How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Here are the steps from that site

I prefer to do the decarb on the extracted oil rather than on the bud. This way I'm raising the temp of the oil to 250F for about a half hour or until the decarb bubbles have slowed to very few. There can't be more than a few ppm of ISO left or when I make a bowl of oil I can't smell ISO and the human nose can smell it at 11ppm.

130g of fresh RSO after decarb. That was not cleaned up or winterized so not really potent but a rice grain sized blob can kick a heavy toker's ass.


Another time saving tip is instead of filtering the wash right away just pour it through a fine strainer into bottles or whatever then let it sit for 24 hours or more so all the fines settle to the bottom. Then decant it carefully into other bottles leaving the fine sludge behind. Then it will easily run through a coffee filter without the filter getting all coated with sludge and slowing everything down. I'm going to be doing gallons of this stuff as soon as we get some snow. Warmed right up here in northern Alberta and everything is brown. +8C and windy as hell today tho nice and sunny.

I do plan to clean up the oil I'll be making in the future. Good info in that 2nd link I posted earlier.

:peace: is where the treasure of working cannabis medicine is kept.

I'm well aware of that. I was here under another name at one time with over 10,000 posts before being reincarnated as OMU.

I'm more into reviving my old hobbies of building rods and tying flies these days than pot related subjects. After 50+ years of dealing with pot related pursuits it's time to mix things up a bit. Will get me outside and moving around more and I need lots of that.

Hey @94xjjohn check out this page. Basically my method of separation but using n-Hexane as the hydrocarbon solvent. That stuff is used to extract cooking oils etc in the food industry that millions eat every day. This is a great site for all things cannibus and more. GrayWolf has been around for ages.

All sorts of good articles at that site about doing all sorts of stuff with kitchen gear and DIY stuff.

I'm well aware of that. I was here under another name at one time with over 10,000 posts before being reincarnated as OMU.

I'm more into reviving my old hobbies of building rods and tying flies these days than pot related subjects. After 50+ years of dealing with pot related pursuits it's time to mix things up a bit. Will get me outside and moving around more and I need lots of that.

This is my only account at I am not a member of other sites. In 2008 I was diagnosed as a stage 4 condition and offered opiates for palliative care which began a journey of faith to a treatment and find the cure. I have both experienced paraplegic and a tetraplegic injuries and prognosis was not positive. I live in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada where we have outstanding healers who practice medicine where it is my liberty to use cannabis as medicine and have had a miracle occur in my life. I am a tetraplegic who walk unassisted who uses cannabis as medicine. I live my life public ally and am listed the white pages telephone book.

When Rick Simpson no longer runs from the cure to phoenix tears contact and I will have a press conference on working cannabis medicine and embrace the cure together.
Personally and from many articles I've read over the years CCO is too pure and lacks many of the terpenes and other plant components that contribute to the 'entourage' effect.

We lost a good friend to breast cancer just a year ago who was taking a gram a day of RSO. Her hubby would measure out the dose on a spoon then she would have a shot of MCT oil to hold in her mouth with the spoon of oil and swish it around until the spoon was clean. Don't know how she did it as that stuff tastes nasty as hell. I gave them 2oz of mine.

She had a one-side mastectomy but refused any further treatment so was dropped by her doc. Found a new doc a year or so later but was too far gone by then. I counselled her to get some chemo but she was having none of it. Her and her hubby are/were both anti-vaxxers and very deep into conspiracy theory crap. When I make the 2 hour drive to the city and visit him I have to be careful not to get him going so avoid certain topics of conversation. Love the guy but he should move south to become a proper MAGAt. :D

There's a lot of new research coming out that oil that hasn't been decarbed and has a good level of CBD in it is more effective for various types of cancer. Without the decarb much higher doses of THC can be tolerated too so the oils I plan to make soon will have a mix of non-decarbed and decarbed with plenty of CBD to try to cover all the bases.

My wife is being investigated for cancer in her endocrine system and we're hoping it's no her last adrenal gland as she had one removed about 15 years ago that was supposed to be benign but we found out 12 years after the surgery it turned out to be malignant. Can't survive without one of those.

My SIL has had all of the medical procedures and medicines they have, including the mastectomy over the last three years. The last attempt was an experimental try with Keytruda, which put it into remission again, but it's back now and her prognosis is extremely poor. They are now going to do experimental treatments in desperation to maybe pull the right card from the deck that wins the hand.

