Koncept's DWC - Top LED 1200W Holy Grail Kush - Blzbud - Cotton Candy - First Grow

ok well im hoping its not the tabacco mosaic virus, so far it doesnt look to be the case.

as for bugs, again i dont think this is the case either, i have been watching closely but the only marking on the bottom side of the leave are the marks from the top of the plant that are so deep they can be seen from the underside.

im not too worried as its not on any of the new growth, it could just be from when i spray fed the plants just before lights on last week...it was dark so there is every chance i sprayed to much and it didnt try off in time.

this is not todays update. been a long weekend so i have not actually gotten round to checking on my babies today, an update should come in the next 8 hours.
Ok, no update yesterday. Long weekend got the better of Me. I'm attempting to find. The charger for my SLR so I can take some photo's for today's update.
Happy tuweedsday
Hey hiddenkoncept, subbed, sorry taken so long, only just noticed your link whilst smoking one on the couch. Looking good man, haven't read just picture flick, but nice, I'll go back and read up. Peace
Hey hiddenkoncept, subbed, sorry taken so long, only just noticed your link whilst smoking one on the couch. Looking good man, haven't read just picture flick, but nice, I'll go back and read up. Peace

Thanks for stopping by! I been quite lazy of late but I found my SLR charger so will be taking some non-iphone photos today.

Thanks for joining the ride, let's hope its a excellent adventure with more ups than downs
Your leaf damage appears to be from a phosphorous deficiency. You want pH 5.8 for hydroponic and soiless (peat moss and coco coir) and pH 6.5 for soil.

Here is a nutrient availability chart


Here is a cannabis leaf deficiency chart


here is the Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver and the Plant Abuse Chart

Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver - Pictorial

Plant Abuse Chart
Thank you very much for your input, I could not work out which deficiency it was. Nutes were added 2 days ago so I'd like to think this will be solved. I just took a few pics with my SLR that Im currently uploading.
Thanks for the advice, it is always welcomed, appreciated and useful
ok, todays update!
had a long few days so i have not got round to taking pictures and doing an update. a combination of being tired, promising not to take pictures with my iphone and not being able to find my charger for my SLR.
i have now found it, charged it and taken some photos.

my babies are looking a bit droopy, im thinking overwatering do to the fact that they are firm and floppy not sagging and floppy.
growth has been good (apart from the bronzing on 2 of the leaves on the HGK)

a view from a far

this is the cotton candy, fun fact....was doing the worst, then the best, then the worst and now is the only plant that doesnt actually have any damage on it....funny how things work out

HGK the bronzed leafs are dead and i should probaly just remove them, they are brittle to touch and break as soon as you touch them, growth is solid, but very droopy/floppy

again, good growth but droopy

underside of the leaf with brown marks on the BLZBUD, i dont think it bugs

both the BLZ and HGK have twisted leaves,i have read so many different reasons why this could be, somebody said its because the plants are growing too fast....i like the sound of that so im just going with that
all in all i have not much to complain about, im pleased with my first grow so far, im pretty sure kingjohn is right about the bronzing being a P deficiency, nutes were added 3 days ago so im hoping that will put an end to that.

the droopy/floppyness of the leaves is bothering me as i cannot work out if its because of over-watering, heat issues or root issues.

roots are a healthy white/pale yellow colour
root temps range from 18-20
temps are no higher been no higher than 27c (80f) but generally stays at around 24c (75f)
humidity is low, i cant get it past 30% but i have been told 30% is not too bad

so far im happy with my progress, but comments would be appreciated.
happy weedsday guys
yeah thats the thing, im a toss up between a P deficiency and a spillage due to the fact that it only appeared on a couple of leaves.
either way its good to know that the droopiness is a temporary condition!
I am thinking that cause not on whole plant and older growth not newer growth they may have been burned by something(over fert, spray with lights on, temp spike, etc..) weeks ago and effects are now starting to show.
yeah i think that this was most likely the case, im hoping anyway. again so far so good really....its all a learning curve.

thanks for your input man!
You want 20°-30° Celsius and 50%-70% humidity for vegetative growth and 30%-50% humidity for flowering. A phosphorous deficiency will often show on lower growth first as this is where the plant uses stored nutrients from first when there is a deficiency in the plants nutrient requirements.
You want 20°-30° Celsius and 50%-70% humidity for vegetative growth and 30%-50% humidity for flowering. A phosphorous deficiency will often show on lower growth first as this is where the plant uses stored nutrients from first when there is a deficiency in the plants nutrient requirements.

I see, so it very well could be a P deficiency!
Any tips on how to bring my humidity up quickly ? I currently have a own of water with somewhat of a wick system built into it but its not doing enough, I will be getting a humidifier as soon as I have enough money for a decent one (good,small and quite)
But until then I have to try something else...just not sure what....off to Google
Thanks man, I'm pretty sure it will be resolved in a few days...time we tell! Thanks for joining my adventure
It should be noted that A/Cs pump out dried air, so if you're blowing in air from the A/C your humidity is going to be trending down and you'll have to fight it with humidifiers constantly. That said, I'd rather have the low humidity than too-high temps. Also, the bigger your plants get, the more water vapor they're going to transpire, so humidity will be increased by whatever that amount is.
You can boil off several large pots of water to raise the humidity in your home in the meantime until you get a good cool mist humidifier.

Here is the one I am using in my KingJohnC's and Labexperiment's Brainstorm Haze Grow Journal

Honeywell QuietCare? 3.0 Gallon UV Tower Humidifier HCM-300T | HoneywellComfort.ca

KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

That looks like a nice piece of equipment...going to try and find the same make and model in the uk.
I really have not spent enough time following your journal so I will head over again now!
As per usual thank you for the advice my friend.

It should be noted that A/Cs pump out dried air, so if you're blowing in air from the A/C your humidity is going to be trending down and you'll have to fight it with humidifiers constantly. That said, I'd rather have the low humidity than too-high temps. Also, the bigger your plants get, the more water vapor they're going to transpire, so humidity will be increased by whatever that amount is.

I knew the ac would cause RH to drop. But like you said, when the plants are nice and big humidity will rise natrully and a dehumidifier might be needed, it gets up to the 70s at night time.
A good ac that runs near silent is going to cost me a pretty penny.
Worst part is my exhaust fan is super powerful for the area I'm using, but too much noise from rushing air can be heard from outside so I must have the fan on 50%...which is fine now but won't be in the summer
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