Freshen up a smelly bowl without cleaning it out?


New Member
hey, i've used the same color changing bowl for a long time and have worked up a solid layer of resin on the inside. the thing stinks to high heaven now and i was wondering if i could make it smell better without washing out all the color. any ideas?
hey, i've used the same color changing bowl for a long time and have worked up a solid layer of resin on the inside. the thing stinks to high heaven now and i was wondering if i could make it smell better without washing out all the color. any ideas?

I'm not positive but I believe the colour is right in the glass so cleaning shouldn't hurt it none. Maybe check out some sites that sell that type of pipe and see if there are any instructions for cleaning. I like my little metal pipe. 5 min with a tiger torch and I just blow out the ash and she's good to go.
The way color changing works is after the piece is mad they vaporize gold silver , or sometimes platnum, it is really just using the resin to darken the glass therefor showing bolder and more vibrant n noticsble patterns, so the less resin , the less color
The black background of the resin makes the gold/silver fume refract light differently, which makes it look color-changed.

If you don't want it to stank, you're just gonna need to clean it, which will make the color go back to how it was when you bought it :/

But you'll get to watch it change colors all over again! Plus, your bud will taste MUCH better!
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