I learned yesterday that they bought the RSO at a local dispensary, and she was instructed to put a rice size drop on a cookie or something and ingest it.

I don't know where the rso was made or what the process is. I do know they are paying a substantially high price for it, and they can ill afford that. I prodded him a bit about that, and he got a bit defensive. I chose to let it go, and just move forward.

She doesn't want to get high, at all...ever. But, after all of this her negativity about marijuana in general has subsided and she's willing to try anything.

So, we will work together and try.

Thank you for your response. :)
This is my only account at I am not a member of other sites. In 2008 I was diagnosed as a stage 4 condition and offered opiates for palliative care which began a journey of faith to a treatment and find the cure. I have both experienced paraplegic and a tetraplegic injuries and prognosis was not positive. I live in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada where we have outstanding healers who practice medicine where it is my liberty to use cannabis as medicine and have had a miracle occur in my life. I am a tetraplegic who walk unassisted who uses cannabis as medicine. I live my life public ally and am listed the white pages telephone book.

When Rick Simpson no longer runs from the cure to phoenix tears contact and I will have a press conference on working cannabis medicine and embrace the cure together.

Sorry to hear about your health issues. We've been dealing with plenty of our own but not as serious yet. Still not sure what's gong on with the wife but she had a malignant adrenal gland removed about 15 years ago then tumours on her liver we treated with my RSO successfully. For me mostly arthritis and a swollen prostate I've reduced in size with various vitamin, minerals and herbal substances including pot oil. A little diverticulitis to keep it interesting but that's under control now too.

From last I hear Rick is still hiding out in Spain or somewhere that way. He was a real pioneer for the cause and his crude oil saved many lives. Like everything else improvements are made as knowledge is gained.

Here in Canada they raised the stakes for making oils from organic solvents including ethanol to a max of 14 years in the Greybar Hotel when they 'legalized' pot in 2018 so screw them and their 'legal' pot BS. I've never bought a legal bud yet.

To think that a minute bit of solvent other than ethanol will cause any harm after all the toxic shit people go thru at the hands of professionals is overstating the danger many fold.

If you don't want it then don't do it. I'm that way about many so-called things in our processed foods like high fructose corn syrup. In Canada here it's on the ingredients labels as glucose-fructose so they can hide it from the ignorant masses. Looking at how massive those masses are it's obvious they don't know what they are eating nor do they care.

Each to their own.

Rick Simpson's limitation with RSO is his understanding of complex chemistry involved. You have an understanding of the steps using 420Motoco outlined process, how far are you today from changing over to a new understanding on creating Concentrated Cannabis Oil?
Rick Simpson's limitation with RSO is his understanding of complex chemistry involved. You have an understanding of the steps using 420Motoco outlined process, how far are you today from changing over to a new understanding on creating Concentrated Cannabis Oil?

I don't recall reading up on 420Motoco's process. If you have a link I'll check it out but not tonight as I'm thinking a couple hits in the pipe and I'm off to bed. I'm reading Sir Richard Burton's, The Erotic Traveller and I'm at Chapter 5, America.

I'll have to review a bunch of new methods before doing up the few pounds of pot waiting in the freezer.

A big reason I avoid ethanol is I'm a non-practising alcoholic sober for 2 and half years after microdosing with 'shrooms to get rid of the chronic depression PTSD I've suffered since my 20s after a near fatal hammer attack. It worked for me. I don't think the depression is fully gone but at a very low ebb now and I'm once again happy to be alive. 5 months after starting with 'shrooms I just stopped drinking. Was a once a month 3 day binge drinker at that point. Bottle of everclear did the trick and left me sick for weeks. The wife has bottles of home made vanilla extract in the cupboard and I'm never tempted to drink that so maybe I'd be OK with everclear around the house but not really wanting to risk it.

I don't recall reading up on 420Motoco's process. If you have a link I'll check it out but not tonight as I'm thinking a couple hits in the pipe and I'm off to bed. I'm reading Sir Richard Burton's, The Erotic Traveller and I'm at Chapter 5, America.

I'll have to review a bunch of new methods before doing up the few pounds of pot waiting in the freezer.

