Hyena's Never-Ending Adventures In Growing

Your's look great btw! I have some DJ short Blueberry x Obama Kush going right now. They are from DJ shorts son JD. His company is called second generation genetics
Your's look great btw! I have some DJ short Blueberry x Obama Kush going right now. They are from DJ shorts son JD. His company is called second generation genetics

I love it. Yes, I have always heard of the overall appeal of Blueberry and it was high time to grow some.

We are only beginning to flower so the photos will be very interesting by Christmas.

And of course, the buzz... :Rasta:

Peace, Hyena
Hello, and it's PROJECT 26 UPDATE time!

We're bloomin'!


Yes, going nuts fast in here.

The smell is becoming very nice too.

Huge bushes now, filling in every direction...


Stretchy girls, those Anmesias...


Everyone else seems to have leveled off, this must be a really tall pheno. The colas could be very nice indeed.

Meanwhile, the Blueberry girls on the left are bulking at a fantastic rate...


Something about this light, it's really focused and I can only surmise the additional intensity is the reason this little bunch is so amazingly lush. I tried spreading them out some, but there's lots of competition and I don't think it really helps. Yikes.

Even little Holy Grail (whom we shall rename Tiny Tim for the duration of the holiday season) is starting to fatten up like a little Christmas goose...


Won't be much but it will be tasty!

I hope everyone has a great weekend and gets their Thanksgiving shopping done early. It's going to suck trying to check out on Wednesday, folks...get going, you stoners!

Peace, Hyena
Looking mighty mighty fine!! Hope u n ur family a very Happy Thanksgiving!! Looking forward to the next update. Gonna b some fantastic pics really soon coming out of the secret attic!!
Looking mighty mighty fine!! Hope u n ur family a very Happy Thanksgiving!! Looking forward to the next update. Gonna b some fantastic pics really soon coming out of the secret attic!!

Same to you bro.

Yeah, it's getting to be picture time and that is very exciting to me, almost as exciting as smoking the shit.

I'm doing about 3 updates a week from now on so stay tuned and don't eat too much...!

Peace, Hyena
Winter seems to be coming fast...that's probably why the Monday PROJECT 26 UPDATE is so frosty!

It's getting hard to open the door.


Buds a bustin', mainly due to ideal temperatures I think.

Oh yeah!

Now for some very early bud porn...


The big news is I'm loving all the trichs on the fan leaves. This is consistent across all 5 varieties in the grow.

I'm getting more frost earlier than ever before and I think I can correlate it to the temperature being lower than other grows, especially since previous grows that showed similar levels this fast also enjoyed temps that never exceeded 75 degrees through the entire flowering period. Humidity stays in the 40s and the entire biomass is transpiring about 5 gallons per day.

Another control is I have grown the Blue Hyenas before so I can confirm the leaf frostation is much improved over the last grow where the flowering took place in extremely hot conditions that often hit 95 F. That grow resulted in zero leaf frost even though the buds developed fully and were potent. The biggest negative was the absence of tasty terpenes and everything tasted like shit and had to be used entirely for concentrates. Fail.

That's not why I do this...I want lots of frosty buds in exotic varieties for my personal consumption and exquisite enjoyment, not a bunch of shatter because I'm honestly just not into it. For me, it's too strong and the buzz is too dysfunctional. When I get high I like to at least believe I'm getting something done.

I'm even getting nice early sugar down in the darker middle where the nodes are bursting all the way up and down


The Amnesias are quite fluffy with very long and thick pistils


The one surprise is the Jack Herrer...maybe the strain is out of gas or something but all 4 are pretty average in stature and not flowering quite as vigorously as some of the other varieties though I'm not worried or anything like that...just interested to see the differences between different varieties I've never grown before and taking lots of mental notes. I'm pretty confident in the end the Herrer will blow my expectations away. Weed does that.

My wifey has a conference call for work every Monday morning so I get a predictable (and oh-so-precious!) half-hour with my girls in the secret lab, and even though it's madly dangerous to go up there when she's home I know she won't come out of her office so I risk it. It's by far the longest I spend with them on a weekly basis because I usually allow five minutes, no more. That fanaticism about not being in the grow chamber unless I absolutely have to has paid off in zero diseases or pests for over two years and five grows. I have dealt with mites and certain funguses long ago in my early years and if you have those problems it's simply too late...no matter how you deal with them your grow has been compromised, reduced, and even damaged in some ways compared to never having those setbacks.

So for some reason I chose to take the ultimate risk today. I refilled my two extra reservoirs.

To do this I have to lower a hose and manually connect it to the sink in our laundry room, and obvious bust if my wife or daughter were ever to walk downstairs into the main level of our home. There would just be a big fat hose hanging from the garage door. Unexplainable. Game over.

Heart pounding, I unrolled the hose and hooked it up, then sprinted back up the ladder into the depths of the attic to fill one then another with about 50 total gallons of precious fresh H2O. It takes less than seven minutes but it seems like a year as I simply have to stand there and wait for death to come down the stairs and end all my wonderful secret fun...


She didn't. I shut the spigot and swiftly rolled up the hose and tucked it away in the attic, out of sight. Breathing heavily like I just ran a mile. Shit, that was as exciting as a skydive.

