Kali Mist CFL Scrog Grow Journal


New Member
Hi everyone and welcome to my first real cannabis grow ever! I will be growing 2 of Attitudes Serious Seeds Critical Kali Mist. My Setup consists of a Stealth grow cabinet that I built, which measures 48"L X 12"W X 42"H. It has 3 compartments, starting with the top left which is my Utility/Cure Room with a 4" Suncourt Inline Exhaust fan rated at 80CFM on the side. The entire system is a passive negative pressure environment.


I built a carbon scrubber to mask the smell as I live in an apartment below a cop in NYC. (crazy I know)

For lighting I'm using Y Adapters, 10 CFL's (32w 2200 Lumen each [7,333 Lumens/sq ft.]) 2 slots will be dedicated to 6400 veg CFL's to help keep a balanced spectrum in the flowering phase. Currently I'm just using a few 6500k 30w cfls to veg.

For Soil I'm using Hampton's Estate Organic Professional Potting Mix, the Nutritional Values are .25-.10-.10. I decided on 2 gallon pots with my moveable scrog screen 8" above the soil. (Currently debating moving screen down to 6" or 7")

Kali Mist Day 1 - Sprouted 05/19/13

Kali Mist Day 3 - 05/21/13

Kali Mist Day 5 - 05/23/13 Plant #1 and #2

Excellent job on the DIY grow cabinet, very nice design. You definitely have done your research and I have high hopes for you and your first grow :) Be careful with the LEO upstairs, but that carbon scrubber you built is amazing!! very innovative grow!
It looks great u should do fine... onequestion the boards that hold ur lighting look to be very tight will the heat get trapped under and not be able to be pulled out by ur inline fan? Its hard to see exactly
It looks great u should do fine... onequestion the boards that hold ur lighting look to be very tight will the heat get trapped under and not be able to be pulled out by ur inline fan? Its hard to see exactly

Thanks, theres about 2" of space towards the back of the plywood, 1/2" around the sides, and 1" in the front. I'm also a bit concerned with heat once the summer starts warming up and will most likely have to upgrade the intake to a 165 CFM on a speed control. For now though temp is at 78F:cheesygrinsmiley:
Update - Special thanks to Icemud and Wizhigh's for bringing the GLR method to my attention. I have switched the plants from a 24/0 light schedule to the GLR method. Schedule is 12 hr's on 5 1/2 hr's off 1 hr on 5 1/2 hr's off.

Kali Mist Day 7 - 05/25/13

Kali Mist Day 8 - 05/26/13
nice micro set up. looks pretty decent ill deffinitly be checking back as u progress. i also got two little ones . Big Bang Auto. check me out we can go on this adventure together

Just read up on the strain, Sounds like a hell of a plant and a really exciting grow. Will check out what you have growing and Good luck
It's time for another update, the 2 plants are starting to pick up speed in their growth. Their both staying very short (Plant #1 is 1 1/2inch tall. Plant #2 is 2" tall. Both with tight inter node spacing. One thing that caught my attention is it appears like the side branching from the inter nodes started very early, I'm not sure if this is normal however I am very happy that it's branching out so early. :cheesygrinsmiley: Currently I'm watering with plain tap water that has been standing for 3 days to help rid the chemicals from that water. I'll begin fertilization in another week, with 1/4th strength using Miracle Grow 20-20-20 for veg, Unfortunately my funds are very low or else I'd be using

Sensi Grow A & B during veg

Sensi Bloom A n B during bloom

Big bud
Voodoo Juice
Bud Candy
Bud Blood

Hope the Miracle Grow isn't too bad though!

Here's a quick recap of whats been going on the past couple days with the girls.

Kali Mist Day 9 - 05/27/13


Kali Mist Day 10 - 05/28/13 Plant #1



Kali Mist Day 10 - 05/28/13 Plant #2


I may have went over board with the pics lol.:hmmmm:
If anyone knows how to rotate the pics, please share :cheesygrinsmiley:
The plants look very healthy but I noticed the first set of leaves are slightly curling upward, it looks benign. Should I be concerned? I figured the cause could be excessive air movement but most likely due to heat since CFL's are about 1" away or possibly light re-positioning. In any case all comments are welcome :cheesygrinsmiley:
Try to keep the lights about 2-4" away.

Some work in both soil and hydro some don't. Some have the same name but are medium specific--you just have to pay attention to the label. I believe everything you listed is from Advanced Nutrients and would be part of a larger feeding regiment. They make you buy a shit load of items to complete their "feeding schedule." They make good stuff it's just pricey.
you are probably seeing heat stress on your plant, i would back off the compact florescent lights to 5-6 inches. i use General Hydroponics Flora series nutrients, it is a 3 part grow formula. General Hydroponics has other products that can be used with it as well if you wish. if you wish to grow organic you could go with General Organics. several members on the forum use Blue Planet Nutrients as Corey is a member here and often responds to questions quickly. Jon705 was given a coupon code "led grow". one product i am interested in but do not have yet is Snowstorm Ultra a bloom enhancer.

https://generalhydroponics.com general organics

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