How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

This is what I was looking at. Would this work?
Yes, in theory. The pictured set-up is VERY primitive! (stockpot with paper clips?)
Careful to not overheat near last 20% vap. Alcohol boils rapidly at 150, look out!
Keep temp low (min) throughout, oil may thicken rapidly and be hard to collect efficiently from the large area bottom.
Remove while able to pour well.
Decarboxilate (heat to 240 but not over 250) the oil in a much smaller stainless cup (i.e. measuring) until surface action ceases.
Feel well.
Yes, in theory. The pictured set-up is VERY primitive! (stockpot with paper clips?)
Careful to not overheat near last 20% vap.
Keep temp low (min) throughout, oil will thicken rapidly and be hard to collect efficiently from the large area bottom.
Remove while able to pour well.
Decarboxilate (heat to 240 but not over 250) the oil in a much smaller stainless cup (i.e. measuring) until surface action ceases.
Feel well.

I would be happy if I got 80% back. :peace:
That's what you can expect with a good set-up. Not the one pictured IMHO. I would at least use a pressure cooker in order to contain the alc vap.

Others know more than I. Please give us any help you can. Thanks!
OMG!!!! I am so HAPPY to see you back! Was really concerned and praying all was okay.

You made my day and I'm sure others feel the same!


Edit: When you have time please update on what you can. Are you currently on the oil?

What my Sista said..............I'm glad your doing good Budnoob3, please give an update on how you are doing and how you have been doing it, okay? Thank you & glad to hear your doing good. :Namaste::love::circle-of-love::thumb::cheer::bravo::high-five:
Hello to all!

My Red Poison auto looks to be a week or so from chop. Pretty red leaves and buds. She is about 3' tall and has many branches. Grew one in 2014 and they look to be similar in color. They turn nearly black after drying. Looking forward to her oil.

Wild Thailand Ryder auto looks to be about a month away. She is building buds and is very bushy. Never saw a sativa growing and I noticed that her flowers are very different from the RedPoison. And she is also different from the Fast and Vast autos from my spring harvest. Can't wait to try her oil.

The best to everyone. :circle-of-love:

Hey WildJim, good luck on your chop & 710. I'm feeling a little upside down & backwards. :cheesygrinsmiley::drool:
Hey Jim! Good to hear ya got a good grow going (say that 3X fast).
Post some pics, you can use my journal.
It's gonna make pretty oil I bet. Winterize it good & it'll come out pinkish.
Stay in touch...!
I took the leap and today is day 1 of daytime tacking.... I also ordered everything I need to make my own meds going forward...:yahoo:....:circle-of-love:

Congratulations Dennise :cheer::bravo::high-five::thumb::love: Stay with it and keep us updated on how you are feeling. What do you plan on using for your daytime & night time oil?
Well I kinda feel like the good Lord put enough blocks for me to stumble over to make me pay attention and with the last blessing.... I was kinda hit between the eyes and finally realized all I have to do is reach out and grab it.... and needless to say... the most amazing people were placed in my path along the way to guide me... How awesome is this..:confused:....:yahoo:....:circle-of-love:
I would be happy if I got 80% back. :peace:

I just finished a run with 100g of Vanilla Kush (approx 14g of oil produced). I used 4L of alcohol, of which 500ml absorbed into the herb and the coffee filters. So I then had 3.5L, of which I reclaimed 3.1L (which is just under 90%) using my column still (quite different from the one pictured earlier). Possibly could have gotten a little bit more but didn't want to ruin the batch.

I have some experience with using the still before this though as I made my own 93% ethanol to use as I couldn't purchase it easily. If you're making oil on a regular basis then I would recommend looking into using a still.
I just finished a run with 100g of Vanilla Kush (approx 14g of oil produced). I used 4L of alcohol, of which 500ml absorbed into the herb and the coffee filters. So I then had 3.5L, of which I reclaimed 3.1L (which is just under 90%) using my column still (quite different from the one pictured earlier). Possibly could have gotten a little bit more but didn't want to ruin the batch.

I have some experience with using the still before this though as I made my own 93% ethanol to use as I couldn't purchase it easily. If you're making oil on a regular basis then I would recommend looking into using a still.

Not to get into a long discussion where not appropriate, but would a $500-600 still such as sold at pure distilling be about the right level of price/performance for making oil for one person?
Not to get into a long discussion where not appropriate, but would a $500-600 still such as sold at pure distilling be about the right level of price/performance for making oil for one person?

