First Time Grow - LED - Advice Welcome!

The ufo LED light that you have is fine for right now, when your plants are larger they can benefit from more light. If you are able to give your plants a Metal Halide light bulb for vegetative growth you will get more growth then your ufo LED light. your magnetic ballast will most likely use 120volts x 9.5 amps =1140 watts of power. you can clean off your High Pressure Sodium light bulb with a clean paper towel and rubbing alcohol.
well im only growing one plant for now just to see if i can do it right, will the UFO be good enough for veg and flower? or should i just do the HPS and get it out of the way?
your ufo LED light will "be good enough" for vegetative growth and flowering. more light usually means more yield though. it all depends on how large you want your plant to be when you vegetate it and how large you wish your yield to be. if all your after is experience and a small yield then the ufo LED light will suffice.
hey thats all i want for my first few grows i mean it just me and my girlfriend so im just gonna practice with a few plants to get the cycle down and i really am a little nervous to do the HPS be cause for my light bill, i dont wanna jack it up too much, but you said the HPS gives off more heat as well right? i dont know, i just wanna do this right for the first few times like i said, after awhile i might hook up the HPS
hey thats all i want for my first few grows i mean it just me and my girlfriend so im just gonna practice with a few plants to get the cycle down and i really am a little nervous to do the HPS be cause for my light bill, i dont wanna jack it up too much, but you said the HPS gives off more heat as well right? i dont know, i just wanna do this right for the first few times like i said, after awhile i might hook up the HPS

HPS get hot. Very hot! And need to be 1 foot above canopy. I would stick with the led. Learn the art, then go for big buds :)
i totally agree thats what my plan is but ima totally hook up the HPS after a few cycles and today is day 9 from seed and it looks like its doing great ima post a picture in a min, so i can show you how its doing
or should i do LED for veg and then set up the HPS for flower? i would do the hps for the whole cycle im just worried about my light bill, so any advice on the whole light bill thing will help, if its not that much of a difference from the LED than i do it, if it a big difference i just stick with LED
new pics my girl took its day 10
i know it looks cool with the purple light, the watts are 135, but the HPS is 1140 total watts, i think or its just 1000 watts, im pretty sure its 1000
The bulb uses and puts out 1000W, the whole machine requires 1140w to operate. You know after reading everyone else posts and your new posts, I agree. Use the UFO for now, but make sure the HPS works. Get this grow under your belt, rock another one over winter and maybe you will be comfy enough and have some extra coins to throw at the second round of the project.

I have this bad habit of forgetting that not everyone who grow the good lady jane has experience gardening. Thats my bad. But have some fun, trust me you will, get the paranoia out and who knows, next spring you might start developing a green thumb. Gardening is a great stress relief and if done well can save money and get you great organic(or not) veggies and fruit.

Ps, they are looking good so far :) +Reps
thanx guys for the advice i think that yea, im going to stick with the UFO for a while and get a few cycles going then move on up, the bulb and everything works great
thank you and yea its actually funny to see the rapid growth...i cant wait my birthday is in 3 weeks and it will be a good one my parents are coming to visit me, im sooo amped, on both my parents and my growth
im so glad that im doing this and its working, not just working, but working very well.....i just wanna say thank you to everyone that is helping me along the way......J189, KJC, and SOLO you guys take my worry away cause i thought i was doing something wrong but i guess im doing good so far, today is day 12 and whoa, i love this gonna take some more pictures and upload them
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