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Looking good for day 13 from

Welcome to 420 Magazine @oldhead1123

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Much appreciated
Are they ready to be topped?
You could but i would wait for another node or two.
Not really just hoping I don't over water or not enough water
Even the most experienced can sometimes have issues with this part of the craft. I say let the plants talk to you. The leaves will tell you when it’s time to water. Also, get use to the weight of the pot with and without water so you have a good indication of water retention in the soil.
I wanna try Cinderella Jack
Your plants are looking great
I top at node 3 when there is enough stem for a clean cut
You could but i would wait for another node or two.

Even the most experienced can sometimes have issues with this part of the craft. I say let the plants talk to you. The leaves will tell you when it’s time to water. Also, get use to the weight of the pot with and without water so you have a good indication of water retention in the soil.
🙏 thank you
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