It would be, but you could get away with a cheaper option. I have a reflux column/still, which I use to make the 93% alcohol. Then I turn it into a pot still when I'm making the oil (just by removing the packing material and not using the reflux cooling section). Column/still and boiler (30 litres) cost me about $400. Check ebay or your local classifieds for second hand kits as it's a hobby that a lot of people start then stop, so you'll probably be able to pick something up second hand for even less.

Actually, I did also make a second, smaller boiler that I use when making the oil. It's only about 8L, and works like a double-boiler, partly so the temps don't get too high and boil off too much alcohol too quickly. It was a bit of a long process to get it right, as I was just using parts that weren't designed to go together, and it has to have a perfect seal (between the lid and the holding container/boiler) or you lose your evaporating alcohol where the air leaks out.

Since then though, I've seen 5L boilers available which would have been perfect...

If you're got any questions you can PM me Radogast.
It would be, but you could get away with a cheaper option. I have a reflux column/still, which I use to make the 93% alcohol. Then I turn it into a pot still when I'm making the oil (just by removing the packing material and not using the reflux cooling section). Column/still and boiler (30 litres) cost me about $400. Check ebay or your local classifieds for second hand kits as it's a hobby that a lot of people start then stop, so you'll probably be able to pick something up second hand for even less.

Actually, I did also make a second, smaller boiler that I use when making the oil. It's only about 8L, and works like a double-boiler, partly so the temps don't get too high and boil off too much alcohol too quickly. It was a bit of a long process to get it right, as I was just using parts that weren't designed to go together, and it has to have a perfect seal (between the lid and the holding container/boiler) or you lose your evaporating alcohol where the air leaks out.

Since then though, I've seen 5L boilers available which would have been perfect...

If you're got any questions you can PM me Radogast.

Thanks for the answer. I blogged it for later. It looks like it has to be later.
The wife is doing fine with bud, the bud supply is growing good, but it's time to start salting away money to be able to pay for heating oil this winter.

I appreciate your voice of experience :) :thumb:
Hello All!

I just wanted to share my story about how well the oil has worked.
My Mother was diagnosed with stage 3 bladder and stage 2 lung cancer, and after almost losing her to the normal cancer treatments, thee radiation and chemo made her kidneys fail and she had to undergo 5 blood transfusions..

Once I had her out of the hospital, I told her she needed to try it.. She was so run down she couldn't eat or keep anything down.. She didn't want to believe me that oil would help.. She has been anti cannabis her entire life as well as my father due to the endless brainwashing and propaganda campaign's.

1st I found testimonies she could watch and then I dug up all the info I could.. I ordered 1gr of CBD based rso oil to help her, this was 90$ a gram from my local dispensary.

After just an hour or so she was feeling a bit better, and after 72 hours, well I don't think anyone would have thought she even had cancer! She was up and about, eating and drinking! I was even stunned..

So I ordered her some suckers that were CBD/THC to get her used to the THC side a bit, and even when she was back in the hospital for procedure's she would take her suckers, and the hospital was none the wiser..

Then I bumped her to CBD/THC oil and then FINIALLY I used this thread and had enough material I had grown to make oil for her :)
The 1st batch I used was a mix of CBD/THC pineapple/plat bubba and I made a solid THC one using an OG I grew..

So while she was medicating for roughly a month, she could not undergo any chemo or radiation because her cell counts were too low, once they were up, they did a CT scan to see if it was even worth continuing treatment, as the cancer was very aggressive and they were afraid it would have spread..

Once the scan results came back, the doctors were just standing dumfounded, didn't know what to say.. Except that her bladder cancer was GONE!! yes Thank You Lord!! GONE!!! GONE!!! GONE!! Her Lung Cancer had reduced to just a small tumor..

her oncologist was in tears, they had initially wanted to remove the bladder entirely, now she just had her check where they opened her up to inspect the bladder and everything is good!! yes I am still so stunned, stunned is a good word to describe me right now that and humbled beyond words.

The entire time she hasn't even stopped smoking CIGARETTES, WTH!!! I swear when I see her smoking, I want to slap them out of her hand, but here RSO oil is STILL KILLING CANCER, while she continues to smoke.. WTF! seriously.. if she would have quit I bet she would be entirely cancer free!! But some people just cant learn, but I wont stop working on her..

So how does it work? I did much research on this as well, and the following quick video explains it better than I ever could :) So THANK YOU 420 MAG!!! without you, I couldn't have done it and come this far.. :Namaste:

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