
Well-Known Member
Hey Guys and Gals,
It's been a little while since I have been here actively posting. But I have been lurking when I have had the time. Last year was a trip here. With Covid and all the fires burning out of control, it was crazy. Hopefully all of you got through the big PITA Covid-19.

I probably should have started this long ago when I planted the first seeds late last year. But, over the winter, I did a little indoor farming to grow some of the seeds that I found in some of the plants. I only found 8 seeds, so I started a grow with those seeds as I found them. All of the seeds were from my EV (Enchanted Violence) plants I grew last year. I also purchased two Do si dos clones from my local dispensary. I did that because a couple of my seeds were found late, so I did not have time to make clones and attempt to flower them so I would know what sex they were. Those last two seeds are growing outdoors now and I have a feeling they are going to go male. So the Do so dos will give me all I need if that happens.

Since I only got one female out of the first 6 seeds I planted. I decided to take some cuttings from the one female and let them grow to maturity with one of the male plants. They are still growing, but will be harvested in two to three weeks. From what I can see, it looks like there will be about a bajillion seeds after I harvest them.

Lastly, I have take na few cuttings from one of the EV plants outside. I'm going to try to feminize seeds with colloidal silver. I've never done it before and if anyone knows a better way, I'm all ears.

So, On with the pics.
This first pic is all 7 of the plants I have growing


This one is seed #8. It was too late to try to flower it, so now it's outside. Only time will tell if it's male or female. But by looking at how it's growing, I'm gonna say it's another male :(


This is a pic of a clone I grew from seed #1. Seed # 1 was the one and only seed that went female in the tent.


This one is also a clone that came from seed #1


This one is also a clone that came from #1


This one I'm calling #9. I didn't really plant the seed. It just came up in one of the pots that was growing a EV last year. So I'm just gonna say that this one is also a EV.


This is one of the Di Si Dos that I purchased from my local dispensary. We'll see how she grows. But she looks really good at this point


This is also a Do Si Dos that I purchased from the same dispensary.


A while ago I just started calling the EV plants by their seed number. Kind of like The Umbrella Academy. Ha!! #1 was the only female so far. #2 was a male that was used to pollinate 4 of the #1's that I cloned. #3 was also male, so I chucked it. #4 , #5, #6 and #7 were also males and had to be disposed of. #8 and #9 still remain to be seen what they turn in to.
Todays update:
So, I've been watching #7 grow for a few weeks, and It's looking much different than any of the other EV's. I know it's an EV because it came out of an EV jar from last year. But it's getting really tall, really fast. The branches are much longer than the other EV's and the main stalk is much thicker than the other EV's. So I'm thinking that it might be male. I hope it's not, but it even looks a lot different from the EV males that I've gotten from the other seeds I planted. I'll post more on #7 as we get later into the season.

I should also add that this grow is being grown in old soil that has bee around for a few years. I just added some nutrients to it as well as some grass, weed and green food scraps. It seems to be working well.

For nutrients, I'm using
1.) Jacks Classic 20-20-20 for veg and I'll be switching to Jacks Classic 10-30-20 in the fall.
2.) Advanced Nutrients Cal-Mag
3.) SuperThrive

It's a super simple recipe that has worked well for me. It's also a lot cheaper and works just as good if not better than the Marijuana nutrients I used to by at my local hydro store. And I've tried many and even spent a ton of money a couple times.
Just a little update:
This is what I have going on in my little 3x3 tent. The plants that you see in there now are 4 #1's that I potted up and left them to grow with #2 which was male. It made quite a mess in the tent. There is pollen and pollen pods everywhere. I'm gonna have to take a little time to cleanup the tent this weekend. But the buds are chock full of seeds. I'm not sure how many I'll get, but they are several layers deep in each but, so probably in the hundreds. I didn't let them veg for long. Maybe 3 weeks or so, then I flipped them to 12-12. This was my first attempt at making seeds. I probably should have just harvested the pollen from #2 and then pollenated the #1's, but I figured that would be too much work. But this seemed to work, so I'm happy.

