Kinda urgent/need advice about budrot


New Member
I found some ugly brown patches in 2 of my outdoor plant's buds. The first one I saw a couple of days ago and I just cut it off of the plant. I'm seeing more today. Should I go ahead and harvest early or can I effectively cut out the bad spots and keep going with little problems? I'm just growing these for personal consumption and they aren't my only plants so I can take a little loss. If I harvest early it'll still be pretty good smoke or I can make some good bubble hash with it. So, should I harvest now or what?


and another,

Thanx 4 lookin,

p.s.Yes that is a pepper in the first photo. I have my plants growing along side several pepper plants. That one in particular is a datil pepper. It rippens to a taxi cab yellow and is pretty hot. blah,blah,blah,....
You can attempt to spray it with SNS-244 which is a sponsor fungicide, to rid it. Also I'd recommend starting to get preventatives onto your surrounding plants. I would go with Bush Doctor Microbe Brew, it works as a preventative, when foliar fed.

Or attempt to cut that entire portion of that plant again, then preventative.

Or cut down early, as you mentioned and salvage what is left for hash etc.
You can attempt to spray it with SNS-244 which is a sponsor fungicide, to rid it. Also I'd recommend starting to get preventatives onto your surrounding plants. I would go with Bush Doctor Microbe Brew, it works as a preventative, when foliar fed.

Or attempt to cut that entire portion of that plant again, then preventative.

Or cut down early, as you mentioned and salvage what is left for hash etc.

Fortunately I have some of the SNS-244. I got it for powder mold. I'll give it a squirt or two and keep an eye on it.
I heard some growers use a milk mix for this. Search threads for fungus cure or similar.
Re: Kinda urgent/need advice about budrot UPDATE

It appears that my problem isn't a fungal bud rot at all. Upon further investigation I discovered a small caterpillar in each brown bud. So, perhaps after pulling off the worms that I can find and spraying with sevin, I may be alright. Sevin is okay for edibles so, it'll have to be good for smokables. It's at least a few more weeks until harvest so, I'm good.

Here's one of the little buggers.



This thing is exactly 2 cm long.
What you've got there looks a lot like a Tobacco Budworm...

Time for some BT, and quick like.

Bacillus thurigensis.

Should find it almost any nursery, Home Depot, Lowe's, etc.,.....
Tecumseh said:
It appears that my problem isn't a fungal bud rot at all. Upon further investigation I discovered a small caterpillar in each brown bud. So, perhaps after pulling off the worms that I can find and spraying with sevin, I may be alright. Sevin is okay for edibles so, it'll have to be good for smokables. It's at least a few more weeks until harvest so, I'm good.

Here's one of the little buggers.

This thing is exactly 2 cm long.

I was going suggest this as a more likely cause after viewing your opening post.

HigherDrifter has got ya covered with his advice! I believe one brand is called AZAMAX by General Hydroponics.

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I was going suggest this as a more likely cause after viewing your opening post.

HigherDrifter has got ya covered with his advice! I believe one brand is called AZAMAX by General Hydroponics.

Sent from my iPod touch using Forum Runner

:thanks:Thank you. :thanks:
That'll give me something to look for. I would hate to have to try to read dozens of ingredient labels to find a particular bacteria. My eyesight is not what it was and I've not been without it long enough to be used to taking glasses with me every time I go out. (damn that was a long sentence. I must be high)
:thanks:Thank you. :thanks:
That'll give me something to look for. I would hate to have to try to read dozens of ingredient labels to find a particular bacteria. My eyesight is not what it was and I've not been without it long enough to be used to taking glasses with me every time I go out. (damn that was a long sentence. I must be high)

I'm not sure if Azamax is exactly the same thing that he was referring to or not. I just know that one of my buddies on here is dealing with a worm infestation in his buds too and Azamax is what his local shop recommended he use to get rid of them. :)
Is there a brand name I should look for?

The brand that I used is called 'Safer' and they call it "Caterpillar Killer". I reckon there are a number of different brands that use BT as the base. Looking at products aimed specifically at controlling caterpillars and such should help narrow your search down.
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