving. I could not take a chance, even though civil, ass' put my wife on the court documents and had me by the short hairs. SO I settled. 27k Check 40K in the rolls and two mustangs and 50 Grand lawyer and 140K in inventory, about half Mil. It has been 10 years, I can talk. They hired one of the largest firms as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1996 they used. That was for Video and Music Stealing, not smart cards. I was in the chip business that you all carry on your CCs today, in 1999.

Took a few years off, moved to Alabama retirement. Then I went into FTA for a couple years, maybe 250, bought a small summer home and a new Tundra in 2006, paid for it all. Took off two years and I decided to learn LEDs, cause the light I bought, UFO 90W was S***. So I searched out China, bought off the shelf for about 8 months, then said I can design these better. I did and while SHANTY LED GROW LIGHTS WERE BORN 08-2012 and I sold out. Have not worked a day since Aug 2012. I am 59 now. I retired first, after the raid at 41 and got bored quick, hence FTA and LED. Quite at 51 and got it right and stayed retired.

I was an advertiser here. I only stopped because of the crap LEDs vendors here, way back then and I was tired of explaining why my lights cost more and sold out, as I said and stopped advertising. To be 100% honest, I rendered almost nothing here, due to prices. Way too many vendors of all products and I used to refresh the screen and maybe 10 minutes later I saw my banner. Then it would come up quicker than 30 refreshes.

The dude that runs this place, if the same dude from back then was always a standup guy with me. Nice man to know, anyone honest is. I better say something about the thread. GREAT LED LIGHTS

Hit me up if you ever want to talk LED and I can show you what I make only for a few people, 8 to be exact since 2013. I am not a reseller anymore as the crow flies, but since I do not advertise here's, I am sure the rules are a no-no and rightly so. s g a f t a G m a i l without any of the spaces or Scott Gray on FB, Dude within the cover of a book, with some T-Shirts I sell HEALTHCARE T, grey beard and dark sunglasses, can't miss me. Hit me up in chat.
Finally harvested the Bubblegum and Jamaican Landrace. 10 weeks flowering with the 250 in small pots using mainline. They did better than expected, stayed small, produced combined 3/4 lbs, with 5 plants, only one bubblegum. And it produced 4 colas that were 1.5 oz ea. So it's on to the next grow, won't be landrace anything again inside. Sticking to feminized amsterdam strains.


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