A big reason I avoid ethanol is I'm a non-practising alcoholic sober for 2 and half years after microdosing with 'shrooms to get rid of the chronic depression PTSD I've suffered since my 20s after a near fatal hammer attack. It worked for me. I don't think the depression is fully gone but at a very low ebb now and I'm once again happy to be alive. 5 months after starting with 'shrooms I just stopped drinking. Was a once a month 3 day binge drinker at that point. Bottle of everclear did the trick and left me sick for weeks. The wife has bottles of home made vanilla extract in the cupboard and I'm never tempted to drink that so maybe I'd be OK with everclear around the house but not really wanting to risk it.

The link is the first page of this thread or in my signature.

Your concern is understandable it is a matter of your personal comfort level working with any intoxicant. When you are comfortable we can go over the process Tim outlines in

Making Concentrated Cannabis Oil Extract:

Here is a list of compatible equipment for the different methods

Material List for Making Concentrated Cannabis Oil Extract

I'm staying up too damn late again but oh well.

I reviewed the procedure and the only significant difference to what I do is the choice of solvent and wasting all that alcohol by evaporating it off where I would run it through one of my 3 stills and recover it for future use. I figure I should be able to recover over 90% of my solvents whether ISO. naphtha or even ethanol if I used that. At $40+ for 750ml bottles of EverClear here I'd need a buttload of cash. I already have 20L of fresh USP grade ISO plus another 10L of reclaimed ISO to be fractionally distilled over brine to clean it up. I won't need vacuum for that but have the glassware now to run vac and continuous feed of the solvent oil mix under vacuum to keep temps down so it doesn't decarb at all during processing. I will be using that as is for a lot of medicine. I haven't even set everything up as there is no good place to do that until I nuke this house and make some room.

I'll try and set it all up and get some pics soon. I had it set up but didn't have all the fittings in the same size so had to use adapters to make it all work. No vacuum or fractionating tower at the time either. I'll be filling that bowl with cheap canola oil for a heat source and got an 8" x 8" lab jack so i can adjust the depth of the oil around the 2L, 3-neck boiling ball by raising or lowering the hotplate and bowl full of canola oil. I used to have an electric heating mantle for a 2L boiling ball but can't find it anywhere.


For quick, small batches.


Getting some naphtha in the 12L pot still. Can dump all the used pot in that still and heat it enough to cook the ISO out of it and get that back as well. I filled the still right up with 3 cans of that stuff and kept the lowest bp stuff separate for more cleaning and use. Had to make gaskets out of solvent resistant gasket material from the auto parts store. The silicon ones it has swell up with naphtha like the countertop still does so I can't use naphtha in that at all. A test run popped the gasket out when it swelled up and solvent ran down the side. Was trying it outside on a steel table and had a fire extinguisher at hand. Lots of training in hazardous materials handling too.


You have proper equipment to produce Concentrated Cannabis Oil as medicine. When distilling the concentrate I would carefully monitor the temperature ethanol distills at and discard byproducts above safe limits.

In modern time access to safe authorized high proof ethanol is difficult and it is a factor of health only 190 proof 95% grain alcohol which is capable of extracting the necessary cannabinoids is everclear.

The only suitable ethanol of sufficient grade consumer accessible is everclear.
Hi folks, nice to see the gettogether here! I'm just looking to clean up some rosen to make into vape carts and found you. Glad I did! I tried contacting Sue again a moment ago, she may see things in a new light today I hope, who knows?

Winterizing rosen for filling vape carts. Worth it? I've noticed to add about 10 to 1 everclear to rosen, mix, freeze, separate and evaporate. Will that make for a nice clear vape oil? It's unclear from my reading. Maybe someone's been on that path before?
the oil is a carrier for the extracted cannabinoids. I can not comment.
Thank you anyway. I've recently made some fresh harvest oil with Olive oil as a carrier following SweetSue's method.
Just curious if you had any knowledge or opinion on how much the Olive oil extracts.

I found an article in the National Library of Medicine on this, but those abstracts have always given me a headache trying to understand.
Hey folks, I talked with SweetSue through email today and she says hi and misses it here. Also she's thinking of returning "sooner rather than later" ! I get the feeling maybe after she gets a few things done she'll be back. She's so SweetSue! I have my fingers crossed!
So happy to read that StoneOtter. Thanks so much for reaching out to her for us. :cheer:
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