I currently have two tents running right now. One of them is the 3x3 that is growing 4 #1's for seeding. As you can see from the post above, the tent turned onto a complete mess. There was pollen and pods everywhere. Many of the pods are still stuck to the females in the tent. So, yesterday I took a little time to do some cleaning. All 4 plants were removed from the tent and everything was washed down thoroughly. It looks much better now and hopefully will hold up for the next few weeks until the seeds have matured.

I also took one of the smaller buds off and dried it last week. Below are the seeds that came out of the one tiny bud. The seeds on the left are what I consider to be good seeds and the seeds on the right look a little to green to be usable.

Below are pics of the before and after cleanup.

The cleanup on the 5x5 is done as well and is looking much nicer. The five potted plants are all males and will be pulled when I ma ready to plant the 4 females that are still in the clone box in the middle. These are all clones from #1 and one of them will be spayed with Colloidal Silver. Hopefully there will be enough male pods on it to pollinate the other three and make some feminized seeds. I've never done that before, so I'm hoping it works. If anyone here has experience in doing this, I'm all ears to any advice you may have.

Coming along nicely @HayStack

Sorry to hear about so many males.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Thanks for the reply. I'm not too worried about the high rate of males. Luckily I started the seeds last winter, so i had a lot of time to make more clones.

The only thing I'm a little worried about are the new clones that I will be using for seeds. I've never done this before. I think it will be fine, but only time will tell
A little update for today:
So far things are going well. The 3x3 is finishing off the buds full of seeds. Hopefully a week or two will finish them.

The female #1's are coming around. I put one of them in a pot today!

The outdoor grow is growing fast. I love what natural daylight does for plants. The only downside is that it's been cloudy in the morning everyday till around noon for the last few weeks. But the weather ways that will change starting tomorrow. All of the known females are starting to grow pistils.

Here they all are looking good

It's kind of hard to see,. But a few pistils are growing

The amount of growth in the last week is amazing.

Who knows what will become of the little one. But I potted it up yesterday and it's coming along nicely.
Can we talk about Colloidal Silver?
In my 5x5 I have 4 clones of #1. Out of the 9 seeds, this was the only female. So, I have continued to clone it to make more of this strain. It's a great strain and I would hate to lose it. Below is a pic of the 4 #1'a I have. My plan is to grow them for a month or so, the remove 3 of them and spray one with Colloidal Silver everyday. After spraying, I'll put the others back in the tent. The plan is to get these four plants to make some seeds, so I have some feminized seeds to plant for a few years or more.

So, my questions are.
1.) Has anyone done this before?
2.) Will this even work?
3.) Are there any potential problems I might have while growing them?

Any advice on this would be great. I've seen a few youtube videos on this, but they are not very good and with varying results. So, any advice would be much appreciated.
Wish i was of more substance on the matter. Ive only made regular seeds. Sure would like to se a response..
I hope someone who has done it will reply too. I've done some research on it, but there's not a whole lot on it.

When my current clones are ready, I'm going to do it. I'll be posting the grow here.
Im gonna try this too, with my kush cake she is three years old now.
Im just gonna do a low p.h. should do the trick.
I wish you luck and success. I'd like to see the results. This is all new to me, but I'm willing to give it a try.
Glad to see you are growing again this year! :popcorn:

Regarding reversing females to males, I've read a couple journals that discuss it. It seems @beez0404 (no relation to me :laughtwo: ) has had good success with it. Also here's a quick link to a post in ChefDGreen's journal discussing Colloidal Silver. Should give you at least a starting point for info, and some folks to follow up with.
Sunday Update:
One of the EV's seems to be a water hog. I gave all of the 1 gallon pots a gallon on Saturday morning and this morning I woke to this.

Since 1 gallon is as much as I can put in the pot before it starts to runoff, I put one of my pot saucers under the pot. Hopefully that will help retain some of the water on warmer days like we had on Saturday.
On with the update:
All of the outdoor plants are doing well and growing like crazy. All of the plants that I know are female have all begun to shop pistil growth. Now it's time to sit back and watch the fun of buds beginning to grow.

Here's all 7 of them. It's getting hard to get all of them in one pic now. This morning I finally got the green garden tape wrapped around all of the plants today. I've been putting that off for weeks now and they are getting big.

Pistils on all the girls!!

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