I don't risk that very often...I would give anything to run a permanent water supply to my laboratory of green delights but there's simply no unobtrusive way, any option would reveal my activities and that would be the end because plumbing modifications are a big tell and my wife would never accept a pot farm being fifteen feet over her head if she knew about it.

So we're good on gas for at least another week +.

Thanksgiving is a big deal since we host both families and I'm quite a chef so it falls to Daddy to make everything for 20 people. It's a lot of work but I love it like Martha Stewart...or maybe more like Paula Deen...I'm a jovial kind of guy and Martha seems kind of bitchy. But you get it.

Off to the store. See ya.

Peace, Hyena
High H.M.,

Yes, you are, lol. Beautiful ladies in your minifarm. Frosty early, looks like. My ladies don't frost up until the cold nights prevail in the fall, but yours are frosting very nicely!

Oh, btw, how are the buds coming along where you mounted the side light? Very impressive, all in all! Reps to you again.
High H.M.,

Yes, you are, lol. Beautiful ladies in your minifarm. Frosty early, looks like. My ladies don't frost up until the cold nights prevail in the fall, but yours are frosting very nicely!

Oh, btw, how are the buds coming along where you mounted the side light? Very impressive, all in all! Reps to you again.

Thanks Bode!

I'm wondering if a big swing in temperature daily is also enhancing the frostation...I have been letting things get down to the very low 60s during lights out, maybe that's a reason...who knows but I love the early indications!

The sidelight is absolutely making a difference over there...


I'm getting lots of these and the plants are all responding and turning towards the new light source. The other side also has Jack Herrer so I'm able to accurately compare the two sides...and the one with the aux light bank is way ahead already after just a couple weeks.

Thanks for the reps bro...you are very kind.

Peace, Hyena
Happy Tuesday!

I got a few minutes with my secret girls this morning and took some pics...


Care to come in and smell the air? It's getting fragrant, baby!

Trich city


I want dat!

The Blueberry is still the star in here, what a hypnotic beauty she has...


The advent of LED lights has created a fabulous opportunity to play with colors.

The temps are falling to the upper 20s outside at night now...this little heater has a thermostat and I set it to just kick in when things get cool.


It maintains things in the low 70s when lights are on, low 60s during lights out. I was a little nervous about an unattended heater up there 24/7 but it was an unnecessary fear. This solution keeps everyone happy...automatically.

Cleaning the house today, getting ready to be the chef tomorrow for about 20 people. I will make a 22 pound turkey, a 12 pound ham, seven side dishes and two pies. But all the while I will be thinking about what's cooking up in the secret attic garden...right over everybody's heads.

And smiling. :drool:

Peace, Hyena
Hey hyena

I use a heater in my tent due to it being freezing just be on my insulating job. I use a oil filled radiation heater and i have my oslatating fan next to it. I was worried about using the other style heaters and a focused spot of hot air blowing, but you should be okay as you have some space.
High H.M.

You're right about the Blue Dream being "dreamy looking"! You are the master photographer (and budmaster) to make them look like that. Awesome grow!
High H.M.

You're right about the Blue Dream being "dreamy looking"! You are the master photographer (and budmaster) to make them look like that. Awesome grow!

THANKS Bode...really cool of you to say that.

There is beauty in everything...photography, to me, is the art of finding it.

And there's nothing more beautiful than flowers. :love:

Peace, Hyena
A Friday report...

First, Thanksgiving was awesome. Hope yours was too.

But the bounty on my table didn't compare to the bountiful beauty in my lab!


I think this could legitimately now be described as a pot farm...

Side note: you can supercrop leaves...this one was done 5 days ago and still retains function. Not sure if I'm persnickety enough to want to do that much but it proves it's feasible.


I think this crop will taste very good when all is said and done...


These shots are from yesterday when I replenished and rebalanced the reservoir. I won't be going in there today even though right now the coast is clear. I'm not even going in there until Sunday...it's very self-indulgent to visit your grow room unless you actually need to. The truth is it isn't good for your plants. We all do it because we love our little babies but every time you go in there you risk changing things and they simply do best when left alone. I'd love to just lay around and cuddle with my girls but it's a no-no and one must maintain discipline.

Plus it doesn't pay to get too emotionally attached to anyone or anything you plan to kill... :rip:

See you Sunday. Keep 'em growing people!

Peace, Hyena
A Friday report...

First, Thanksgiving was awesome. Hope yours was too.

But the bounty on my table didn't compare to the bountiful beauty in my lab!


I think this could legitimately now be described as a pot farm...

Side note: you can supercrop leaves...this one was done 5 days ago and still retains function. Not sure if I'm persnickety enough to want to do that much but it proves it's feasible.


I think this crop will taste very good when all is said and done...


These shots are from yesterday when I replenished and rebalanced the reservoir. I won't be going in there today even though right now the coast is clear. I'm not even going in there until Sunday...it's very self-indulgent to visit your grow room unless you actually need to. The truth is it isn't good for your plants. We all do it because we love our little babies but every time you go in there you risk changing things and they simply do best when left alone. I'd love to just lay around and cuddle with my girls but it's a no-no and one must maintain discipline.

Plus it doesn't pay to get too emotionally attached to anyone or anything you plan to kill... :rip:

See you Sunday. Keep 'em growing people!

Peace, Hyena

Whoa. Just whoa
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